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Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Its nine oclock.,What time is it?,Its twelve oclock.,What time is it?,two oclock.,What time ?,Its nine thirty.,Its half past nine.,What time ?,Its ten past ten.,What time .?,twelve fifteen,fifteen past twelve,What ?,two fifty,ten to three,What ?,What time is it ?,What time is it ?,Its 7 o .,clock,7:00 a.m.,Beijing,a.m.,London,Tokyo,Paris,Los Angeles,New York,p.m.,What time is it?,Its 7 :15,seven-fifteen,整点钟读法: six oclock 顺读法: 6:05 six O five 6:15 six fifteen 6:30 six thirty 6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five,逆读法: (1) 分钟数为30, .点半: 6:30 half past six 5:30 half past five (2) 分钟数不到30, 点过分: 6:05 five past six 6:10 ten past six,(3)分钟数超过30, 差分点 6:50 ten to seven 6:55 five to seven,Read the clock time :,get up,eat breakfast,take a bus,go to school,have a class,have lunch,play sports,go home,5:30,do homework,watch TV,take a shower,go to bed,get up,eat breakfast,take a bus,go to school,have a class,have lunch,play sports,go home,do homework,watch TV,take a shower,go to bed,have dinner,起床,吃早饭,乘车,去上学,上课,吃午饭,做运动/进行体育活动,回家,吃晚饭,做作业,看电视,洗澡,睡觉,Phraces:,;,What time do you usually ? I usually at ,What time do you usually ? I usually at ,What time _ she eat breakfast?,She _ breakfast at 6:20.,_ _ does she do her homework?,She _ her _ at 7:00.,
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