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,生鲜卫生要点培训 Fresh Hygiene Key Points Training,Customer safety is 消费者的安全是,An essential and implicit need 我们不言而喻的职责, but also a 同时,也是,SANITARY 健康的迫切需要 LEGALLY 法规的迫切需要 ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL 经济贸易的迫切需要, obligation,在某一天的早上,发生了 What happened in a store,“ 对于某店的店长来说这是个遗憾而且艰难的一天,我们可以想象当他听说发生食物中毒事件时有多震撼。” “ 五月一日以来,某超市已经摆脱了食物中毒事件,熟食科停止了加工,估计损失了 150,000 - 200,000,包括赔偿费和处罚费,损失非常惨重。而且企业形象的损毁远比这些还要严重。”,“ It is a pitiful and hard day for the store manager of Nantou store, Mr Alain Enjalbert. We can imagine how he was shocked at hearing the food poisoning news.” “ Since 1st of May, Lerong Supermarket has got rid of food poisoning, stopped operation in Salad Bar, the estimate loss will be 150000-200000 of the income, and including the compensation to the customers and penalty, it is a really hard time for the store manager, while, the bad influence to enterprise image is far more serious than the loss of the economy.”,SAFETY RISK 健康的风险,If we dont apply perfect hygiene, we risk customer safety, we can be responsible of peoples death! 如果我们不想办法达到一个完好的卫生标准, 那我们就将置顾客的健康于危险的境地,WE RISK CUSTOMER SAFETY消费者的健康与安危,LEGAL RISK 法律的风险,Bills, products withdraw, destroyed, jailstore can also be closed and stop activity 罚款、扣押或销毁商品、 判刑入狱、机构关张及停止经营活动等,If we dont manage the safety of the products, we risk legal sentences. 如果我们不加强对产品安全的管理,我们就可能招致刑事与民事方面的惩罚,China Food Hygiene Law,CHAPTER VIII LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY Article 39 Whoever, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food which is not up to the hygiene standards, thus causing an accident of food poisoning or resulting in a disease caused by food-borne bacteria, shall be ordered to stop such production or marketing; the food causing such food poisoning or disease shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed. Whoever, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food which is not up to the hygiene standards, thus causing a serious accident of food poisoning or resulting in a disease caused by food-borne bacteria, and seriously harming human health, or adulterates food he produces or markets with toxic or harmful non-food raw materials, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. If a person commits any of the acts mentioned in this Article, his hygiene licence shall be revoked. 第四十六条 违反本法规定,定型包装食品和食品添加剂的包装标识或者产品说明书上不标明或者虚假标注生产日期、保质期限等规定事项的,或者违反规定不标注中文标识的,责令改正,可以处以一千元以上五万元以下的罚款。 第四十七条 违反本法规定,食品生产经营人员未取得健康证明而从事食品生产经营的,或者对患有疾病不得接触直接入口食品的生产经营人员,不按规定调离的,责令改正,可以处以五千元以下的罚款。 第四十八条 违反本法规定,造成食物中毒事故或者其他食源性疾患的,或者因其他违反本法行为给他人造成损害的,应当依法承担民事赔偿责任。,License : certificate delivered by the government allow the company to prepare and deliver food. 许可证:政府颁发的许可证,企业可加工并运送货物,1 UNHAPPY CUSTOMER COSTS A LOT! 一个不满意的顾客可能意味着公司严重的经济损失,For 1 customer who complains, 24 others keep silence 在二十五个不满意的顾客中,只有一个顾客提出投诉,其余二十四个人都保持沉默,1 customer unhappy tells it to 12 people 一个不满意的顾客会将他的不满对十二个人讲,ECONOMIC AND COMMERCIAL RISK 经济和贸易风险,We can loose customers, decrease market share, get a bad image 顾客流失、市场占有率减少、品牌形象遭到破坏,If we dont work in perfect hygiene way, we will propose to customers products which quality, freshness will not reach their request, and we take the risk to dissatisfy them. 如果我们不想办法达到完好的卫生标准,我们就无法向我们的顾客提供新鲜优质的产品,也就失去了他们的信任,细菌是一组微小的生物,由于个别的太小以致于无法用肉眼看到。 其包括:细菌,真菌,病毒. Microbe is a term for tiny living organism that individually are too small to be seen with the eye.,What is a microbe?,什么是微生物?,There are very small: 2 to 10 thousandth of mm (10 000 smaller than a fly!). 体型极其微小 : 2/100010/1000 毫米 To see them: we use a microscope we make them growing in a specific nutritious substance, and they make colony (big families), so we can count them.,不同的细菌类别 Different microbes families,BEWARE! 注意 !,Microbes are not all dangerous 并非所有的微生物都是危险的 : - Essential microbes - Useful microbes - Harmless microbes - Dangerous microbes,ESSENTIALS MICROBES 不可缺少的微生物,In animal and human intestine 在人类和动物体内,Protection against dangerous microbes 帮助我们抵抗 有害微生物的侵扰,Food digestion 帮助食物的消化,ADULTERATING MICROBES (Harmful for food) 导致食品变质的微生物 (对食品有害),PATHOGENES MICROBES (Harmful for Men) 致病微生物(对人类有害),DANGEROUS MICROBES 有害微生物,Bacteria and Virus 细菌与病毒 Can bring 可能导致 : infectious diseases 传染病 (if the microbes number is too high) Toxi-infections (if the microbes produce toxins, that can not be destroyed by heat),Bacteria细菌, yeasts, molds Can bring: Bad taste or smell to food 对食品产生不好的味道及气味,Example of Microbe test result,Yellow means that the test is not conform for TPC, or Coliform,Red means that the test is not conform for one pathogen,Contamination sources 污染源(where com from microbes?),PRODUCT 产品,AIR空气,WATER 水,PACKAGING包装,MATERIALS 器材 (TOOLS,TABLES, MACHINES),FACTORY场所,MAN 人 (HANDS, CLOTHES, HAIRS),WASTE 残渣,INSECTS,RATS 有害物质,RAW MATERIALS原材料,LIV
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