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模块一 Unit One School life 一 词汇记忆1. 对.满意_2.参加集会_3.做某事的最佳方式_4. 赢得尊敬_5.致力于_6.取得高分_7. 听起来像_8.平均的,普通的_9.难事,奋斗,努力_10. 有点挑战性_11.鼓励_12.过去,曾经做某事_13. 免费的_14.喜欢,爱好_15.准备_16. 放松_17.回顾,回忆_18.满意地_19. 经历,体验_20.不仅仅是_21.可得到的,可获得的_22. 培养对.的兴趣_23.一.做某事_24.把.捐赠给._23. 其余的(P11)_24.充分运用_25.独立的_26. 后悔,遗憾_27.告知某人某事_28.不知为什么,不知怎么地_ 29.经营,管理_30.赞成,同意_ 31.掌管,负责_32.被要求做._二 课文填空(句型分析)1._to a British school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting_for me .(_做主语)Experience的用法:题目. He has traveled to a lot of places, and he was an _ traveler with much traveling _. A. experienced; experiences B. experiencing: experienceC. experiencing; experiences D. experienced; experienceIn the past ten years, the _mountain climber _ a lot from his own adventurous _. A. experienced; experienced; experience B. experience; experienced; experiences C. experienced; has experienced; experiences D. experience; has experience; experienceMy English teacher has _rich experience in teaching and we all think she is _experienced teacher. Aa;an B不填;the Ca;the D不填;an题目. We all know that _ the tape is very helpful in improving our English. A.listen to B. listening to C. having listened to D. listened to2.I was very_ _the school hours in Britain.同义词短语归纳:对.满意3.This_I could get up an hour later_usual,as schools in China begin before 8 a,m.(也见模块四第一单元)题目. (1)“Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” is a proverb, _ life is beautiful but full of frustrations as well. A. means B. meaning C. to mean D. meant (2) -That would mean _much more money. -Really? I dont mean _any more money. A. wasting; wasting B. to waste; to waste C. wasting; to waste D. to waste; wasting(3)PSAs are often run for free, _ to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem that affects public welfare.A. meaning B. meantC. to meanD. having meant (4)He has made a lot of mistakes in the paper, though he did not_. A. attend to B. intend to C. intend for D. intend making(5)The newly-published book,which refers_basic English grammar,is_only for beginners. A.as;meant B.for;intended C.to;planned D.to;intended (6) All possible means_been taken to stop the river_.A.have;polluting B.has;polluted C.has;from polluting D.have;being polluted(7) Im sure you did wrong to him.You know,he did_and_no harm.A. mean helping;meant B.mean helping;was meant for C.mean to help;meant D.mean to help;was meant (8) . -Id like to go to the cinema with you, Dad! -Sorry, my darling, but this film is _ for adults only. A. allowed B. designed C. mentioned D. Intended(9) . My father went to work by car_ today, but he arrived at the company later_.A. as usual; than usual B. than usual; as usual C. as usual; as usual D.than usual; than usual4.He also told me that_ _ _ to_ _was to _ourselves_study and_high grades.保护环境的最佳方式是多种树。_他靠买电脑谋生。_我们应该对老师和父母表示尊敬。_我们尊敬他是因为他的勇气。_题目. John could _ 3,000 dollars a year by writing stories and keep a family of three people at that time. A. spare B. earn C. cost D. chargeIn order to show _ for teachers, we celebrate Teachers Day each year.A. interest B. surprise C. success D.respect The time that she devotes _ the comic stories is so much that she cant spare any time to look after her baby. A. with B. in C. to D. on Mr. Black decided to give up his farm and devoted all his time to_those children living on the street. A. help B. being helped C. be helping D. helping_ the deaf children, the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter. A. Devoted to teach B. Devoted herself C. Devoting herself to teaching D. Devoting to teach【解题规律揭示】 _ with flying, walking is much slower.A. Comparing B. Compared C. To compare D.Compare Im afraid this is the best way _we can think of _yo
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