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单词学习 beggar n. 乞丐 beg be v. 乞求,行乞 重读闭音节,需双写g。类似的词有: begin, dig, run, swim, drag, big, rob a begging letter 求援信 beg sth from sb 乞求向行乞 = beg for sth from sb eg. Percy Buttons begged for a meal and a glass of bear from me. 帕西巴顿斯向我讨要一顿饭和一杯啤酒 相当于:Percy Buttons asked me for a meal and a glass of bear. ask sb for sth 向某人要求某物 beg sth from sb (更谦卑)向某人要求某物 eg. My little brother asks me for lucky money every year.我的弟弟每年都向我要压岁钱。 eg. The girl asked her mother for that beautiful skirt. 那个小女孩向她妈妈要那条漂亮的裙子。 beg sb for sth 恳求,祈求(以谦虚的姿态要求) eg. Set him free, I beg you! 我求求你,饶了他吧! beg sb not todo sth 祈求某人不做某事 beg sb to do sth 祈求某人去做某事 eg. They begged us not to punish them. 他们祈求我们不要惩罚他们。 eg. He knew that he had burt her and begged her to forgive him. 他知道他伤害了她,恳求她原谅。 I beg your pardon! 1) Im sorry. / Excuse me. 对不起,请原谅。 2) Please repeat that./ Pardon 请再说一遍 beg somebody off 为某人求情 beg a favor of somebody 恳求别人帮忙 v + er/or/ar 可以表达“人“的概念 work-worker 工人; sail-sailor 水手; beg-beggar 乞丐 eg. Beggars cant be choosers. 饥不择食(谚语) beggar 家伙,(口语)有戏虐之意 eg. You lucky beggar. 你这家伙真幸运! food n. 1) u 食物,通常为不可数名词 eg. We cant live for long without food and water. 没有食物和水我们活不长。 mental food 精神食粮 food for thought 应思考之事 2) u 作为特种食品时,可作为可数名词 baby foods 婴儿食品 health foods 健康食品 frozen foods 冷冻食品 breakfast foods 早餐食物 a favorite food 最喜欢的一种食物 3) food chain 食物链 pocket n. 口袋,兜儿,衣袋 trouser pocket 裤子口袋 pocket dictionary 袖珍字典 pocket-knife 袖珍小刀 pocket money 零花钱,一般指孩子的零花钱 beer money 男士零花钱 allowance (Am) 零花钱 put ones hand in ones pocket 愿意花钱 pick somebodys pocket 扒窃 pickpocket n. 扒手。尤指在人多处行窃的。 put somebodys pride in ones pocket 姑且忍辱负重 call v./n. 1) v. 拜访 call on sb 拜访某人 call at some place 拜访某地 visit sb 拜访某人 visit sp 参观某地 drop in on sb 拜访某人 drop in at sp 参观某地 区别:visit 是最为正式的参观或拜访,指那种经过准备的,比较长时间的,比较正式的参观或拜访;call on sb, call at some place 在口语中更为常见,表示那种比较短时间的非正式访问等含义;drop in on sb, drop in at sp 更为不正式,表示顺道拜访。 2) v. 打电话 call sb up=ring sb up 给某人打电话 eg. Ill call you up this evening 今天晚上我会给你打电话的。 call for 要求,需要 eg. This occasion calls for prompt action. 这种场合需要紧急行动。 3) n. a call for help a cry for help 求助,求救 call girl 应召女郎 pay a call on a friend 拜访朋友,相当于:call on a friend roll call=call the roll 点名 roll 卷状物;正式的表格,登记表;(尤指)名单,报名册 move v./n. 1) 移动,改变位置 move a chair nearer to the fire 把椅子移近这堆火 2) 搬家,迁居 move fromto 从搬到 move to a new house 搬进新房子 eg. He couldnt pay his rent, so he had to move out. 他付不起房租,所以他不得不搬出。 3) 使人动心而(流泪,微笑等) eg. Her story moved us to tears. 她的故事令我们感动得流泪。 eg. We were greatly moved by his performance of the piano concerto. 我们为他的钢琴协奏曲的演奏而感动不已。 4) 提议 eg. I moved for the suspension of further discussion. 我提议延缓进一步讨论问题。 (suspension n. 暂停,延缓) 5) (事情)进行,进展 eg. It is necessary to move on the problem soon. 立刻着手解决这个问题是很有必要的。 move about ,move around 四处走动 move away 搬家 move up 晋升 move out 迁出,搬出去 move over 挪开些 6) n. 下棋的一步棋 eg. Its your move. 轮到你下棋了。 7) n. 手段,措施 make a move 采取行动 on the move 在进展中,在移动中 get a move on 催促前进 课文讲解 return 1) n. 回报,作为报答 in return for 回报 eg. I bought him a present in return for his help. 我为他买了一份礼物,作为他帮忙的回报。 a return visit 回访 a poor return for ones kindness 以薄礼回报他人的好意 a return ticket 往返票 2) v. 返回 return home from abroad 回国 return to from 从归来,返回 return sth to sb 归还,送回 eg. You must return the book in a week. 你必须一周之内归还这本书。 eg. The enemy returned our fire. 敌人还击。 3) v. (疾病等)发作,重犯 eg. My toothache returned in a few hours. 几小时后,我的牙疼又犯了。 stand on ones head = head over heels 头顶地倒立 stand ( stood, stood ) v. 站立,直立 eg. Stand still while I take your photograph. 当我为你拍照时,你站着别动。 v. 起立 eg. Stand up! 起立! v. 容忍(尤用于否定句和疑问句中,与can/could连用,不能用于进行时态) eg. Shes not going to stand for her own children disobey her. 她不能容忍自己的孩子不服从她。 eg. He cant stand hot weather. 他忍受不了炎热的天气。 give sb sth = give sth to sb I give him a meal = I give a meal to him a piece of cheese 一块奶酪 不可数名词要表示“一个“这类概念时,加 a piece of 这类定语 a piece of news 一条新闻 a fit of anger 一股怒气 a slip of paper 一条纸 a length of cloth 一块布 a block of ice 一大块冰 a grain of rice 一粒米 a lump of suger 一块方糖 tell v. 告诉 tell sb sth tell you a secret 告诉你一个秘密 v. 辨认 tell the difference between A and B 辨认A与B之间的区别 tell a lie 说谎 tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于的情况 eg. One of my neighbors told me about him. 我的一位邻居告诉我关于他的情况。 to tell the truth 老实讲 tell the tale 话说得可怜以博取同情 eg. Youre telling me. 不用你说,我早就知道了。(口语) eg. You never can tell. 谁也不敢说。 in the street (Br) 在大街上 on the street (Am) 在大街上 once a month 一个月一次 once a year 一年一次 once a week 一星期一次 Special difficulties 有些动词的后面加上介词或副词以后就会改变含义,这种新的组合被称作动词短语。 1. I put your book on the shelf. 我把你的书放在书架上。 I put on my hat and left the house. 我戴上帽子,离开了屋子。 2.Who took my umbrella? 谁拿走了我的伞? It was very hot, so I took off my hat. 天很热,因此我脱掉了外套。 3. Come and look at my photograph album. 过来看看我的相册。 I am looking for my pen. I lost it this morning.我正在找我的钢笔,我今天早上把它弄丢了。 Will you look after the children for me, please? 请你帮我照看一下孩子们,好吗? 关于knock 的短语 1. A beggar knocked at my door. 一位乞丐敲了我家门。 2. I knocked the vase off the table and broke it. 我把花瓶从桌上碰掉,把它打碎了。 3. He always knocks off at six oclock. He finishes his
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