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翻译部分训练与答案Unit1:1. Susan Butcher called her sled team to a quick halt in the black of night about 150 miles out of Anchorage.在离开Anchorage 150 英里的地方, 伸手不见五指,Susan Butcher 让雪橇停了下来。2. Butcher had already set a new record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of winning had never been better.在第一段赛程上Butcher 已经创下了一个新的时间记录,她几乎稳操胜劵了。3. Without hesitation, she grabbed the ax, and in her words, “went after the moose.” Incredibly, she succeeded in driving the animal out of her team, but not before some of her dogs had been severely injured.她毫不犹豫地一把抓起斧头,用她的话说,“冲向鹿驼鹿”。 令人惊讶的是她竟然把驼鹿从狗队里赶了出来,但不无遗憾的是几只狗已经严重受伤。4. Instead of leaving, however, the moose charged back into the.然而驼鹿并没有真正离开,它又向狗队扑了过来。5. She may have perceived the dog team to be a pack of wolves. Her instincts may have told her that she was too weak to escape by running.它很可能把这只狗队当作一群野狼,本能告诉它自己太虚弱,一定逃脱不了。也许唯一的希望是将这群套在一起难以逃走的野狼赶走。6. But it was too late to save Butchers team for this race.但是为时已晚,已经不可能挽救Butcher这次参加比赛的狗队了。 7. He obediently turned left toward shore, but the ice billowed upward, then fell apart as it dropped back down-dumping dogs, sled, and Butcher into 30 feet of water so cold it can be survived for only minutes.它顺从的拐向左边的岸边,但是巨大的冰块轰响着向上竖起。在摔下去的时候分成了两块。狗队雪橇和Butcher一起被抛进了30英尺深的寒冷的海水里。在这寒冷的海水里人只能存活几分钟。8. Like any genuine adventurer, she thoroughly enjoys winning against incredible odds. 像其他所有真正的冒险家一样,她尽情地不屈不挠的享受着于难以令人置信的命运抗争。Unit2:1. This means that forkfeeders are outnumbered two to one.这意味着用叉子进餐的人以二比一处于少数。2. Fork-users have historically been in the minority.用叉子进餐的人自古就占少数。3. The fork made its way to western tables several hundred years later, but it was not immediately accepted.叉子时几百年以后才被摆上餐桌的,但是并没有被马上接受。4. The first illustration of their use at meals in a manuscript from the monastery of Montecassino in Italy in 1022 A.D第一幅描绘用叉子进餐情形的插图出现在公元1022年意大利蒙特卡西诺教堂的一份手稿中。5. They strongly disgraced about the correct way of bridging the gap between plate and mouth .他们对什么是连接盘子和嘴的正确方法产生了极大的分歧。6. Not only has finger-feeding withstood the passage of time, but some scholars believe that it may be enjoying a comeback.用手吃饭不仅经受了时间的考验,有些学者还认为,说不定用手吃饭还会卷土重来。7. And anyone who has ever eaten at formal table elaborately set with many different kinds on knives, spoons, and forks can sympathize with Oscar wilde, who said, “the world was oyster, but I used the fork.任何一个曾经在摆满了各式各样的刀叉勺子的正式餐桌旁用过餐的人都会对奥斯卡、王尔德讲过的一句话深表同情:这世界本是我的牡蛎,可我却用错了叉子。(我本可以随心所欲的吃,但却用错了餐具。)Unit3:1. Londoners who happened to walk alone the Thames during the mid-thirteenth century might have seen a large white bear walking down to the river.十三世纪中叶的伦敦人在沿着泰晤士河边散步的时候可能看见过一头庞大的白熊。2. The people of London must have appreciated his sense of economy since they paid for the bears expenses.当时的伦敦人一定对亨利三世的节俭作风有过领教,因为他们支付了白熊的一切费用。3. A Portuguese princess went to the trouble of getting zebras because she thought they would look pretty pulling the royal children in a little carriage.葡萄牙的一位公主千方百计弄来斑马。她认为斑马拉上一辆小马车,皇室子女坐在上面,看上去一定很漂亮。4. Generally speaking, the feeling of both the public and the experts goes against keeping bears in the backyard or lions in the living room.一般来说,社会公众和专家们不会同意在院子里喂养熊或在起居室里喂养狮子。Unit4:1. Today, thanks largely to Douglas, that part of the Everglades remains unchanged. 多亏了Douglas, 如今大沼泽地的那一部分还保留着原貌。2. At the beginning of this century, the Everglades took up 9,000 square milesan area more than seven times as large as the state of Rhode Island. 在本世纪初期, 大沼泽地占地为9000 平方英里, 相当于罗得岛州的7倍多。3. So that there was a sense of evil abroad, a restlessness , an anxiety that one passing rainfall could not change. 以致于这里到处透露一种不祥的感觉,一种不安,一种焦虑, 不是一场雨所能够改变的。4. The book also marked the beginning of Douglass fight to save the Everglades.这本书标志着道格拉斯保护大沼泽地之战的开始。5. Douglas formed a group, Friends of the Everglades ,which helped block the airport and then kept up the fight by making sure lawmakers at both the national and levels understood the importance of preserving the Everglades.道格拉斯成立了一个叫“大沼泽地之友”的组织, 他们帮助阻止机场项目的实施, 而后坚持斗争, 使得政府和州的立法者们都清楚地认识到了保护大沼泽地的重要性。6. In all, the national and state governments have committed $ 800 million to undo the damage they helped cause.美国政府和州政府承诺总共投入8亿美元来修复他们过去对打沼泽地所造成的破坏。Unit5:1. If one needs a lift over some obstacle that seems impossible to get beyond, the other wont leave until the obstacle is conquered.如果一个人遇到了似乎不可逾越的障碍,另外的一位不克服障碍决不抛弃朋友不管。2. Their friendship served each of them well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up half Dome, climbing hand over hand up the famous Yosemite 2,000 foot rock formation .是同甘苦共患难的深厚友谊使他们在艰苦的两个星期里战胜了Half Dome 这座峭壁,一点一点地最终爬上了Yosemite有名的高达2000英尺的石崖。3. And Wellman was there for his able bodied friend early in the climb when pieces of rock gave way, 700 feet above the group, and Corbett plunge downward.Wellman 在那里为他强健的朋友早早地做好准备。突然,在离开地面人群700英尺的地方,Corbett 摔了下去。4. On their climbs, Corbet
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