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摘 要本文结合大量的国内外品牌名称翻译的具体例子,指出商品品牌的翻译在商业中的重要作用,同时探讨了国外知名品牌在进入中国市场时,英译汉时所采用的翻译技巧,即音译,意译和音译结合的方法。同时品牌名称在译成中文时要注意社会文化因素对品牌译名的影响,这些包括:中国的传统思想和价值观取向,中国传统文学和典故,消费者性别等。本文通过对具体的经典品牌名称翻译例子的分析,总结出结论:在翻译商品品牌名称时要遵循忠于商品,简单又要有创造性以及忠于源语等原则。关键词:品牌;翻译;价值观取向;消费者性别;源语ABSTRACTThis paper pointed out the importance of brand name translationin in commerce with a large number of specific examples. And studied the translation skills used by the tanslators while a foreign brand came into the Chinese market. These skills include phonetic translation, semantic translation and phonosemantic translation. Meanwhile, when doing the brand name translation, the translator must pay attention to the sociocultural factors which can affect the translation a lot.these facts mainly include Chinese traditional idea and value, traditional Chinese literature and literary allusions and consumer gender. Moreover, the paper also cited the brand name translation examples to come to the conclution that the translator needs to comply with the general principles such as to be faithful to the products, to be simple but creative, complying with the culture of source language. Keywords:brand name; translation; value; consumer gender; source languageContents1Introduction12Aim of Brand Translation23Methods of Foreign Brand Translation33.1 Phonetic translation33.2 Semantic translation33.3 Phonosemantic translation54Sociocultural Factors Affected Brand Name Translation74.1. Chinese traditional idea and value74.2. Traditional Chinese literature and literary allusions84.3. Consumer gender95General Principles of Brand Translation105.1 Exquisite Examples of Translation105.1.1 McDonalds: multiple meanings105.1.2 Coca Cola: perfect translation115.2. To be faithful to the products125.3. To be simple but creative125.4. To be colourful and imaginable125.5. Be complying with culture of source language126Conclusion13Acknowledgements14References151IntroductionWith the deepening of international division of labor and the reinforcement of global economic integration, the merchandise circulation between different countries have become much more frequently. International trading has been becoming an important power to boost the economic growth of every country in the world. As a symbol of a product, brand is the spokesman for the image of a company. Naming a product is one of the key decisions a marketer makes. A brand name is the foundation of the product, an asset to the company, and an important consumer cue. The name helps position the brand and adds value to the product. The translation of a brand not only plays an increasingly important role in the international marketing, but also a powerful weapon for companies to compete in the global market. The translation of a brand is not only a simple delivering of the word information, but also the concentration of the culture, so whether the translation of a brand is good or bad will directly affect the developing of the global market. A good name of a brand can give a deep impression to the customer and help the trade company won a place in the cut-throat marketing competition. The translation of a brand plays a prominent role on the sale out of the country. Just as the American Scholar Iris said: the good and bad of a brand translation will reflect millions dollars discrepancy on the sales achievement.2Aim of Brand TranslationThere are many scholars studying on the translation of brand names, most of them hold the opinions that a brand name mainly includes three components. 72 They are:i. the marketing componentii. the legal componentiii. the linguistic componentSo from these three components, we can see the brand name is quite important to the product. And one of the key decisions of a marketer makes is naming a product. Language localization of brand names requires the brand names translation. As a special way of cross-culture communication, the translation of foreign brand name must consider about the differences and the similarities between different languages and the culture. This paper mainly introduced the three basic translation skills concerning the selection of a good and powerful brand name: Phonetic translation, semantic translation and phonosemantic translation.3Methods of Foreign Brand Translation3.1 Phonetic translationThe phonetic translation skill means the selection of linguistic symbols in the foreign language that when pronounced; correspond as close as possible to the phonetic structure of the original name. Generally speaking the phonetic translation includes:First, the product is directly named by the name or family name of a person. For example, Ford(car) was translated as “福特” and Pierre Cardin as “皮尔卡丹”, the Chinese brand names are al
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