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Unit 3 How do you get to school?教师寄语:好学而不勤问非真好学者【复习目标】通过读写熟记本单元单词及短语1. 掌握本节课的单词: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100; minute kilometer new every every day by by bike train bus subway take the subway ride hundred liwe By bike drive 3,写出并读出下列短语火车_ 公共汽车_ 地铁_ 乘地铁_ 骑, 旅程_. 自行车_ 骑自行车_ 六十_ 七十_ 八十_ 九十_ 一百_ 分钟_ 远的_ 千米_ 新的 _ 每一,每个_ 每天_ 乘(表示方式) _ 骑自行车_ 任务二 组内探讨: How do you get to school ?怎样用英语回答。How long does it take you to - ?在回答时要注意什么?How far is it from -to ?怎样用英语回答4,要点1. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bike. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。It takes me two hours to do my homework.It takes us two hours to clean the classroom every Monday.How long does it take you to go to school on foot every day学习成果展 1、 【知识探究】1,take的具体用法take的本义是“carry sh/sth from one place to another”,即“携带,运载”。但灵活的它在不同的场合有不同的含义。(1)表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。例如:My father usually takes a bus to work.我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。注意:take和by都有“乘、坐”之意。take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而by是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。by短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。例如:格林先生经常乘火车去上班。Mr Green often goes to work by train.Mr Green often takes a train to work.(2) take表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。例如:Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom , please?请你把我的书包拿到教室去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop.他妈妈经常带他去书店。注意:如果表述把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用bring.例如:Han Mei ,please bring me a cup of tea.韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。Dont forget to bring your dictionary here next time.下次别忘了把你的词典带来。(3) take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“It takes sb some time to so sth” ,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的to不可丢掉。例如:It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day.她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening.晚上我要花半小时做作业。达标测评一,口头翻译下列词组1. how far 2. how long 3. bysubway 4. by train 5. by taxi/take a taxi 6. get to/arrive at, in 7. go to work 8. 10 kilometers from my home 9.be far from 10. get home 二,句型转换1,I come to school on foot. (提问)2,It takes me ten minutes to get there.(提问)3, My school is 10 kilometers from my home.(提问)4,Peters home is very far from school。 (提问)5,Every morning his father drives him to school (一般疑问句) 三, 根据中英文提示完成下列各句. 1. 你家离超市多远? _ is your home from the supermarket? 2. 李萍家紧挨着学校,她每天步行去上学。Li Ping lives(住) _ her school. She goes to school _ every day. 3. 你每天开车去上班需要多长时间? _ does it _ you _ every day? 4. 邮局离这里大约3公里远。 The post office (邮局) is _ here. 5. 香港离北京很远,坐飞机需要一个半小时。 Hong Kong is _ Beijing. It will _ hours to get there _. Unit 3 How do you get to school Section B主备人:侯芳芳 参与者:宋成建 马红花 曲慧敏 秦振华 黄彦平 贾亚奇备课时间:第七周 拟使用时间:第七周教师寄语:好学而不勤问非真好学者【复习目标】1、 通过读写熟记单词及短语: stop think of cross river many village betwen.and brige boat year afraid like villager leave dream come true 二、熟记下列句子 句型:A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.A: How far is it from his home to school?B: About forty miles. 【自主学习】一读2b找出重点短语及句子,并背诵下来。二根据下列图片及下边提示写出关于你的文章。 总距离:5milesget up at 6:00 have breakfast walk/5minutes take the bus/20 minutes get to school/7:00_【知识探究】how far 对距离的提问。How long 对长度和时间长短的提问1.How do you get to .?该句用来询问对方如何到达某地。常用How 来引导并与短语get to连用如:你怎样到达学校?How do you get to school?I take the bus.How does he get to school?He takes his bikeHow 做疑问副词,还可以表示如何,怎样以何种方式或手段。例如:你怎样到达公园? 我坐公共汽车。 get 表示到达”,是不及物动词,若加宾语,后需跟介词to,如:get to school/ get to park.get后跟副词时不加to,如:get home例如:She usually gets home at five oclock.她通常五点回家。我怎样才能到达图书馆? 我步行到那儿. 我怎样到家? 3、讲解:“quick”为形容词,意为“快速地”,快速的吃早餐“have a quick breakfast”也可以说为“have breakfast quickly”Dont speak so .I cant follow you“leave for ”意为“前往,到去”,不强调离开哪里, 只强调要去的地方。例:下星期我们将动身去西藏。Next week we will leave for Tibet。达标测评一,选择
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