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2014年地大博士英语考试真题Part 1 In section A you will see 10 incomplete sentences. In section B you have 20 choices for finishing these sentences.Section A1. How do you account2. The graph in the upper part of the screen3. Why are quick-frozen vegetables almost4. As you can see, most of 5. Playful people who enjoy talking,6. A dam is a wall7. As Wang Jianguo became better at spoken English,8. I was walking down this street one day9. If I had known he wasnt feeling well,10. According to this timetable, we areSection BA. impossible to use in nuclear power stations?B. not diligent students, learn spoken languages most easily.C. the difference between these two products?D. he found that he got more out of his reading as well.E. students grew up in towns and cities.F. that builds a barrier to prevent water from flowing onward.G. scheduled to arrive in Chengdu in 35 minutes.H. shows the change in production levels from 1990 to 2012.I. I would take him to see a doctor.J. when I saw an expensive car run over a teenagerK. is unlikely to make very rapid progress in mastering written English.L. supposed to take the medicine twice a day.M. for the sharp fall in bird populations since 1995?N. I would have called off the meeting.O. the examples are taken from recent publications.P. constructed across a valley to enclose an area for storing water.Q. and run into an old friend I havent seen in years.R. can be worn to all sorts of social events, both formal and informal.S. he receives much higher grades in all subjects.T. as good as things straight from the garden?Part 2 Correct1. Toronto is some 475 km in the northwest of New York, while Vancouver, only 200 km from Seattle, is even closer to a major American city.2. The panel of distinguished scientists gathered in Cambridge to discuss the evidences in support of Dr. Thistlethwaites revolutionary hypothesis.3. Ordinarily the surface of the planet is nearly at the boiling point of water on Earth, 100.2-101 according to the data from the orbiting satellite.4. Excuse me, but dont you think that its rather odd to give such an elaborate welcome speech and then turn around and treat a delegate with a good question as if he were a nuisance?5. The scientists were very frustrating as they tried again and again to use the mechanical arm to pick up the smooth, slippery object from the bottom of the sea and bring it into the vessel.6. Should I receive any messages while I am in the meeting, kindly hold them for me till after the oil company representatives have left.7. There was one thing that shocked me about the Queen when he walked into the room with Mrs. Obama, namely her height; the British monarch is only 163 cm tall, much shorter than I had imagined.8. I put my ear to the object and listened carefully as I first tapped it lightly with a chopstick and then striked it with a hammer; I wanted to find out if it was hollow, preferably without breaking it.9. The border guards made us to get out of the car while they checked it for drugs, weapons and other forbidden items.10. As the article points out, one of the things that limit the appeal of this years new TV shows most damagingly is that they lack of innovation.Part3Vocabularyacross the board: in every respectapparel: clothing, clothesan array: a rangeawe: deep respectchronic: that does not simply happen once and then go away; persistent to coast: to continue to move along without effort or troublea consolation: something that makes you feel better when you are sadto counteract X: to act against X, to neutralize Xa cult: a group of flowers who admire a leader or thing in an exaggerated waythe default: the non-special situationa defect: an imperfectiona deluge: a flooda dud: a failure; something new that turns out to be quite disappointingempathy: sensitivity to the feelings of other individualsfabrics: types of clotha fetus: a still unborn childto forgo X: to give X up; not to go ahead with X; to do without Xa garment: a single piece of clothinga gender: sexgenitalia: sexual organsan insecticide: a chemical that kills insectslead: Pba lining: a covering on the inside or inner surface of somethinga logo: a company emblem or symbolto morph into X: to change shape, becoming Xneural: related to nervesneurology: the study of nerves systema peril: a dangerto plummet: to drop suddenlyprone to X:susceptible to Xprowess: highly developed ability or skilla proxy: a substitute, something that can be used to track something elseramifications: secondary effects; additional complicationsreams of X: vast quantities of Xto retain X: to keep Xto tally X: to add X up; to reckon or compute Xto thrive: to flourish, to do very welltransparent: able to be seen throughan upstart: a sudden challenger or competitor who appears unexpectedlyvulnerable to X: open to harm from X
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