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生活各类赠言*祝贺生育congratulations! may the new er be a pride and joy to you always.愿你们的新生婴儿永远给你们带来荣誉和欢乐,祝贺你们!a dear little son, baby boys are wonderful and though theyre kind of small. the happiness they bring you is the greatest joy of all.祝你们有了可爱的儿子!虽然还是小不点儿,男孩子确实逗人喜爱,他们带来的幸福是最大的愉快!a baby girl, so small and sweet, will make your family life plete! you will learn the joys a daughter brings.一个娇娇逗人爱的女婴孩,会使你们的家庭生活格外美满欢快!你们的女儿将给你们带来无限的快乐。*婚姻金言a successful marriage is not a gift; it is an achievement.-ann landers一桩美满的婚姻并不像礼物那样由人赐予,它是通过努力而实现的成就。-兰德斯the particular charm of marriage is the duologue, the permanent conversation between two people who talk over everything and everyone till death breaks the record.-cyril connolly婚姻的特殊魅力在于对话,在于两人之间那种纵论天地间一切人与事的永久的对话,这种对话只有死亡才能打破。-康诺利there is no happy life but in a wife; the forts are so sweet when they do meet: tis plenty, peace, a calm like dropping balm .-william cavendish世上没有幸福生活,除非到你有一个美好的妻子;夫妻相爱,那是多么温馨:正如欲滴的香脂,它是富有、平和的一份宁静。-卡文迪什successful marriage demands a certain death to self.-jerry mc cant成功的婚姻需要自我牺牲。-麦坎特the great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents, and none of the incidents as disasters.-harold nicolson成功的婚姻的最大秘诀是:将大事化小,不要将小事变大。-尼科尔森marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horse-pond.-thomas love peacock婚姻也许常常是暴风雨中的湖泊,但独身生活却几乎永远是泥泞的小池。-皮科克happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.-leo tolstoy幸福的家庭大抵是相同的,而不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸。-列夫托尔斯泰
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