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杭州外国语学校2013-2014学年(第一学期)高二期中考试英语试卷I. Listening comprehension: 11%Part I: Listen to the short conversations and answer the following questions. Each conversation will be read only ONCE. 6%1. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a restaurant B. In a shop C. In a hotel2. How long is the museum open on Sundays?A. Eight hours B. Six hours C. Four hours3. Why does the woman come to San Francisco?A. To do business B. to take a holiday C. To look after her husband4. What does the man think of his history teacher?A. Respectable B. Annoying C. Talkative5. What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Meet her parents.B. Give her some advice.C. Make friends with her boyfriend.6. What time is it now by the womans watch?A. 3:15 B. 2:45 C. 2:15Part II: Listen to the long passage and fill in the blanks with missing words. The passage will be read THREE times. 5%The advertising people see while at the movies is less effective when _7_ eat popcorn. This is the conclusion of a newly-published study from Germanys Cologne University. According to researchers, people remember the names of new _8_ or products by silently _9_ them in their brains. However, with a mouth full of popcorn, this process is _10_. The report is titled Popcorn in the Cinema: Oral Interference Sabotages (破坏) Advertising Effects. It _11_ how the chewing action interferes with the brains inner speech that _12_ whenever we come across a new name. Researchers say: This happens covertly (暗暗地), that is, without our _13_.Researcher Sascha Topolinski invited 96 people to watch a movie. Half of the group was given popcorn, while the rest received a small sugar cube. A week later, the _14_ were asked to rate a series of products, including some of those they had seen adverts for during the movie. The sugar cube group remembered a lot more of the product names than those who ate popcorn. Mr. Topolinski said: The mundane (世俗的) activity of eating popcorn made participants immune (麻木) to the pervasive (普遍的) effects of advertising. He added: This _15_ suggests that selling candy in cinemas actually undermines (削弱) advertising. This _16_ cinema owners with a dilemma (困境). There is usually a 900% mark-up (涨价) on popcorn sold in movie theatres.II. Multiple choices: 6%17. Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are really popular these days. I myself have just taken _ course that talks about _ ABC of Numerical Analysis (数值分析).A. a; theB. the; /C. the; an D. a; /18. A recent study shows that peoples music tastes change as they age. Therefore, you are _ to follow your parents musical path as you grow old.A. possibly B. probably C. likely D. really19. Confident as he looks, Hua Chenyu, the winner of Super Boy this year, is quiet and shy. The underlined part can be replaced by_.A. Because he looks confidentB. If he looks confidentC. Although he looks confidentD. Now that he looks confident20. Is it safe enough to stand here, Mom? No, come a bit _ to me, honey. A. closely B. closed C. closer D. closing21. More than 1.1 billion people around the world are suffering from water shortage. By turning off the water while we are brushing teeth or washing hands, we can help them _. A. at ease B. with ease C. in advance D. by accident22. Natalie Portman is not only famous for her beauty but also for her wisdom. _ sees her will be impressed by her intelligence.A. WhoB. WhomC. WhoeverD. No matter who23. Students in four Beijing high schools are now able to choose elective courses from those offered by any of the four schools. They can watch or listen to their courses and finish _ online.A. associations B. admissionC. assignmentsD. amusement24. John is said to have learned Italian in Italy for five years. _ he speaks it like a native speaker. A. No doubt B. No wonder C. No problem D. No curiosity25. _, babies begin to talk between 12 and 15 months, but they can use body language to communicate before they learn to speak.A. In common B. In particular C. In general D. In public26. He has a gift for description and makes ghost stories _.A. come to life B. come true C. come off D. come up27. Teens is _ a newspaper. It can also help us to improve our English.A. less than B. more than C. not more than D.no more than28. Can I get you a cup of tea?_.A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the teaIII. Cloze: 20%I believe in miracles (奇迹) because Ive seen so many of them. One
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