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Module 2Public holidays Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.课前预习案. 单词拼写1. 季节; 节期(n. ) _2. 旗; 旗帜(n. ) _3. eight(num. ) _(序数词)4. nine(num. ) _(序数词)5. twelve(num. ) _(序数词)6. twenty(num. ) _(序数词). 短语互译1. 三天的假期a _ holiday2. 休假 day_3. 各种各样的 _ _ of4. 去度假 take _ _5. the start of _6. play music _. 句型填词1. 10月1日是中国的国庆节, 不是吗, 玲玲? The First of October is Chinas National Day, _ _ , Lingling? 2. 从那时起, 人们就庆祝国庆节。People _ _ the National Day _ then. 3. 我父母和我打算去山东省拜访一些朋友, 并将待在那里直到假期结束。My parents and I _ _ _ visit some friends in Shandong Province and _ _ there _ the end of the holiday. 4. 当我们和我们的朋友们待在一起时, 我们会在青岛度过一天。 _ were _ with our friends, were _ _ spend one day in Qingdao. 5. 并且假期一开始, 我的家人就总是去一些有趣的地方。And my family always go _ _ _ _ _ the holiday begins. 1st October4th Julythe tenth of SeptemberThe Peoples Republic of China was founded on 1st October 1949. 在英语的日期表达中, 其顺序一般是 _ , 表示某日一般使用 _ 词。来源:学优高考网课堂教学案1. until prep. & conj. 到为止【语境领悟】*My parents and I are going to visit some friends in Shandong Province and will stay there until the end of the holiday. 我父母和我打算去山东省拜访一些朋友, 并将待在那里直到假期结束。*Ill wait until they arrive. 我会一直等到他们来。*I didnt wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。【自主归纳】until的两种句式【学以致用】I will wait _I hear from you. A. untilB. sinceC. whileD. because昨天下午我直到写完作业才回家。I _ _ home yesterday afternoon _ I finished my homework. 2. while conj. 当的时候【语境领悟】来源:学优高考网gkstk*While were staying with our friends, were going to spend one day in Qingdao. 当我们和我们的朋友们待在一起时, 我们会在青岛度过一天。*Some people waste food while others havent enough to eat. 有些人浪费食物, 然而有些人却吃不饱。【自主归纳】(1)while意为“当的时候”, 引导时间状语从句, 且从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。(2)while用作并列连词, 意为“而, 然而”, 表示对比。【归纳拓展】when引导时间状语从句 when所引导的时间状语从句中的动词既可以是终止性动词, 也可以是延续性动词, 从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。例如: When the teacher came in, we were reading. 当老师进来的时候, 我们正在读书。【学以致用】Todays young people cant live without smart phones. They keep their hands on the phones wherever they go, even while they _meals. 来源:学优高考网gkstkA. had B. will haveC. are having D. were having(雅安中考)Amy was reading a book _I came in. A. when B. while C. because D. though【授课备选】补充练习来源:gkstk.Com选词填空: when/while。Id like to study law at university _ my cousin prefers geography. I was walking down the street _ I met my good friend. 3. since prep. &conj. 自从; 自以来【语境领悟】*People have celebrated the National Day since then. 从那时起, 人们就庆祝国庆节。*Since we came here, we have lived in the house. 自从我们来这儿, 我们就住在这座房子里。*Since its the start of the vacation season, most people take a vacation some time in July or August. 既然这是假期的开始, 许多人在七月或八月度假一段时间。【自主归纳】(1)since作介词或连词, 意为“自从; 自以来”, 后面接表示时间的词或短语, 引导时间状语从句, 主句用现在完成时, 而且谓语动词须是延续性动词。(2)since还可以意为“既然”, 引导原因状语从句, 表示原因是对方已知的, 相当于now that, 语气比because弱。【学以致用】Miss Lin _a lot of work for the poor area since 2010. A. does B. did C. has done D. will do4. as soon as一就【语境领悟】*And my family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. 来源:gkstk.Com并且假期一开始, 我的家人就总是去一些有趣的地方。*Well go back to school as soon as the May Day holiday is over. 五一假期一结束, 我们就回学校。【自主归纳】来源:学优高考网(1)as soon as意为“一就”, 引导时间状语从句, 强调两个动作接连发生, 从句中的谓语动词常为短暂性动词。(2)as soon as引导从句时, 如果主句用将来时态或祈使句, 从句常用一般现在时表将来。【学以致用】(莆田中考)Mom, Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow. Thats nice. Youd better ring me up _you get there. A. untilB. as soon asC. because【授课备选】补充练习I _ (send)you a postcard as soon as I get there. 来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:gkstk.Com课后达标学案. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. The university _ (found)100 years ago. 2. Lin Feng _ (study)very hard since he came to our school. 3. I watched my uncle _ (get)into a taxi just now.4. I was doing my homework while my mother _ (do)the cleaning. 5. We _ (leave)for Shanghai as soon as we get tickets. . 单项选择1. We are hoping to _at the end of July. A. have vacationB. take vacationC. have vacations D. take a vacation2. Ill have _next week. A. one-day off B. one day offC. one days
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