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II.名词和名词短语作定语,课件制作者:贺东婷,1)问讯处 2)服务台 3)音乐厅 4)美术馆 5)钢琴协奏曲 6)小提琴独奏 7)新闻简报 8)记者招待会 9)考卷 10)读书报告 11)肝炎 12)肺癌,information desk,service counter,music hall,art gallery,piano concerto,violin solo,news bulletin,press conference,test paper,book report,liver trouble,lung cancer,比较下列短语的英语译法,13)肾结石 14)心脏病发作 15)银行户头 16)信用卡 17)血压 18)隐形眼镜 19)生育控制 20)计划生育 21)医疗中心 22)急诊室 23)所得税 24)进口税,kidney stone,heart attack,bank account,credit card,blood pressure,contact lens,birth control,family planning,health centre,emergency room,income tax,import duty,25)人才外流 26)温室效应 27)故事片 28)科幻小说 29)太空站 30)航天飞机 31)空调器 32)空调(设备) 33)航空母舰 34)军备竞赛 35)身份证 36)贸易逆差,brain drain,greenhouse effect,feature film,science fiction,space station,space shuttle,air-conditioner,air-conditioning,aircraft carrier,arms race,identity card,trade deficit,37)图书馆馆长 head librarian 38)护士长 head nurse 39)新闻广播 news broadcast 40)研究计划 research project 41)纸花 paper flower 42)棉织品 cotton goods,43)时刻表 time table 44)季票 season ticket 45)眼药水 eye drops 46)滴鼻剂 nor drops 47)欢迎会 welcome party 48)欢迎辞 welcome speech,49)天气预报 weather forecast 50)消防队 fire brigade 51)人寿保险 life insurance 52)抢劫银行 bank robbery 53)鱼类养殖场 fish farm 54)鱼塘 fish pond,55)足球赛 football match 56)网球运动员 tennis player 57)猫食 cat food 58)病历 case history 59)药棉 cotton wool 60)食物中毒 food poisoning,61)指甲油 nail varnish 62)绕口令 tongue twister 63)福利国家 welfare state 64)代沟 generation gap 65)肢体语言 body language 66)手语 sign language,67)峰会 summit conference 68)夏令营 summer camp 69)圣诞卡 Christmas card 70)生日贺卡 birthday card 71)救生圈 life preserver 72)救生衣 life jacket,73)空军 air force 74)航空邮件 air letter 75)电力厂 power plant 76)强权政治 power politics 77)空袭 air raid 78)飞行表演 air show 79)太空时代 space age 80)太空飞行 space flight,1)长途电话 longdistance call 2)头等舱机票 first-class ticket 3)单向交通 one-way traffic 4)头版新闻 first page news 5)单亲家庭 oneparent family 6)深海潜水员 deep-sea diver 7)五星级酒店 five-star hotel 8)零活 part-time job,B,9)生死斗争 life and-death struggle 10)专职工作人员 full time staff 11)一流外科医生 first-rate surgeon 12)核能计划 nuclear-power program 13)联合国宪章 United Nations Charter 14)世贸组织 World Trade Organization 15)世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 16)日常教学 day-to-day teaching,将下列短语译成汉语 1)a mouthful of water 2)a busful of children 3)a piece of cloth 4)a set of books 5)a series of talks 6)a pad of writing paper 7)a pack of hounds 8)a herd of deer 9)a gang of robbers 10)a grain of rice 11)a shower of rain 12)a stack of wood 13)a flock of sheep 14)a pack of cigarettes,一口水 一(大)汽车的孩子 一块布 一套书 一系列的演讲 一礼信纸 一群猎狗 一群鹿 一群强盗 一粒米 一阵雨 一剁木料 一群羊 一包香烟,15)a flight of stairs 16)a bundle of sticks 17)a heap of stones 18)a pair of chopsticks 19)a slice of meat 20)a package of towels 21)a blade of grass 22)a shower of arrows 23)a sea of red flags 24)a tube of tooth-paste 25)a piece of cake 26)a piece of furniture 27)an article of clothing 28)a slice of pudding,一段楼梯 一捆木棍 一堆石头 一双筷子 一片肉 一包毛巾 一根草 一阵乱箭 一片红旗的海洋 一支牙膏 一块点心 一件家具 一 件衣服 一块布丁,29)a loaf of bread 30)a large quantity of rain 31)a fall of snow 32)a shoal offish 33)a swarm of bees 34)a bunch of keys(flowers) 35)a suit of clothes 36)a chain(range)of mountains 37)a collection of relics 38)a glass of beer 39)a ton of coal 40)a group of islands,一块面包 大量的雨水 一场雪 一群鱼 一群蜜蜂 一串钥匙(一束花) 一套衣服 一道山脉 一批文物 一杯啤酒 一吨煤 一群岛屿,1)一杯牛奶 2)一杯茶 3)一块肥皂 4)一磅白糖 5)一片肉 6)一公升啤酒 7)一卷纸 8)一副眼镜 9)一盘棋 10)一条裤子 11)一套书 12)一线希望 13)一片土地 14)一群人 15)一伙小偷,a glass of milk,a cup of tea,a cake of soap,a pound of sugar,a slice of meat,a liter of beer,a roll of paper,a pair of glasses,a game of chess,a pair of trousers,a set of books,a ray of hope,a stretch of land,a crowd of people,a gang of thieves,16)一群狼 17)一群狮子 18)一群鱼 19)一群牛 20)一串珍珠 21)一束花 22)一串葡萄 23)一丛树 24)倾盆大雨 25)一阵阵的风 26)大量的书 27)大量的人 28)一听沙丁鱼 29)一大块巧克力 30)一勺药,a pack of wolves a pride of lions a school of fish a herd of cattle a string of pearl a bouquet of flowers a bunch of grapes a clump of trees torrents of rain gusts of wind heaps of books masses of people a tin of sardines a bar of chocolate a spoonful of medicine,31)一盎司金子 32)一系列问题 33)一阵批评 34)一片水域 35)一排排的房子 36)大量的食物 37)大批游客 38)一群群的孩子 39)一缕缕的烟 40)大量的机会,an ounce of gold a series of problems a shower of criticism an expanse of water Tows of houses quantities of food numbers of tourists groups of children columns of smoke plenty of chances,III.定语从句(1),仿照例子用所给词汇造句 1)This is just the letter Ive been expecting A. book,want to borrow B. post cards,sent me from Tokyo c. trees,plant last year d. place,long wish to visit a. That is the book I want to borrow b. These are the postcards she sent me from Tokyo c. Are these the trees we planted last year? d. Thats the place weve long wished to visit.,2)This is the finest picture I have seen this year a. magnificent building ever see b. touching story,eve-hear c. fine weather,have this month d. large reservoir,build in this area Thats the most magnificent building Ive ever seen. It was the most touching story I had ever heard. That was the
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