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,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,专 题 导 读,真 题 典 例,新 题 预 测,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,说明文也是阅读简答题常见的体裁之一。把握说明文的语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的常见写作顺序有:时间顺序(指先后顺序),空间顺序(从局部到整体、从上到下、从内到外),逻辑顺序(前因后果、先果后因、先主后次)以及认识顺序(由此及彼、由浅入深、由具体到抽象、由现象到本质)。文章通常层次清晰,整体性强,易读易懂。,返回目录,专 题 导 读,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,2013湖南卷 “Lets talk”:the free advice project A few weeks ago, I took a walk around Washington Square Park. I met all the usual people:street performers, the Pigeon Guy, a group of guitarists singing in harmony. But off to the side, sitting on a bench was a woman doing something vastly differentgiving free advice. A week or two later, I set up an interview with her and we discussed her project at length.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,Lisa Podell, 32, started the Free Advice Project this past May. It began as an experiment;she sat in Washington Square Park for a day with a sign that read “Free Advice” as a simple way to reach out to people. Podell was astonished at the strong response. Podell admits that she was doubtful at first, but now she describes the project as mutually (相互地) beneficial. People learn from herbut she also learns from them. She says that the majority of those who come to her are dealing with some pretty heavy issues, and they expect her not only to listen, but also provide real answers.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,Having worked as a full time teacher and now as an adolescent advisor, Podell believes that talking things out is important in the decisionmaking process. Sometimes, people walk around all day, keeping their problems in their own head and thinking about them in the same way. Podell simply tries to provide people with perspective. I asked if there is a future plan for the Free Advice Project. Podell said she would like to promote it to each public space in New York, which would be carried out by various volunteers across the city.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,It was truly inspiring to meet someone with such a big heart, especially in New Yorkwhere it is sometimes very hard to find anybody to listen.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,1In what way was Podell different from other people in the park? (No more than 6 words) _ 2What do people in need expect Podell to do? (No more than 10 words) _ 3According to Podell, what should people do when making decisions? (No more than 6 words) _ 4How would Podell promote her project in New York? (No more than 15 words) _,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,要点综述 现代人大多非常繁忙,步行速度快,很难停下脚步来与人交流。但是Lisa Podell却创立了一种“免费建议工程”来倾听别人的心声,给别人提出合理化的建议。 1. She was giving free advice. 信息查询题。考查细节的直接理解和转换。根据第一段最后一句破折号后的内容giving free advice转换,并添加主语和系动词。 2. They expect her to listen and provide real answers. 信息查询题。考查细节的直接理解和转换。根据第四段的最后一句“they expect her not only to listen, but also provide real answers.”将not onlybut also转换成and即可。,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,真 题 典 例,3. They should talk things out. 信息查询题。考查细节的直接理解和转换。根据第五段的“Podell believes that talking things out is important in the decisionmaking process.”直接转换即可。 4. She would promote it to each public space with the help of volunteers. 信息整合题。考查信息的整合和表达。根据倒数第二段的“she would like to promote it to each public space in New York, which would be carried out by various volunteers across the city.”可直接将定语从句转换成介词短语with the help of volunteers。,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,新 题 预 测,(一) Companion planting is the idea that some kinds of plants can help each other grow. Plants that are compatible(能共存的) together generally have similar needs in terms of nutrients, soil and moisture levels. Advice about which plants are compatible is sometimes based more on tradition than proof. But experts say there is evidence to support certain combinations. These can improve harvests, reduce disease and help with pest control by attracting helpful insects.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,新 题 预 测,For example, some kinds of bacteria take nitrogen(氮) from the air and make it into a form that plants can use. The plants hold the nitrogen in their roots. Legumes are especially good at this nitrogenfixing. Then any crops that share the same space with the legumes can get the nitrogen easily.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,新 题 预 测,Beans and potatoes can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil. Deeprooted vegetables get nutrients and moisture from lower down in the soil, so they do not compete with plants with shallower roots. However, some plants placed together may harm each others development. For example, tomatoes dont like wet soil but watercress(西洋菜) does, so you would probably want to keep them separated.,返回目录,专题二十六 说明文型阅读简答,新 题 预 测,Some kinds of produce should be kept apart even after being harvested. This is because of ethylene(乙烯) gas. Ethylene is a plant hormone that can cause some foods to ripen too quickly. Apples release ethylene gas. Apricots, melons and tomatoes also release a lot of ethylene. Some ve
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