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Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Exam,Setting Performance Standards With The Modified Angoff Procedure,Overview,Purpose of this Meeting Wastewater Treatment Plant KSAs Minimum Qualifications Procedures,Wastewater Treatment Plant KSAs,Basic Math Basic Science Safety Plant Operation,Minimum Qualifications,Public Safety Concerns Cost of Incompetence Limitations of Liability The Minimally Qualified Operator,Procedures,Review the Test Rate Items Discuss Ratings Rate Items Again Set Cut Score,Review The Test: Basics,Focus on Practical Application Based on Training Manual Developed by External Agency Reviewed by Operators Tried Out by Operators Final Form Approved by Chief Engineers,Review The Test: Items by Type and Content,Rate Items,Consider the KSAs needed to answer each item correctly. Think of the minimally qualified operator. What is the likelihood that he or she would answer this item correctly? Enter that percentage (0 to 99%) on the form.,Rate Items: Complete the Form Round 1,Judge # 1,Discuss Ratings,Examine Round 1 Ratings by Judge and Item,Discuss Ratings,Examine Range of Cut Scores,% Pass,Cut = 39 58.8% Pass,Rate Items Again (Round 2),Consider Round 1 Discussion Think of the minimally qualified operator. What is the likelihood that he or she would answer this item correctly (0 to 99%)? Enter that percentage on the form.,Set Cut Scores,Verify Results of Round 2. Forward Results to Board. Board Accepts/Rejects Cut.,
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