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In Our Own Homes- Working with older adults with moderate learning disabilities,Kathie Martin Care & Repair England,Introduction,Live in homes needing urgent repairs/adaptations. Have reached a point of crisis at home. Lack comprehension/behavioural difficulties affect ability to manage day to day life. Living in complex situations. Facing the likelihood of crises recurring in the future.,Why is it relevant to Staying Put?,Already- helping people with complex needs. Moral case older people falling between the gaps not LD priority- not OP sector priority? Policy Agenda move from focus on outputs to out comes. Business case L/A and NHS may be involved- haphazard and intrusive way. Positive models -Crisis support -help to meet expectations of transforming social care. Prevention/ homelessness /inappropriate residential care.i,The Challenges.,Improving support for older people with moderate disabilities living in mainstream -housing-skills -knowledge and funding. The potential impact of not providing support- *costs to statutory sector * Impact on the individual * Achieving the intended reform of adult social care.,National Context,Definition of the term learning disabilities A significant intellectual impairment (IQ of 50-69 = moderate LD, below 50 severe LD) and Deficits in social functioning or adaptive behaviour (basic everyday skills) and Which are present from childhood,National Context,How many people have learning disabilities? Not absolute, but figures from the main national epidemiological studies in the UK are: 580,000 1,750,000 people with moderate learning disabilities 230,000 350,000 people with severe learning disabilities,Moral Case,Learning Disability Sector focus is on younger people, rights based, integrated living agenda, resources go to those who are higher need or LD labelled, social rented sector and supported housing has voice, but not owner occupied sector Older Peoples Sector neglected issue,Business Case,Growing numbers of older people with LD Tenure shift to owner occupation Prevention rather than crisis intervention Targeting of resources at those most in need eg. SP Social rented supported housing options expensive,National Context,A study by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities concluded that: to meet the predicted increase in the ageing population amongst adults with learning difficulties the planning and development of learning disability services will need to increase capacity.,National Context,Consider implications of these major social changes for LD/ related provision: Increased life expectancy amongst people with moderate learning disabilities Increased owner occupation, especially amongst lower income households Economic link with moderate LD (not severe),National Context,LD sector focus on social rented/ supported housing provision SS focus on crisis and high need end of spectrum BUT - philosophy of LD sector is for inclusion in mainstream provision To take on issue and for potential role to be acknowledged?,Lessons learned,Early stages but: Demand is out there and can make a huge difference to lives of people who no-one else is helping and whose quality of life is very poor Services needed as priority to support people in complex situations Point of crisis or recurring crisis,Lessons learned,Learning about what help/ opportunities are out there for people with LD, especially to combat social isolation (one of main problems) Complimentary but ultimately different to general HIA caseworker job Co working across older peoples services/housing related support essential to deliver both preventative and sustainable support.,C&RE National Initiative,Raise profile of private sector/ older people related housing issues amongst LD and SS sectors Raise profile of moderate LD/ older people/ private sector housing issues in housing world successful local pilots Bristol Manchester Coventry.,C&RE National Initiative,Promote, encourage, support local pilots Produce national materials eg. leaflets produced with LD adults group, recruitment pack, fundraising information Facilitate cross sector working and joint learning/ training amongst providers,Sources of Information/ Advice,Housing Learning and Improvement Network: Guide to Range of Housing Options Enhancing Housing Choices www.icn.csip.org.uk Housing Options Service for People with LD: www.housingoptions.org.uk Respond Elders Project: 0808 080 0700 Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities: www.learningdisabilities.org.uk,Contact Details,infocareandrepair-england.org.uk www.careandrepair-england.org.uk,
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