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Methods of Motivating Students Interest in English TeachingContentsContents1摘要2Abstract3I. Introduction4II. Present English Teaching and Learning Situation42.1 Present English Teaching Situation42.2 Present English Learning Situation5III. The Importance of Interest in Learning English5IV. Detailed Methods to Motivate Students Interest in English64.1 Build a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students64.2 Help Students Establish Confidence64.3 Arrange Effective Lessons74.3.1 Make Profound Preparation74.3.2 Create an Interesting English Environment84.4 Design Diversified Homework84.5 Cultivate Students to Form Good Habits9V. Conclusion9References11 摘要兴趣对英语的教与学有很大的帮助。它是学生学好英语的内在动力。教师要想方设法把学生吸引到教学活动中,让学生体会到学习英语是一种乐趣,才能调动学生的积极性和主动性,从而提高教学质量。本文首先指出在外语教学现状以及培养学生兴趣的重要性,通过对学生的心理特点和教学现状的分析,提出在外语教学中提高学生学习兴趣的方法,以达到提高外语教学质量的目的。首先,文章分析了教学现状,指出教学存在的问题。其次,作者指出了兴趣在学习中的作用,强调了兴趣在英语学习中的重要性。接着,本文给出提高学生学习英语的兴趣的具体方案。最后,作者也做出总结,强调只有提高学生学习英语的兴趣才能提高他们学习英语的能力,让英语课堂生动,深刻和轻松。关键词:英语教学,培养,兴趣AbstractInterest is a useful auxiliary in English teaching and learning. It is a kind of internal motivation to push students studies. Teachers need to try every way to attract students to the teaching activities and make the students experience that English-learning is a kind of interest. That will help to stimulate the enthusiasm and motivation of students and improve the teaching quality. The author firstly describes the current teaching and learning situation and points out the problem.Second, the author emphasizes the importance of interest in English learning and teaching.Then, the author puts forward the detailed method about how to improve students interest in English teaching . Finally, the author draws a conclusion to express that only if students interest in English-learning improved can students ability of English-learning enhance, which will makes the teaching vivid, impressive and easy. Key words: cultivation, English teaching, interestI. IntroductionInterest is very important in learning English and is also an effective motivation to learn English. It can push people forward to learn actively. So it surely is a crucial element which can influence ones attitudes, motivate ones potential and keep ones perseverance.In order to have an effective English lesson which is beneficial and interesting, first of all, an English teacher should learn students learning psychology and motives, and then use some advanced and effective techniques to teach English in classroom according to previous study. To some extent, the most effective method to make English teaching and learning smooth and successful is to arouse students interest in English.(Celce-Murcia, 1988) 1 Just as Einstein once said “Interest is the best teacher.” It is to say that interest is a direct motivating element to push forward students learning which means that interest plays an indispensable role in English learning. Comparatively speaking, learning English is rather dull, especially to study so many new words and a large amount of vocabulary. In this result, anumber of students become afraid of it. Therefore, it is teachers obligation to encourage them to learn English and teachers should spare no effort to motivate the students interest. II. Present English Teaching and Learning Situation2.1 Present English Teaching SituationIn China, to a large extent, English teaching is always dominated by the teachers, English practices are mostly text-oriented, and attention is scarcely paid to training students interest in learning English. The traditional teaching methods are primarily referred to asdidactics which is a kind of teaching methodology in which the main task of a teacher is to deliver a lecture literally or teach the linguistic knowledge, and meanwhile the main task of students is just to listen and take down notes.(Ye Jianping, 2006)3 However, they only accept the knowledge in a passive way which is given by the teacher, instead of themselves who should be active to understand, learn, remember and apply the knowledge. In this way, didacticsis actually nonsense for the students to study well and learn real knowledge, and shouldnt be frequently applied in English teaching. 2.2 Present English Learning SituationIn a classroom, it is the usual situation that most students keep silent and play a role as audience. Whats more, they seldom speak English or put up their hands to answer the teachers questions voluntarily, let alone some even fall asleep. It seems that they are attaching little importance to English learning and lacking interest in English class. There are obliviously two primary reasons for this situation of non-participation: one is that many students have just lost their interest in learning English, and the other one is that some students even have lost their hope in learning
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