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Unit1Friendship1.Read the letter that Lisa wrote to Miss Wang of Radio for teenagrs and predictwhat Miss Wang will sayAfter listening,check and discuss her adviceDear Miss Wang, I am having some trouble with my classmates at the momentIm getting along well witha boy in my class We often do homework together and we enjoy helping each otherwehavebecome really good friends But other students have started gossiping They say that thisboy and i have fallen in love This has made ms angryI dont want to end the friendship,buti hate others gossipingWhat should I do?2.Read the passage and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph What is standard English?Is it spoken in Britain,the US,Canada,Australia,India and NewZealand?Believe it or not,there is no such thiM as standard English Many people believe the English spokenonTVandthe radiois standard Enghsh this is because in theearly days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. However.on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.people use words and expressions different from the“standard language”,it is called a dialectAmerican English has many dialects,especially the midwestern,southern,African American and Spanish dialects Evening some parts of the USA,two people from neighboufing towns speak a fttle differently American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eltsterll USA speak with all older kind of English dialect When Americans moved from one place to another,they took their dialects wifh them So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken Although many Amercanalls move a lot,they still recognize and understand each others djalects.Unit2 Standard English and Dialects1.The road to modern EnglishNative English speakers can understand each other even ifthey dont speak the salne ldnd 0fEnglishLook at this example: British Betty:would you like to see my fiat? AmericanAmy:Yes Id like to come up to your apartment So why has English changed over time?Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and comminunicate with each otherAt ftrst the English spoken in England between aboutAD450 and 1150was verydifferentfromtheEnglish spokentoday It was based more oil Gerlllan that the English we speak at iileSelltThen gradually between about AD 800 and 1150English became less like Germanl because those,who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French The enew settlers enriched the English language and especially its voeabularySo bv The l600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary thall everbefore In 620 some British settlers moved to AmericaLater in the 18th century some British people were taken t0 Australia t00 English began tn be spoken in both CoiIntries. Finally by the 19th century the language was settled At that time two big changes in English spelling happened:first Samuel Johnson wrote his dictionary and later Noah Webster wrote The American Dictionary ofthe English LanguageThe latter gave a separate idenfity:to American English spelling English now is also spoken as a foreign or secondl anguage in SouthAsia ForexampleIndia has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to1947During that time English became the language for government and education English is also spokeninSingapore andMalaysia and countriesinAfrica such as South Africa. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidlyIn fact,China may have thelargest rlulnber of English learners wiu Chinese English develop its own identity?Only time will tell.2.Read the passage and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph What is standard English?Is it spoken in Britain,the US,Canada,Australia,India and NewZealand?Believe it or not,there is no such thiM as standard English Many people believe the English spokenonTVandthe radiois standard Enghsh this is because in theearly days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. However.on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.people use words and expressions different from the“standard language”,it is called a dialectAmerican English has many dialects,especially the midwestern,southern,African American and Spanish dialects Evening some parts of the USA,two people from neighboufing towns speak a fttle differently American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people who live in the mountains of the eltsterll USA speak with all older kind of English dialect When Americans moved from one
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