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The Role of Students in Formulating Health Policy on Campus,Wobo Bekwelem, MD, MPH Heather Horton, DDS Co-chairs, Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) University of Minnesota,OUTLINE,Overview of University of Minnesota SHAC History of University of Minnesota SHAC SHAC Tasks Typical meeting Importance of student involvement in campus policy Requirements for successful policy proposals SHAC Accomplishments Boynton Health Service supporting SHAC Motivating SHAC,Overview of UMN SHAC,Membership SHAC is a student advisory committee consisting of 20 students members; both undergraduate and graduate student membership. 16 members representing constituency groups Residents Hall Association Student Cultural Centers Disabled Student Cultural Center Intercollegiate Athletics Queer Student Cultural Center Minnesota Student Association (MSA) Pan-Hellenic Council Council of Graduate Students (COGS) Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) Center for Health Interdisciplinary Programs Minnesota International Student Association (MISA) 4 at-large members 1-2 chairs or co-chairs,Logistics Meetings held every 1st and 3rd Thursdays as a group Twice a month as co-chairs to set agenda for group meetings Bylaws Bylaws are reviewed annually and any changes are voted upon. Bylaws set the standard for membership, involvement, and voting protocols,History of UMN SHAC,SHAC has been in existence at the University of Minnesota since 1990 Policy Advising vs. Peer Education Driven by potential controversy Abortions on Campus (procedure and pills) Blood Donations Selling Tobacco Products at Student Union Intentional set-up, different from other student groups,Tasks,Present student concerns and suggestions to the administration at Boynton Health Service and the University. Participate in policy formation, program review, and program development at Boynton Health Service. Provide input into the formal development of the student service fees request, approve its final form, and participate in the presentation of the request to the student service fees committee. Prioritize health care and health education issues for students. Assist in improving and enhancing existing services and proposing new ones.,Typical UMN SHAC meeting,Agenda is set week prior to SHAC meeting with Advisor and co-chairs Administrative Support present at every SHAC meeting Director of Boynton, COO, Director of Health Insurance Benefits, Fiscal Advisor, SHAC Advisor Lunch served 15 minutes before hour-long meeting Introductions of any guests and/or new members Action items Constituency concerns New issues Adjourn,Why involve students in campus health policy formulation?,Leaders of tomorrow Great new ideas spring form this group Highly motivated and eager to make an impact They are the reason for everything we do on our campuses; so why not?,Requirements for successful health policy proposal by students,working with policy that directly affects students ensures high interest amongst representatives success of programs and policy changes is dependent upon wanting positive results, and having strong support from the administration monitoring and assessing the issues that affect the health of the university community often results in great SHAC initiatives Its okay to start small!,Accomplishments,Successful recommendations/policy changes/action items, both to BHS, UMN and Nationally. All UMN SHAC recommendations made to Boynton have been implemented. Extended clinic hours one day per week; Alcohol-sponsorship policy to the Vice-President; Student Development and Athletics; Co-payments for mental health services; Spending capital reserves to connect Boynton by tunnel to Basic Sciences Building and Coffman Memorial Union; Abortion policy on campus; University-Sponsored Student Health Benefit Plan; Development and presentation of student fees request. Implementation of a campus wide Smoking Ban (action item) Recommendation to the NCAA to not hold NCAA-sponsored events at schools that do not have a comprehensive tobacco free policy (including outdoor air),Extended Hours of Operation,Students voiced concerns about clinic hours of operation Survey administered to generate campus opinions on operating hours of clinic Areas of need recognized Later hours Saturday hours Lunch time hours SHAC voted to recommend extended hours Boynton implemented extended hours in fall of 2009,Annual approval of Boyntons budget Presentation of the student service fees request Background Explanation of operating costs Services Beneficial changes Detailed breakdown of total fee request Good track record of approval by the committee,Student Service Fees,Year round fees,Students voiced concerns about potential lapses in coverage Concept of year-round fees created Coverage through the summer months regardless of enrollment status Total dollar amount of fee request remained unchanged Rejected the first two years it was proposed and approved the following year,Insurance,Boynton Request for
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