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必修一unit 1 Friendship1. add up to 合计 Those numbers add up to fifty. add to sth 增加 The storm added to our difficulty. add up 加起来. Add up these numbers, please. add A to B 把A 加到 B上 Dont add water to the oil.2. calm . down 镇定下来3. be concerned about .担心 Dont be concerned about his safety. as far as I am concerned 就我而言 be concerned with 和. 有关 with concern 关切地 He is looking at me with concern.4. walk the dog 遛狗5. go through 经历 Tom must have gone through many difficulties.6. It was + 时间 +before 过了过久就 It was six months before he recovered from the illness. It will be + 时间 + before .要过多久才 It will be two hours before we see the village. “还没来得及” He left before I could say a word.7. set down 记下 I dont want to set down a series of facts in my diary.8. a series of + 名(复数)+ 动词(单数)9. be crazy about 对着迷, 痴迷于 : Are you always crazy about football like that?10. could have done 本来能做(但实际上未做) Given more time, I could have done that better. must have done 肯定(对过去肯定的推测) It must have rained last night. cant/couldnt have done 不可能(对过去否定的推测) it cant have rained last night. should have done 本该做(表示指责批评)You should have come here at 7:00 this morning. may/might have done 可能做 (实际的可能)He may have come here. can/ could have done 可能做(理论的可能) He could have come here with his speed.11. in order to do 为了做. =in order that He got up earlier in order to catch the first busHe got up earlier in order that he could catch the first bus.12. dare not do sth 因为情态动词否定式是在后面加not 因此这句dare 是情态动词。 I dont dare( to) do sth 因为实义动词的否定式是在前面加 dont 或者doesnt ,所以这句中dare 是实义动词,而且后面通常要加to .13. at dusk 在黄昏14. It is the first time that he has come to Hangzhou . It was the first time that he had come to Hangzhou .15. suffer from + 战争; 自然灾害; 疾病等的名称 Mr smith has cancer for two years. suffer + 苦痛(pain); 损失(loss); 侮辱, 失望(disappointment, 挫折discouragement等抽象名词16. have trouble with sth 某事有问题 have trouble in doing sth 做某事有问题 get into trouble 陷入麻烦 take trouble to do sth 不辞劳苦做某事17. fall in love with sb 18. ask for advice on .征求关于方面的建议 take advice 接受建议 a piece of advice 一条建议19. be grateful to sb for sth 因为某事而感激某人 we are grateful to you for what you did for us.20. join sb in doing sth 参加某人活动中 would you like to join us in the game? join in the discussion 21. 强调句:it is what that made her upset? It is not until 10:00 that I went to bed last night. 必修一unit 2 English around the world1. more than one kind 不止一样 more than one person has made the suggestion.2. why do you think I could get there on time? (注意语序,句中有do you think 插入语,疑问词后用陈述句语序)3. make a voyage to 去. 4. because of + 词组 because + 句子 I was angry because of what he did. I was angry because he did wrong.5. come about 发生 come across 偶遇 come along 一道来 come up 走上前 come over 过来 come up with 想出 come out 出版 come back to life 苏醒6. The book is based on a true story.7.make it 成功;做到;赶上 May be one day he will make it to the Olympics! make out 看出 make up 编造;化妆; make up for 弥补 make for 有利于;有助于 cultural exchanges make for cultural understanding8. A wider/ larger vocabulary 一个更大的词汇表9. in the 1600s 在17 世纪 in his fifties 在他50 多岁时10. the former the latter. 前者.后者11. A number of people have applied for the job. The number of people learning English is increasing rapidly.12. believe it or not 信不信由你13. There is no such thing as standard English 14. no= not a / not any There is no pen here= There is not a pen here There is no time left.15. play a part in He played an important part in the event.16. late 迟的 later后来,较后的 latest 最新的 最近的 lately 最近 17. command/ demand/ request / order/ + that + 主语 + (should)+ 动词原形18. in the direction of 朝着.的方向 in all directions 朝四面八方19. especially 有意突出到显眼或特殊的程度: The medical workers in the hospital are very busy, especially the nurses. specially 指为某一目的 I came here specially to see you .20. the same that 指的是与先行词同一的事物; the same as 指的是与先行词相似的同类事物 I want to buy the same tool as you used yesterday I broke the same glass that you used yesterday 21. over 一面.一面: They discussed it over a cup of tea. 必修一unit 3 Travel journal1. prefer 用法:prefer sth prefer doing sth prefer sb to do sth prefer to do rather than do prefer that sb (should ) + 动词原形2. ever since 自从3. dream about / of doing sth 梦想做某事4. persuade sb to do sth / persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事5. get the chance to take a bike trip 有机会去骑车旅行6. be fond of 7. insist on doing sth 坚持做某事 insist that + 主语+(should)+ 动词原形8. keep doing sth 不停做某事9. care about 关心, 在意10. give sb a determined look 坚定地看看某人 determine to do = be determined to do 11. change ones mind 12. at
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