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Installation Contract(Elevator)安装合同(直梯) Contract No.:TECXA-INSTALLATION-ZDE-20110000-01合同编号:Project Name:项目名称:And与Thyssen Elevators Co., Ltd.蒂 森 电 梯 有 限 公 司 Party A: Add Customer Name甲 方: Party B: Thyssen Elevators Co., Ltd., Xian Branch乙方: 蒂森电梯有限公司西安分公司RMB Bank Account: Deutsche Bank of China, Shanghai Branch乙方账号: 德意志银行(中国)有限公司上海分行3511870015Project Name:项 目 名 称: Main Contract No.:TECXA-SUPPLY-ZDE-20111031-01主 合 同 号:Installation Contract :TECXA-INSTALLATION-ZDE-20111031-01安 装 合 同 号: Installation Site :安 装 地 点: Date:日 期:2011年 00 月 00 日 This agreement is made for the installation of the products which is sold to Party A by Party B, the both parties agree on the terms as following:甲、乙双方就甲方购买乙方产品后,乙方负责提供相应产品的安装事宜,经协商就如下条款达成一致:1. Price, Payment and Installation Period安装价格、付款方式及安装计划1.1Summary:安装内容:Total00 Lifts,共 计00 台直梯Please refer to the Technical Specifications of the Main Contract for details.设备的规格型号详见主合同。 1.2Price:安装价格:Lifts Installation and AdjustmentRMB000,000.00 直梯安装调试费人民币Any project coordination fee, cooperation fee, deposit or other kindred fees requested by the main contractor shall not be borne by Party B.乙方不再承担甲方土建总包方提出的工程配合费、协调费、押金等类似费用。The payments shall be made by check, T/T, or bank draft.付款方式可为支票,电汇或银行汇票。1.3Terms of Payment:付款方式:(1) Party A should make the payment by two installments as following:甲方分两期向乙方支付安装价款,具体如下:First: 50% of the total installation fee that is RMB_ shall be paid by Party A 7 days before the starting of elevator installation.第一期:在安装工程开始施工前7日内,甲方应向乙方支付安装总价的50%,即人民币 元。(2) Second: 50% of the total installation fee that is RMB _ shall be paid by Party A within7days after the issue of the certificate by Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. If the certificate is not issue which is not caused by Party B, the second payment shall be made within 10 days after Party B informs Party A that the installation is completed and ready for acceptance in written form. 第二期:在技术监督部门签发验收合格证书后7日内;甲方应向乙方支付安装总价的50%,即人民币 元。如电梯安装调试完毕,由于非乙方原因致使技术监督部门未能按期前来验收的,自乙方书面告知甲方安装完工、申请验收之日起 10 日内,甲方应向乙方支付第二期安装款。1.4Installation Period:安装施 工 期:(1)After the site is ready for installation, both Parties shall discuss and settle a working schedule 30 days before the starting of installation. 甲方土建具备安装条件后,安装开工前30天由甲乙双方商定一个具体施工进度。(2)It is estimated that the installation will start on 00.00.0000.甲乙双方拟定 年月开始施工安装。(3)The installation period is estimated to be 00 weeks.安装期约为周。The conditions to start installation include the following:安装开工条件具体包括:(1) The site shall accord with the requirement of safety construction;施工现场符合安全施工要求;(2) The construction dimension complies with the confirmed GAD.土建尺寸与确认的GAD(电梯土建布置图)相符无误;(3) The site shall have the conditions for installation, such as the entrance for equipments, the place to pile up the equipments and the temporary lockable storage.甲方提供的工地现场必须具备安装条件,如设备进场通道,设备堆放场所,以及可以上锁的临时仓库等。(4) There is no seeper or accumulation in the shafts, pits and machine room.保持电梯井道、地坑、机房无与电梯安装无关的堆积物和积水。(5) Party A shall supply the water and electricity for the installation.提供施工所需的水、电。2.Duties of Both Parties甲乙双方责任义务2.1Duties of Party A:甲方责任:(1) All the construction and dimensions of the shafts, machine rooms, and floors shall comply with the GAD provided by Party B and confirmed by Party A. Party A shall provide the complete shafts. Any discrepancy shall be corrected in time.井道、机房和层站的土建情况和尺寸必须完全符合由乙方提供且经甲方确认的GAD总布置图中的要求。甲方应提供完整的井道,如有差错,应予以及时修正。(2)Party A shall provide the supporting beams under the traction machines.甲方应提供主机下的搁机钢梁。(3)Party A shall provide the complete and clean site. The shafts and pits shall be prevented from water. The doors and windows of the machine rooms shall be finished and strong against burglary.甲方应提供完整清洁的施工现场。井道和底坑须防止水源进入,机房门窗须完整、结实、防盗。(4)As required by the state regulations, Party A shall provide the permanent lighting in the shaft, pit ladders, and 3-phase-5-wire power supply (individual grounded), any cables outside the shaft.根据国家规定的要求,甲方应提供井道内永久照明、底坑爬梯、三相五线制(单独接地)供电、井道外布线。(5)Party A shall provide a safe and dry room lockable and sufficiently spacious as site temporary warehouse to store the components.甲方应提供用于存放电梯零部件,有足够面积,可上锁的安全干燥的房间,作为现场临时仓库。(6)Party A shall supply the electricity and water necessary for installation. The temporary individual power for adjustment shall be provided before the permanent power supply is available. The permanent power shall be provided to the controllers.提供电梯施
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