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Test 8Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed it to be. Astronauts who are _1_ to go there in the next decade may find plenty _2_ water to slake (消除) their thirst.And with water present the _3_ of finding some sort of life on Mars are _4_ brighter.This is the view of 40 _5_ all over the world who have been analyzing _6_ of pictures and other scientific _7_ obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies.To begin with scientists thought the Red Planet was as _8_ as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy _9_. But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by _10_ glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground.In a report on the _11_ of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the US Geological Survey comments: I am _12_ theres lots of water on Mars. Any surface water will be in the _13_ of ice. But it could save explorers _14_ to take so much fresh _15_ with them.The report says _16_ Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages _17_ due to its axis having been more steeply tilted towards the Sun._18_ convincing signs of plant or animal life have been _19_ by instruments soft landed on Mars, _20_ only the immediate vicinity (靠近) of landing vehicles could be examined.1. A) expected B) hoped C) required D) eager2. A) to B) of C) more D) in3. A) chances B) openings C) occasions D) opportunities4. A) quite B) very C) much D) more5. A) biologists B) geologists C) sociologists D) psychologists6. A) lots B) quantities C) thousand D) thousands7. A) tidings B) news C) intelligence D) information8. A) peaceful B) quiet C) lifeless D) dead9. A) deserts B) mountains C) seas D) rivers10. A) energetic B) great C) massive D) mighty11. A) diagnosis B) syntheses C) analysis D) analyses12. A) convinced B) guaranteed C) believed D) proved13. A) appearance B) mould C) form D) shape14. A) taking B) having C) conveying D) carrying15. A) water B) ice C) food D) vegetable16. A) what B) if C) how D) that17. A) pass B) past C) ago D) before18. A) Not B) No C) Nor D) Never19. A) detected B) touched C) seen D) felt20. A) probably B) perhaps C) supposed D) althoughTest 8本文介绍了40位地质学家通过研究分析火星图片和机器人探测到的科学信息所得出的看法:火星不同于之前所认为的地形同月亮一样简单,相反它的地表地形多种多样,地质活动频繁,并且火星上可能有冰的存在,但是探测器没有发现生命存在的迹象。1. A. expect sb. to do sth.指“期待某人做某事”,常常用于被动语态,最符合本题题意。C)require sb. to do sth.意思是“命令某人做某事”,是正式用语,若用在这里显得语气过重,D)be eager to do指“渴望做某事”,不符合句意,B)hope 指“希望”,但是它不能用于宾语+不定式做宾补的格式,故A正确。2. B. plenty of是固定词组,指“足够的、大量的”,后面接不可数名词或者可数名词的复数形式,A) plenty to后接动词原形,实际上是不定式做定语修饰Plenty, C) plenty more是固定词组,意思是“还有许多”,但它所接名词如果在前面已出现过,则plenty more后面不应再重复,D)plenty in不是固定搭配。3. A. B) opening主要指“职位空缺,有利的环境”,C)occasion指“社交上从事某活动的合适时机”,A)chance和D)opportunities均指“做某事而必需的实际环境”,但chance还表示“可能性的程度”,故最佳选择为A)。4. C. 四个选项中,只有C)much可用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示比较的程度。5. B. geologists地质学家,A)biologists生物学家,C)sociologists社会学家,D)psychologists心理学家,根据上下文。研究火星的应该是地质学家。6. D. lots of 和quantities of均是“许多的、大量的”,但是用在这里不如thousands of(许许多多的,成千上万的)更形象具体,更加能够表达“极多、相当多”的意思,故选D。7. D. 尽管information和intelligence都有“消息、情报”的意思,且都是不可数名词,但科技情况或消息通常用scientific and technological information表达,而市场信息、军事情报等多用intelligence表示,本题句意为:这是40位地质学家的看法,他们一直在分析成千上万的火星图片和六、七十年代机器人探测到的科学信息。8. C. 根据上下文,这一段主要讲了科学家们起初以为火星上的地形同月球上一样单一而缺少变化,但实际上火星表面地形多种多样,地质运动相当活跃,lifeless意为“死气沉沉的、枯燥乏味的”,且与第二段的life形成对照,最符合文章内容。9. A. 这是一道判断推理题,据前文的dust storms和very sandy,可推知这里应选一个表“较荒凉、多风沙”的词,因此,答案为A)desert “沙漠”。10. D. mighty在这里指“强有力的,强大的”,相当于powerful,用来修饰glaciers(冰河),意指“水流的强大冲击力”。A)energetic精力旺盛的,B)great伟大的、巨大的,C)massive重大的、大块的、常含有“沉重而坚硬”的意思。11. C. analysis分析、分解,是可数名词,是英语中的外来词,它的复数形式是analyses,A)diagnosis诊断、判断,多用于诊断疾病,其复数形式是diagnoses,B)syntheses是synthesis的复数形式,意为“综合”。从文章内容来看,最符合题意的是C。12. A. convinced“使相信;说服;信服”,I am convinced意为“我被说服相信”,B)guarantee和C)believe一般不用于被动语态,D)proved与文意不搭配,不能说“我被证明”。13. C)在这里,form指“形态、物体存在的方式”。题意为:任何表面水都将以冰的形式存在。其他三个词:A)appearance外表、外观,B)mould铸模、模子,D)shape外形、形状,与句意都不吻合。14. B. save sb. from doing sth.是固定搭配的动词短语,意为“省去(某人的劳力)”,from可以省略。原文中在explores后面省略了from,句意为:它却可能使探险家们省的自己带那么多的水,动词carry是及物动词,不与不定式to take搭配,且语意上与take重复,也可排除D选项。因此,答案为B,意为“不得不”。15. A. 解这道题的关键在于理解句子的意思。联系上下文。可看出该句意为:由于火星上可能有冰的存在,所以宇航员便不必携带大量的淡水了。因此,这道题的答案为water。16. D. say作及物动词讲时,后面可接由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,本句需填一个从属连词引导宾语从句, B)if的主句谓语动词多是ask, dont know, doubt等,一般不为say。A)项what不是从属连词;C)项how是副词,表方式、方法等,因此,D)是唯一选择。17. B. in ages past是固定搭配,“很久以前、在过去”。又比如in time past指“好久以前、在过去”。Past在这里做形容词。18. B. no作“没有、全无”讲时是形容词,既可用在单数前面,又可用在复数前面,且可用在句首。A)not是副词,后接可数名词时要用not a; C)nor是连词,常与neither连用,不能用在名词前作定语;D)never是副词,用在句首,加强语气,但句子应用倒装形式。19. A. 联系上下文可知,此句意为在火星上软着陆的仪器没有发现令人信服的生命存在的迹象,因此选A)detect“发现、察觉”。20. D. although在这里引导状语从句,意为“尽管、虽然”,该句意为:尽管只有接近着陆工具附近的区域才能被检查到。Test 7Silence is unnatural to man. He begins his life with a cry and _1_ it in stillness. In the _2_ he does all he can to make a noise and there are few things of which he stands in more fear than the _3_ of noise. Eve
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