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Literary Translation1. Definition of Style.a. the revised Edition of A Dictionary of Literary Terms (J.A. Cuddon, 1979): Style is “the characteristic manner of expression in prose or verse; how a particular writer says things. The analysis and assessment of style involves examination of a writers choice of words, his figures of speech, the devices (rhetorical and otherwise), the shape of his sentences (whether they be loose or periodic), the shape of paragraphs - indeed, of every conceivable aspect of his language and the way in which he uses it.”b. Theodore Savory: Style is the essential characteristics of every piece of writing, the outcome of the writers personality and his emotions at the moment, and no single paragrraph can be put together withour revealing in some degree the nature of its author.c. de Buffon: style is the man2. Translatability of styleTheodore Savory: some people say “A translationshould reflect the style of the original” and others say “a tranlation should possess the style of the translator.”Alexander F. TytlerNidaMao Dun: the original literary style is translatable.“Literary translation is to reproduce the oriiginal artistic images in another language so that the reader of the translation may be inspired, moved and aesthetically entertained in the same way as one reads the original”.The arguments for the opinion that the style of the original work is untranslatable:Different language cant express the same style.Puns, poem and other things are difficult to translate.(but a qualified translator is usually possessed of some appropriate ways of cracking his hard nuts in translation once he is determined to translate a work. E.g.This paper is our passport to the gallows. But theres no backing out now. If we dont hang together, we shall most assuredly hang seperately. 这张纸片儿就是咱们上绞架的通行证。今儿个谁都不准往后缩。咱们要是不 摽 到一块儿,保准会 吊 到一块儿。)The reproduction of the literary style of the original work is necessary and possible, yet it is really hard work to accomplish.3 It is undeniable that a good translator has his own style while writing his own work. But he knows that he should give give up his own style and strive to reproduce the style of the original in another suitable literary language while translating a literary work.Example one: Thomas Hardy: Tess of the DUrbervilles:“Good night tee,” said the man with the basket.“Good night, Sir John,” said the parson.The pedestrian , after another pace or two, halted, and turned round.“Now, sir, begging your pardon; we met last market-day on this road about the same time, and I zaid Good night, and you made reply Good night, Sir John, as now.”“I did,” said the parson.“And once before that - near a month before.”“I may have.”“Then what might your meaning be in calling me Sir John these different times, when I be plain Jack Durbeyfield, the haggler?”“晚安, ”挎篮子的人说。“约翰爵士,晚安。 ”牧师说。那个步行的男子又走了一两步,站住了脚,转过身来。“先生,对不起。上次赶集的日子,咱们差不多也是这样儿在这条路上碰见的,那回俺对你说晚安 ,你也跟刚才一样回答说约翰爵士,晚安。 ”“不错,是的” ,牧师说。“在那次以前,大概有一个月了,也有过这么一回。 ”“也许。 ”“俺分明是平平常常的杰克 德北,一个乡下小贩子,你可三番两次地老叫俺约翰爵士 ,到底是什么意思?”Theodore Dreiser: An American TragedyToday, being driven by the necessity of doing something for himself, he entered the drug store which occupied the principle corner, facing 14th street at Baltimore, and finding a girl cashier in a small glass cage near the door, asked of her who was in charge of the soda fountain. Interested by his tentative and uncertain manner, as well as his deep and rather appealing eyes, and instinctively judging that he was looking for something to do, she observed: “why, Mr. Secor, there, the manager of the store.”今天他因为急于要给自己想个办法,迫不得已,便走进了那家杂货店。这店铺坐落在巴尔第摩街路口,正面是十四号街,地位正当要冲。他看见靠近门口的一座小玻璃房里有一个女出纳员,就去向他打听卖汽水的柜台归谁负责。这个姑娘一看他那试探和踌躇的神情和他那双深沉的、相当讨人喜欢的眼睛,便对他发生了兴趣。她直觉地揣测到他是要找事做,便说:“噢!塞克尔先生,在那儿,它是本店的经理。 ”汉语的美1. 形美象形文字的美,首先从“ 象形”中派生出来。汉语的书法能写出神韵,写出气势,写出意境,这对英语来讲,简直是梦想。 比如: 山雨欲来风满楼。凝视此诗句,特别是繁体汉语(如“ 山雨欲來風滿樓”) ,七字的象形色彩,就给读者美感,给读者想象。 “山雨” 二字,似可见山之巍峨,见雨之淋漓。最后一个“楼”字,尤其繁体字“樓”,细观之,层层叠叠的感觉油然而生。相应的英语译文无形美可言。如:The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains.或 The rising wind forebodes the coming storm.汉语的形美,是世界上大多数语言文字所不可同日而语的。中国的书法作品能到英语国家去展览,那汉字之书法,或如龙似凤,或狂草如飞,或稳坐如钟,或娟秀如花,赏心悦目,美不胜收。英语呢?2.音美就 “音美”而言,汉语和英语有很大的不同。汉语是声调语言(tone language) ,汉语的四声构成了发音的抑扬顿挫,产生了一种音乐特征。由于语音的特性,汉语诗歌的格律为“平仄律”,英语诗歌的格律为“ 轻重律” 。利用发音的特点形成的语言游戏很难英汉互译。 例如:一片片茫茫的绿色草原,一簇簇色泽晦暗的牧豆树和仙人掌,一群群小巧的木屋,一丛丛轻枝嫩叶的树林一切都向东奔驰。Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mesquite and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east.3. 词美16 17 世纪的英国哲学家 Francis Bacon(弗兰西斯培根)的名篇 Of Studies(论读书 )的原文与其汉译,略作对比 Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in private ness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。 For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge
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