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最常用句型集表示举例的句型:citequotementiontakepoint outa singlea commonanother1.We may example ofis filledaboundsHistoryOur society2. with the examples ofgoodtypicalconcretenotablestrikinginstance ofexample ofcase in pointprovidesoffersprovesshowsItThis3. a a number ofnumerousabundanta great deal offactsexamplesevidencefurthernewnowalready4.To the familiar factsexamplesevidencemay be added.storycaseinstancesituationone of many examplestypical of dozensrareisolatedunique5.The is not , it is heardreadencounteredI have .studysurveypollinvestigationrecentnewgeneralnationwideconductedtakenAOne6.indicatesrevealssuggestsshowsprovesdemonstratesat a factory/universityby officials /scientistsexpertsthatreleasedprovidedfigures/statisticsfindings/datagraph/tableAccording toAs can be seen inAs is shown/evidenced in7.the bylearnedseenpredictedrecordstudyinvestigationsurveypollrecentnewlatestathe8.According to , it can be to show thatthatas toagainstin favor ofgoodeverylittlesufficientconsiderablestrongevidenceproof9.There is (no) goes to show thatpoints to the fact thatpiles up to show thatlends support to the view thatavailableindisputablereliablestrikingstatistical10.All evidence Personal experienceExamples I heard/read of11. leads me to conclude thatimportantunquestionablehardbrings outsets forthrevealsdemonstratesThisIt12. the fact thatessentialbareindisputableself-evidentundeniableastonishingprofounddeplorablefaceacceptstaterecognizementionadmitpoint outmaycanmust13.We the fact that表示比较与分析的句型:outweigh any benefit we gain fromcarry more weight than those ofare much greater than1.The advantages of BA. has its own disadvantagesbrings its own problems, tooGoodSuperiorWonderful2. as A is, , it For one thing, it . For another, itcomparisoncontrast3. The effect of is heightened by the particular advantage B enjoys.overofenormousmuchsubstantialconsiderablea distinctsecuresenjoysgainshas3. Although A advantage , it cannot compete with B inmentionedconsideredtaken into considerationsounds ridiculousmeans nothing4. As advantage when Bs advantages are 5. When the advantages and disadvantages ofare carefully compared, the most self-evidentobviousfindingconclusionstrikingis doubtwonder r r6. Although everyone believes that I whether the argument bears much analysisclose examinationbelievearguebeliefideasviewsheldacceptedwidelycommonlygenerallyAs opposed toContrary to8. , I that popularbeliefnationwideideacommonly-accepted assumption9.Although the is that, indicatesshowsdemonstratesstudysurveypollinvestigationcurrentnewrecenta thatdesirablelaudableunderstandableinclinationtendency10.Although the tois , one may still wonder whetheris fair.neglectfail11.They may be right about, but they seem toto mentiontake into account the fact thatcommonlyheldwidelyfeltgenerallyacceptedagreed12.Although it isthat, it is unlikely to be true that this is not to sayit is unlikelyit doesnt followit doesnt meanit wont be the caseIt is true that,True,To be sure,Admittedly,13.but thatthinkbelievetake the viewpossiblenaturalreasonable14.It would be to that, but it would befoolishabsurdwrongfoolishabsurdan errorwrongclaimargue tothat, and it would be more to believe thatnoeverybelieveacceptresistrejectabsolutelyin fact15.There is reason for us to that表示原因的句型:givencitedofferedidentifiedconvincingimportant1.Among the mostreasonsby people for, onestressedemphasizedmentionedshould be sign ofresult ofresponse toreaction totrendincreasephenomenonregardseeviewthink of2.One may theas a
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