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商务专题研究论文论文题目:Study on Uncertainty Avoidance学 院:应用外语学院年 级:2013级专 业:商务英语班 级:2 班小组成员: 指导教师: 2016 年 12 月 14 日Abstract Uncertainty avoidance is one of five key qualities ordimensionsmeasured by the researchers who developed the Hofstede model of cultural dimensionsto quantify cultural differences across international lines and better understand why some ideas and business practices work better in some countries than in others. This thesis will analyze some phenomenon based on uncertainty avoidance and help us to communicate with others better in some cross-cultural international situation. Key wordsuncertainty avoidance; cultural differences;challengesContentsAbstract1Introduction12 Theory Framework13 Literature Review24 Case Analysis35 Conclusion4Introduction With the strength of world economic corporation, it is become clear that the communication in different culture is increasing important. So we should put more attention on cross-cultural communication. Incross-cultural psychology, uncertainty avoidanceis a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It reflects the extent to which members of a society attempt to cope with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which a typical person in a society feels uncomfortable with a sense of uncertainty and ambiguity. The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? Countries exhibiting strong uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. Weak UAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than principles. The writer would introduce the basic information of uncertainty avoidance and analyze the application in different situation. 2 Theory Framework Uncertainty avoidance is one of five key qualities or dimensions measured by the researchers who developed the Hofstede model of cultural dimensions to quantify cultural differences across international lines and better understand why some ideas and business practices work better in some countries than in others. According to the theorys framework, the dimensions are only applicable to a society as a whole, not for each individual in the society. People in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance tend to be more rational. They try to minimize the occurrence of unknown and unusual circumstances and to proceed with careful changes step by step by planning and by implementing rules, laws and regulations. More physical and apparent ways to detect if someone has a high uncertainty avoidance is to check if they display the following descriptions or attributes. Do they follow a strict structure with rules and expertise, do they have high security (avoiding the unfamiliar). Also you can check if they are hectic, stressful or even emotional. In contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures accept and feel comfortable in unstructured situations or changeable environments and try to have as few rules as possible. People in these cultures tend to be more pragmatic, they are more tolerant of change. To detect if someone has a low uncertainty avoidance keep a keen eye out for the following symptoms and hints. Such people often abide by only a few rules and live a life with little set structure, one that is loose and free. They will appear to be calm and collected. Also, they are interested most likely in entrepreneurship and business matters. But the risk is unavoidable. Those with high uncertainty avoidance prefer formal rules, strong social norms, and other ways of avoiding uncertainty or risk. The low uncertainty avoidance cultures rely more on informal, unstructured, or fluid roles and behaviors. The following characterizations were by the average perceived uncertainty avoidance based on the basic concepts of uncertainty avoidance like risky behaviors and personality. 3 Literature Review Incross-cultural psychology written by John Hopskin, uncertainty avoidanceis a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It reflects the extent to which members of a society attempt to cope with anxiety by minimizing uncertainty. Uncertainty avoidance is one of five key qualities ordimensions measured by the researchers who developed theHofstede model of cultural dimensions to quantify cultural differences across international lines and better understand why some ideas and business practices work better in some countries than in others. According to the theorys framework, the dimensions are only applicable to a society as a whole, not for each individual in the society. The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses the deg
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