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Confucius (551-479B.C.) and His Philosophy on Education, Society and PoliticsMohammad Jabirus Quiyum1 and A.H.M. Salimullah2 Department of Political Science, University of Chittagong, department of Economics, University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331, BangladeshAbstract: Confucius was a philosopher of contemplative and farsighted thought. His outstanding contribution is obviously marked in the history of human thought and civilization. Confucius emphasized on the moral values to establish a disciplined and stable society while there was prevailing a chaotic condition in social and political life of China. He thought that customs, traditions and formalities are the most significant factors in establishing discipline and good governance in a society and he disclosed the concept of a ruler with principles, efficiency, honesty and justice. It is Confucius who introduced the concept of a moral state and a disciplined society. Confucianism had appeared as the most influential doctrine or ideal in the history of Chinese life before the very beginning of Christian era. The doctrine apparently influenced the Chinese thought and ideals including education, society, administration, governance and behavior of individuals. Since ancient period, Confucian ideology has been playing a very profound and significant role on personal life, social organizations, government and administration in China and other Confucian states. This article aims to explore and to review Confucius and His philosophy.Key words: Confucius, wisdom, virtue, justice, ruler, and superior manConfuciuss philosophy of educationConfucius is considered as the foremost teacher of China, because he had a deep conviction in the native integrity and dignity as well as the equality and educability of all men. He kept an open-door school and young men were admitted on the sole consideration of their eagerness to learn. He saw abundant potential in each of the students. In each man, Confucius tried to seek to develop the total man. His method of instruction was personal and informal. He successfully propounded his own method of education for the sake of greater welfare of mankind. His method of education or teaching has achieved an enduring value in the arena of knowledge and wisdom. The tremendous influence that Confucius has exercised is due to his personality as much as to his teaching; Confucius was the first private teacher in China. And he might be said to be the founding father of a new class in Chinese society.A hallmark of Confuciuss thought is his emphasis on education and study. He disparages those who have faith in natural understanding or intuition and argues that the only real understanding of a subject comes from long and careful study. Study, for Confucius, means finding a good teacher and imitating his words and deeds. A good teacher is someone older who is familiar with the ways of the past and the practices of the ancients. While he sometimes warns against excessive reflection and meditation, Confuciuss position appears to be a middle course between studying and reflecting on what one has learned. Confucius himself is credited by the tradition with having taught altogether three thousand students, though only seventy are said to have truly mastered the arts he cherished. He is willing to teach anyone, whatever their social standing, as long as they are eager and tireless. He taught his students morality, proper speeds government and the refined arts. He also emphasizes the Six Arts ritual music archery, chariot-riding, calligraphy and computation. It is clearly evident that he regards morality the most important subject. His pedagogical methods are striking. He never discourses at length on a subject. Instead he poses questions, cites passages from the classics, or uses apt analogies and waits for his students to arrive at the only right answers! only instruct the eager and enlighten the fervent. It I hold up one comer and a student cannot come back to me with the other three, I do not go on with the lesson. Confuciuss goal is to create gentlemen who carry themselves with grace, speak correctly and demonstrate integrity in all respect. His strong dislike of the sycophantic petty men; whose clever talk and pretentious manner win them an audience. Actions and behaviour no longer correspond to the labels originally attached to them. Moral education is important to Confucius because it is the means by which one can rectify this situation and restore meaning to language and values to society. He believes that the most important lessons for obtaining such a moral education are to be found in the canonical Book of Songs, because may of its poems are both beautiful and good.The tremendous influence that Confucius has exercised in due to his personality as much as to his teaching. He wanted to be a statesman, but he had to be content with being a teacher for most of his life. Down to the time of Confucius, ed
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