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新目标初中英语七年级上How was your weekend?教学设计及教学反思何琳内容简析本话题适合年级:初二。周末是所有学生盼望的小假期,但是什么样的周末活动是有意义的呢?本节课以课文文章为载体,跨国学生的周末活动为依托,使得学生更多的了解异国文化。通过三类阅读材料,有针对性的训练阅读技巧. 最后通过学生周末活动的习作对比,学生自主讨论,归纳什么是有意义的周末活动,在与自我周末活动的对比中,提高学生自我管理和调控时间的能力。目标定位1. 通过阅读,培养学生把握的keywords和crossing-over的阅读技巧。2. 通过阅读资料,了解国外学生的周末活动,培养学生跨文化意识。3. 通过学生周末活动的习作阅读,培养学生自我管理时间的情感意识。教学流程环节1 Weekend Activity Survey (I)How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked students at No.3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.1. Underline the key words.2. Read and answer3. Translate the sentences.4. Key points for “spend”环节 2 Culture Express (How to read :Crossing-over)(II) What Do Americans Do on Weekends?Mark True (T) or False (F).环节 3 Your weekendsHuang Zhanhongs weekendHe had a busy weekend. He got up early and read English ,then listen to the English in the morning . After breakfast. He took the bus and went to the training class(培训班)。On Saturday afternoon. He did his homework and studied for the math test. He also did some reading on the Saturday evening. What about Saturday? Yeah, he played the guitar and make a flash at home. And then he studied for 9 hours. Zhang Zijians weekendI had a great weekend. I got up at 9 a.m. Then I played computer games till (直到)12;00. My mom cooked for me, but I didnt like it.In the afternoon. I played the CF. In the evening, he surfed the internet and chatted on line with my friends. On Sunday morning, I played computer games . On Sunday afternoon, I played basketball for 1 hour. And I did my homework at night. 环节 4 Free TalkGroup work:(A/B) What kind of weekend activities is meaningful? And why?I like on weekends; I /we think Playing basketball is meaningful on weekends. Because 1) Its good for 2) I / it can 3) I love/enjoy/feel 4)Its (C) What kind of weekend activities is meaningful?I/we think Playing basketball is meaningful on weekends.Homework: Make a good plan of your weekend. Moons weekend planV:(选作)How Did Tom Spend Last Week? 教学反思: 设计背景:大多数初中学生缺乏对英语阅读方法的通透,以及阅读与生活联系紧密性及重要性的认识。最开心的收获是:在文化嵌入后,小组总结讨论中,学生反映有点听不明白,做汉语的解释及引导。我觉得最重要的东西,不是你(教师)教授的是否顺利,学生收取的是否顺畅,而是在疑问时如何处理而得到后的快乐。我的课程设计立足不是为表现自己设计如何,生表现如何,而是能从这堂课上汲取的东西。阅读课程,是基于全体,却高于弱差生水平的知识导向。在文化渗透与活动过程中,可以最多的吸收与参与思考是目的,每个层次的学生对课堂的吸收量和能力是不同的。其二,就是想让生了解与自己文化有差异的国外文化,使得他们可以拓宽眼界,并在周末活动的设计中,加入一些新的国外中学生所从事的活动,作为他们活动的内容,并加大对异国活动文化的了解。立足:1.观课本(作为资料选用,培养学生抓取信息的能力,无需对知识点进行细处理,保持阅读的完整性);2.跨文化,引导对文化差异的了解对比。 1.2中穿插技巧阅读、技巧点拨; 3.了解学生身边的事,进行情感引导的活动设计,从而进行情感提升。二次反思及思考(两天后):1.信息整合。例如将自己周末活动与国外中学生活动做对比。(感觉契合点不足,原因是文化背景不同,国情不同,引发了合理使用教材,以语言素材为基础,学为所用为目的即可。)2.多方式的输入及输出。本课体现阅读技巧:以游戏方式及身边熟悉的内容为基础,将其渗透并融合到阅读内容中。3.扩展参与的可能性。以阶梯层次性的任务为主导,以便适合学生多层次的理解和发挥。在课堂无小主持的状况下,亦可有好的效果呈现。使学生的参与不仅只限于活动的展示,而是调动学生积极的思考,从而激发他们主动参与的意识。4.多样化的课后延展活动设计。学生成长的环境、经历不同,导致文化生活背景的不同,不适合设计单一的课后活动。让学生选择适合自己的课后活动,能体现学习的自主性,使其受益最大化。5.补充完善课的计划来年若有机会再教此课时,课前让学生上网调查各种各样丰富多彩的周末活动,从而使得学生由被动学习变为主动参与!
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