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Unit 3,International Maritime Organization,Part Warming-up Activities,B,C,D,1. China Maritime Safety Administration (D),2. Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (C),3. International Maritime Organization (A),4. World Maritime University (B),A,Part Text A: Introduction to IMO,Section 1: Background Information,Section 2: Text explanation 1. Key words and expressions 2. Key sentence analysis 3. Text translation,IMO: It stands for International Maritime Organization. IMO是国际海事组织的简称。国际海事组织是联合国负责海上航行安全和防止船舶造成海洋污染的一个专门机构,总部设在伦敦。该组织最早成立于1959年1月6日,原名“政府间海事协商组织”,1982年5月改为现名,到2006年10月,已有167个正式成员。,IMO,Section 1: Background Information,Titanic was a passenger liner that struck an iceberg on her maiden voyage from Southampton, England on 12 April 1912, to New York City, and sank 3 days later. It resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people and it is one of the deadliest disasters in history. 泰坦尼克号悲剧:豪华客轮泰坦尼克号首航从英国南安普敦出发,在前往纽约市的途中,撞上冰山,于1912年4月15日沉没,导致了1517人死亡。泰坦尼克号悲剧是历史上最严重的海难事故之一。,Titanic disaster,SOLAS : It stands for International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea. SOLAS是国际海上人命安全公约的简称。为确保船舶在海上航行时人命的安全,由国际海事组织制定的有关船舶分舱、稳性;机电设备;防火、探火和灭火;救生设备与装置;无线电报与无线电话;航行安全;谷物装运;危险货物的装运和核能船舶等诸方面的安全规定的国际公约。,SOLAS,Section 2: Text explanation,1. Key words and expressions,2. Key sentence analysis,3. Text translation,shipping n. the business of carrying goods, especially in a ship运输;船运 e.g. a shipping company 船运公司 Theres a shipping charge of 5 added to the price. 价格之外另加五英镑运输费。,Paragraph 1,Key words and expressions,Paragraph 1,Translation,航运可能是最具国际化的世界行业,通过高效地、清洁地、安全地运输大量的货物,它为超过90%的全球性贸易服务。,1. ownership n. legal possession of something, usually something big and valuable所有权 e.g. The house is under new ownership. 那栋房子已易新主。 The ownership of the restaurant is disputed. 那餐厅的所有权有争议,Paragraph 2,Key words and expressions,2. embrace vt. to accept and include something 接纳;包括 e.g. This course of study embraces every aspect of the subject. 本课程涉及这门学科的每个方面。 The cat family embraces lions and tigers. 猫科包括狮和虎。,Paragraph 2,Key words and expressions,3. registry n. a collection of official records, or the place where it is kept 注册处;登记簿 e.g. registry office 出生、死亡、结婚登记处 be married at a registry 登记结婚,Paragraph 2,Key words and expressions,4. date back to v. phr. to be made or begun at a particular time in the past 追溯到 e.g. The history of the town dates back to the Middle Ages. 这个城镇的历史可回溯到中世纪。 The custom dates back to the time when men wore swords. 这项习俗始于人类佩戴刀剑的时代。,Paragraph 2,Key words and expressions,5. address vt. 1) to write the name and address of a particular person or organization on an envelope, parcel etc在(信封或包裹)上写上姓名和地址 e.g. The letter was addressed to the wrong house. 这封信写错了地址。 The letter was addressed to Alice. 这封信是寄给爱丽丝的。 2) to try to deal with a problem or question 处理;应对 e.g. A number of issues are being addressed. 有几件事情正在处理。 Governments have been slow to address the problem. 政府处理该问题的动作缓慢。,Paragraph 2,Key words and expressions,Paragraph 2,Translation,船只的所有权及一系列的管理会涉及许多国家,此外,船只在各国不同的管理区域而且经常是在远离其注册所在国的海面开展运输业务。所以,这就有必要制定一个所有国家都能通过并且接受的规范航运业的国际公约。最早的海上条约可以追溯到19世纪。后来,1912年的“铁达尼号”沉没事件促成了第一个国际海上人命安全条约-国际海上人命安全公约的诞生,该条约目前仍然是处理海上安全问题最重要的条约。,1. convention n. 1) a formal agreement between governments of different countries about how they should behave towards each other or towards the people in their country (国际)公约 e.g. Japan has signed a convention of peace with a neighbouring country. 日本已与邻国签署一项和平协定。 The two countries are reported to have concluded a military convention. 据报导,这两个国家已缔结军事协定。,Paragraph 3,Key words and expressions,2) a way of behaving that is generally accepted as being normal and right 惯例;社会习俗 e.g. Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation. 依照常规部长在这种情况下应该辞职。 She rebelled against convention and refused to marry. 她反抗社会习俗,拒绝结婚。,Paragraph 3,Key words and expressions,2. adopt vt. 1) to formally approve a proposal, amendment etc, especially by voting接受,通过,批准 e.g. Congress adopted new measures. 国会通过了新措施。 The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。 2) to decide to start using a particular idea, plan, or method采用,采纳,采取 e.g. to adopt a positive attitude / a tough line 采取积极的态度/ 强硬的路线 to adopt an idea/ a policy 采纳一个意见/政策,Paragraph 3,Key words and expressions,3. maintain vt. to make something stay the same 维持;保持 e.g. The two countries have maintained friendly relations for many years. 两国多年来一直保持着友好的关系。 Food is necessary to maintain life. 食物是维持生命所必需的。,Paragraph 3,Key words and expressions,Paragraph 3,4. framework n. a system of rules, laws, agreements 框架;结构 e.g. the democratic framework of society 社会的民主框架 A free market economy operates within a framework of minimal state intervention. 自由市场经济在国家尽可能少干预的框架内运行。,Key words and expressions,5. remit n. a particular area of work that someone is responsible for 职责;职权范围 e.g. within/ outside the remit of 在/超出职权范围之内 The remit is to examine how staff deal with abusive
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