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一,写出下面单词的汉语意思。 1,near_ 2,metre_英语期中复习3,spoke_ 4,stamp_5,sun_ 6,nearly_7,book_ 8,pleased_9,pretty_ 10,phone_二,选一选。(30)( )1,-_? -Its more than forty thousand li long.A, How much is it? B, How long is the Great Wall? C, How old is the Great Wall? ( )2, Thats _twenty thousand kilometers! A, more than B, really C, too( )3,I _to Chinatown in New York yesterday. A, go B, goes C, went( )4, -_ - I saw a lion dance. A, What did you saw? B, What did you see? C, Where did you go?( )5, What did you do yesterday? A,I write a story in English. B,I wrote a story in English. C, I wrotes a story in English.( )6, Did you see a friend? A, Yes, I did. B, No,I dont. C ,Yes, she did.( )7,Have you got any stamps from China?A ,Yes, she have. B, No, he hasnt. C, No, I havent.( )8, -_ -Im putting my new stamps into my stamp book. A, What did you do? B, What are you doing? C, Where did you go?( )9,_stamps is my hobby. A, Collecting B, Collect C, Collects( )10,Can I _to her? A, write B, wrote C, writes( )11,-When is Christmas? -_A, Its in November.B, Its in December.C, Its in January.( )12,This girl is one and a half meters_.A, tall B, wide C, long( )13,Collecting stamps is my hobby, Im putting them into my_.A, bag B, stamp book C, book( )14,My friend is Lucy, I want to write to_.A, me B, him C, her( )15,Can you _me about Christmas?A, tell B, told C, tells三,选择正确的句子,序号填在横线上 (15)A, Why do you like it?B, Whats your favourite festival?C, What do you do at the festival?D, When is the Lantern Festival?E, Thats interesting .A:_B:The Lantern Festival(元宵节) is my favourite festival.A:_B: Because its a very important festival in China.A: Thats good._B:We put lanterns(灯笼)in the streets and our homes.A:_B:Its in the first lunar month(阴历一月).A:_. I think I like the lantern Festival too. 四,读短文判断。(15)Carol: Hi, Im Carol. Im from the US. I can speak some Chinese. I want a Chinese pen friend.Tingting: Hello, Im Tingting. Im learning English. I want a pen friend from the UK. we can write in English.Brian: Hi, Im Brian. I come from London. I cant speak China. I want new friends from China. Do you want to be my pen friend?( ) 1, Carol is from China.( ) 2Carol wants a Chinese pen friend.( ) 3, Tingting can speak English.( ) 4, Brian is from England.( ) 5, Brian wants an English pen friend.五,读短文,选择。(15)I went to China town in New York yesterday. I had a big surprise. There were Chinese people everywhere. There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants. The people spoke Chinese and English.We ate in a Chinese restaurant. The food was different from Chinese food in China. Then we saw a lion dance in the street. Simon really liked it. He wants to visit China and learn Chinese. He really wants to go to the Great Wall. ( ) 1, I went to_A, England B, America C, China( ) 2, People spoke_A, English B, Chinese C, Chinese and English( ) 3, We ate in a Chinese _. A, restaurant B, supermarket C, shop( ) 4, We saw a _ in the street.A, restaurant B, lion dance C, the Great Wall( ) 5, Simon _ it.A, didnt like B, doesnt like C, liked六,翻译。(15)1, Its more than four hundred metres high!2, I went to a library yesterday.3, Have you got any stamps from China?4, I want a Chinese pen friend.5, Thanksgiving is very important in the US.七,排列出合适的句子1. the, long, how, is, Great, Wall (?)2. I , to , can, her ,write (?)3. in , New York, I, yesterday, went, to, Chinatown4. my , collecting, is, stamp , hobby (.)5. about, you, can, tell, Christmas, me (?)一、基础知识。1.看拼音写字词,相信你一定能写得端正、美观。qn min mng lng ku w yu lm su ln y生 咳 囫 吞枣 扬顿挫2.把下列成语补充完整。( )然大( ) 曲( )和( ) ( )连忘( )苟延( )( ) ( )( )共赏 ( )高( )烈3.下列词语中有错别字的一组是( )A.横遭不幸 久别重逢 漫不经心 浴血搏杀B.焦燥不安 震耳欲聋 饱经风霜 牛毛细雨C.风雨同舟 和蔼可亲 心惊肉跳 十指连心D.怒目圆睁 惹人讥笑 寝不安席 百折不挠4.按要求改写句子的意思。(1)老师说:“同学们太累了,我今天就不布置作业了,你们在家看看书吧!”(请转述一下老师说的话)(2)走进这片树林,鸟儿呼唤我的名字,露珠与我交换眼神。(请按照这个句子的表达方法仿写一个句子)二、语言积累。1、郭沫若曾说过:“鲁迅先生无意做诗人,偶有所做,每臻绝唱。”,你能写出鲁迅的两句诗词或名言吗?2、先按原文填空,再回答问题。(1)好雨知时节,当春乃发生。_,_。本首诗处处体现了诗人的_心情。(2)伯牙鼓琴,志在高山。钟子期曰:“善哉,_!”志在流水,钟子期曰:“善哉,_!”。(3)詹天佑不怕_,也不怕_,_接受了任务,马上开始勘测线路。哪里要_,哪里要_,哪里要把_,哪里要把弯度改小,都要经过勘测,进行周密计算。请仿
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