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证券专用英语汉译英年度账目 annual accounts年报 annual report年结日 balance sheet date成本效益 cost effectiveness成交纪录 trading record成交单 / 成交单据 / 买卖单据 contract note成交调整 trade amendment成交额比率 turnover ratio扣减率 discount rate收市后交易 after-hours dealing收市后资料传送服务 End-of-day Trade Data File Transfer Service收市差额缴款 day-end marks收市价 closing price收市盘 at-the-close order收取内幕消息人士 tipper收取即日差额缴款机制 intra-day marks collection mechanism收益 revenue; income; gain收益率 yield收益率曲线 yield curve收益图 payoff diagram收款代理 receiving agent收款银行 receiving bank收款银行在新股发行中扮演的角色指引(金管局) Guideline on Role of the Receiving Bank in New Share Issues(HKMA)收费 charge收费结构 charging structure收紧信贷 credit squeeze收盘价 closing price收购 acquisition; takeover; buy-out / buyout收购上诉委员会(证监会) Takeovers Appeal Committee(SFC)收购及合并委员会(证监会) Takeovers & Mergers Panel(SFC)收购建议 offer早市 morning session有形资产净值 net tangible assets有抵押权证 collateralised warrant有限制牌照银行 restricted licence bank有限责任公司 limited liability company有条件协议 conditional agreement有条件现金收购/要约 conditional cash offer有资产支持的债务证券 asset-backed securities (ABS)有担保的卖空交易 covered short selling有关申报卖空活动及备存证券借出纪录规定的指引(证监会) Guidance Note for Short Selling Reporting and Stock Lending Record Keeping Requirements(SFC)有关在互联网上提供财经资讯的通告 发牌规定(证监会) Circular on Provision of Financial Information on the Internet Licensing Requirements(SFC)有关改善规管上市事宜的建议谘询文件 Consultation Paper on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing有关改善规管上市事宜的建议谘询总结 Consultation Conclusions on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing有关长时间停牌公司之报告 Prolonged Suspension Status Report有关建议加强监督核数师的公众利益活动及成立财务汇报检讨委员会的谘询文件 Consultation Paper on the Proposals to Enhance the Oversight of the Public Interest Activities of Auditors and Establish a Financial Reporting Review Panel有关创业板内地发行人监管合作事宜之换文 Letter of Exchanges regarding regulatory co-operation for mainland companies to be listed on GEM有关无纸化证券市场的建议运作模式的谘询文件 Consultation Paper on a Proposed Operational Model for a Scripless Securities Market有关发行人延迟公布业绩之报告 Status Report on Issuers Delay in Releasing Results Announcement有关电子交易条例内适用于成交单据的规定的指引(证监会) Guidance Note on the Application of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance to Contract Notes(SFC)有关对保荐人及独立财务顾问监管的谘询文件 Consultation Paper on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers有关对保荐人及独立财务顾问监管的谘询总结 Consultation Conclusions on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers有关监管证券及期货的网上交易谘询文件 Consultation Paper on the Regulation of On-Line Trading of Securities and Futures有关暂时停牌公司之报告 Temporary Suspension Status Report有关赋权证券及期货事务监察委员会代表公司提出衍生诉讼的建议谘询文件 Consultation Paper on the Proposal to Empower the Securities and Futures Commission to Initiate a Derivative Action on Behalf of a Company次要控制人 minority controller老鼠仓活动 rat trading; scalping自主评级(银行) Individual rating(banking)自由兑换 free convertibility自由增购率 trading only stocks自行结算 self-clearing自行结算参与者 Self Clearing Participant (SCP)自律监管机构 self-regulatory organisation; self-regulating organisation自动行使(期权) automatic exercise(options)自动配对股份 automatched stock自动对盘及成交系统(自动对盘系统) Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS)自动对盘系统未完成买卖盘纪录 AMS order book自动对盘系统第二终端机 AMS Second Terminal自动荧幕交易系统 automated screen trading system (AST system)自动暂缓交易机制 circuit breaker自发性收购 management buy-out (MBO)自置光纤线路 private fibre optical circuit自营买卖 proprietary trading行 hong行使 exercise行使方式 exercise style行使日 exercise day (E day)行使后按金 margin-after-exercise行使期 / 行使时限 exercise period行使价 strike price(options); exercise price行使价间距 exercise price interval行仓 firm position行业覆盖层面 spread of sector行头盘 front running估计使用年期 estimated useful life估值师 valuer估值报告 valuation report低收费经纪 discount broker低于面值 below par低于最佳卖盘价 / 低于最好沽盘价 downtick; minus tick作实买卖价 firm bid and ask quotations作价买卖 market making佣金回扣 commission rebate兑付* redemption免责声明 disclaimer冷淡对待令 cold shoulder order利差交易 carry trade利息补贴(中国内地) interest rate subsidy(Mainland China)利息资本化 capitalisation of interest利益冲突事宜委员会 Conflict Committee利率上限 interest-rate ceiling利率掉期 / 利率调期* interest-rate swap利率掉期期货 Interest Rate Swap Futures利率期货 interest-rate futures利率衔接 interest collar; interest rate collar利润 profit初次公开招股 initial public offering (IPO)初步认购价 initial subscription price助理主管(创业板) assistant supervisor(GEM)即日平仓交易 day trade即日回购协议(银行) intraday repurchase agreement(banking)即日有效买卖盘 good-for-day order即日拆借市场 intra-day money market即日流动资金 intraday liquidity即日差额缴款报告(中央结算系统) Intra-day Marks Collection Report(CCASS)即日追补按金 intra-day margin call即日报价 intraday quotation即日买卖 day trade即日盘 / 即日买卖盘 day order即日鲜 day trade即日额外按金 intra-day margin即月 front-month即夜传送报告资料服务(中央结算系统) Overnight Report Distribution(CCASS)即时支付结算系统(金管局) Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)(HKMA)即时或取消 Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)即时汇款同时交收(银行) payment vs paymen
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