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2001年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三组试题参考答案、评分标准及听力原文听力部分(共四大题,计30分) I.听辨单词(Words)(共5小题,计5分,每小题1分) 从下列各组单词中选出你所听到的句子中所含的那个选项。每题只读一遍。 1.The sandwiches were on the plates ,and the candles were on the cake.(答案:B) 2.The plane hit the World Trade Centre on September 11 on the way to Los Angeles.(答案:A) 3.Michael Jordan said he would be back to play basketball the next month.(答案:A) 4.At the end of the road,youll find a great building. Its our hospital.(答案:B) 5.The policeman didnt let the traffic go until the boys moved the bags away.(答案:D)II.句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分,每小题1分) 从下列各组句子中选出与你所听到的各组句子所表达的意义相近或相同的选项。 每题只读一遍。 6.Its time for me to go. Its eleven now.(答案:A) 7.My brother speaks more quickly than I do.(答案:B) 8.I left for school and then the postman came.(答案:D) 9.My sister,Susan,lives in Australia. I saw her in 1997 last time.(答案:B) 10.His leg hurt too much for him to go to school.(答案:B)III.对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分;每小题1分)A)你将听到五段对话,并看到五组图片,选出能正确反映出对话中信息的最佳选 项。每段对话只读一遍。 11.W:How much are the tomatoes? M:One dollar a kilo. W:Are they fresh? M:Of course. How many do you want? W:Ten kilos.(答案:C) 12.M:Whats your favourite game? W:Horseracing. M:Dont you like volleyball? W:No. M:But I like it very much.(答案:D) 13.W:Where shall we go next weekend,dear? M:We shall go to the country. W:Great.How shall we go there? M:By motorbike? W:No.Its dangerous. M:Then lets ride bikes,OK? W:Wonderful. Ill get ready for that.(答案:A) 14.M:Have you heard of the terrible matter happened in America? W:When did it happen? M:Three months ago. It was really terrible. When I was in New York,theyused the plane to hit the World Trade Centre.(答案:D) 15.W:Where do you live? M:I live in the town.Its really far from the city. W:Are there many people in your town? M:No,very few. I usually have to cook for myself at home. W:Why not move to the city? M:The houses are too expensive there.(答案:C)B)根据你听到的对话,选择能够回答问题的正确选项,每个对话和问题只读一遍。 16.M:Hi.Which class are you in? W:Im studying Japanese. M:Oh,Im in the same class.(Ah) Yeah,Ive just come here, this is my first time. Are you enjoying it? W:Yes,I am.Its fine. M:Have you ever been to Japan? W:Ive been there once,yes.Question:Where does the dialogue happen?(答案:B) 17.W:Would you mind keeping the noise down,please? Im trying to get to sleep,I have to get up early in the morning,thishas been going on for two hours. M:Yeah well Im sorry.Its just,a friend of mine justgot married,you see. Were having a party. W:Ah well I hope hes very happy.The thing is I have to get up early.When are you going to stop?Question:Why are they having a party?(答案:A) 18.W:Excuse me,how long have you been waiting? M:Um,about half an hour now. These buses are always late. W:Are you going to town? M:Yes,I am. W:Are you going shopping? M:Er no,Im meeting a friend there.Question:Why is the man waiting for the bus?(答案:B) 19.W:The Browns have got a lot of money,havent they? M:I know. Theyre always going on holiday. W:I dont know where they get it from. M:Still,er,Mrs Brown is very rich,you know? Were happy with what we have,arent we?Question:Who has a lot of money in fact?(答案:B) 20.W:Hello. 3058842. M:Hello,Is that Mary speaking? W:No.This is Jane.Mary is in the next room. M:Sorry.Could you tell me Marys telephone number? W:Oh,it seems to be 305484. Oh,no,its 3508442.Question:Whats Marys telephone number?(答案:D)IV.短文理解(Passage)(共10小题,计10分,每小题1分) 根据你所听到的短文录音,选择正确选项,短文只读两遍。 Mrs Smith is the head of a language school in England and she is welcoming her new foreign students.(Pause)“Attention everybody please,my name is Anna Smith and I would like to welcome you all to The English Language School.I hope you enjoy your time with us. Every morning from nine thirty to twelve thirty you will be in the classroom learning English grammar and new words.”(Slight pause) Lunch will be in the school dining room where there is a lot of delicious food,and there is fast food too.(Slight pause) In the afternoons and evenings you are free to do what you want and you will be able to speak English.There will also be plenty of time for speaking.(Slight pause) Next,some news about your examination,which you will take in two weeks time.You may take a dictionary into the examination. Dont be too worried about this:the examination is not very difficult. Your results will be sent to you at your home address about three weeks later.(Slight pause) If you need to see a doctor the school will take you to hospital.(Slight pause) Remember that cars in England drive on the left so you need to be careful when crossing the road. Last year Mike,a Spanish student,w
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