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6 2012届毕业论文开题报告书学院:外国语学院专业:英语专业方向:英语教育班级:08英1姓名:隆佳辰学号:08131118指导教师姓名:黄启发指导教师职称:副教授 2011年10月班级08英1学号08131118姓名隆佳辰毕业论文题目(英)On the Application of Chunk Approach in Teaching Oxford English Writing毕业论文题目(中)词块教学在牛津英语写作教学中的应用 毕业论文起讫日期 2011年9月 2012年6月指导教师意见该生论题符合英语专业培养目标和要求,选题有一定的新颖度,在知识和学术上有可深入探索的空间,有利于积累专业知识,有益于打牢研究基础。课题规模恰当,为该生力所能及,难度适中。该生对本课题的研究和写作意义认识深刻、到位,写作目标明确,论文提纲设计较清晰,研究方法可行,时间安排合理,本报告书中所列文献与课题关系密切,格式符合规范要求。同意开题。指导教师(签名):_年 月 日系部审核意见系主任(签名):_年 月 日注:1. 开题报告书作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一,此报告应在导师指导下,由学生填写,经导师签署意见及系部审核后生效。2. 开题报告指导教师意见:对课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见和对毕业论文结果的预测。开题报告论述含设计技术或艺术要求、具体内容、设计过程、时间安排及参考文献等内容。I.The Significance of Writing the ThesisNowadays with the rapid development of the society,communication and changes among nations have become more and more frequently. As for communication, English is of vital importance and as for improving English, writing is a very effective means. However, because of the influence of the general educational circumstance, there still exist a number of problems in English writing in China. This paper intends to explore the importance of Chunk Approach in teaching Oxford English writing and the way to improve students English writing ability. It provides teachers with a new way to teach Oxford English writing.II.The Procedures of Writing the ThesisPlanning1. Assessing the writing situation2. Exploring ideas3. Focusing4. Sketching a planDrafting1. Introduction2. Body3. ConclusionRevisingIII.The Time Schedule of Writing the ThesisTime ScheduleTime Set for TasksTasks2011.09.15-2011.11.25Inventing a subject; collecting and researching; finishing the filling-in of the task sheet and subject application; outlining2011.12.052012.04.15Finishing the first draft2012.04.162012.04.25Revising the first draft 2012.04.262012.05.08Finishing the second draft2012.05.092012.05.15Revising the second draft2012.05.162012.05.25Finish the third draft2012.05.262012.06.01Students revising the third draft,teachers checking and approving the paper and students preparing for oral defense of the thesisIV.The Means of Research in the Writing of the ThesisDocuments CollectingDocuments StudyingV.The Objectives of the ThesisAs we all know, English writing is a demonstration of a persons ability to use English. This paper intends to explore the importance of Chunk Approach in teaching Oxford English writing and the way to improve students English writing ability. After reading this paper, students will raise their consciousness of Chunk Approach, teachers can use this new way to improve students ability of English writing. Therefore, the paper can fresh teachers traditional teaching method for better achievement. At the same time, teachers should also pay attention to the appropriate use of other methods and explore a new and efficient way according to the new curriculum.VI.Bibliography1 Clark, E. The Lexicon in AcquisitionM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.2 Lewis, M. The Lexical ApproachM. Hove: Language Teaching Publication, 1993.3 Nattinger J, De Carrico J. Lexical Phrases and Language TeachingM. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.4 Wray, A. Formulaic Language and the LexiconM. Cambridge: CUP, 2002. 5 陈伟平. 增强学生词块意识,提高学生写作能力J. 外语界, 2008, (3): 48-53. 6 丁言仁, 戚焱. 词块运用与英语口语和写作水平等相关性研究J. 解放军外国语学院学报, 2005, (3): 53-56.7 丁言仁. 第二语言习得研究与外语学习M. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2004.8 李爱华. 词块法在大学英语写作中的应用性研究J. 黑河学刊,2010, (10): 68-69.9 刘列斌. 论词块在英语写作教学中的优势及训练法J. 现代商贸工业,2008, (7): 274- 275.10 王蔷. 英语教学法教程(第二版)M. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2006. 11 王立非, 陈香兰. 语言语块教学与研究在中国的进展首届全国语言语块教学与研究学术研讨会综述J. 外语界, 2009, (6): 90-94.12 王碧翔. 词块学习策略与初中英语写作教学J.中小学外语教学(中学篇), 2009, (6): 33- 37.13 杨玉晨. 英语词汇的板块性及其对英语教学的启示J. 外语界, 2001, (4): 24-26. 14 于秀莲. 语块教学法与提高英语应用能力的实验研究J. 外语界, 2008, (3): 54-61.15 张义. 词块:提高二语限时写作的有效性策略J. 山西师大学报, 2009, 36(5): 102-104.16 章霞. 渗透词块教学 提高英语写作能力J. 现代中小学教育, 2010, (8): 34-36.OutlineOn the Application of Chunk Approach in Teaching Oxford English WritingI.IntroductionA.Recent research on chunk approachB.Current situation of Oxford English writing teachingC.Purpose of this paperII. Literature reviewA.The definition of chunk approachB.The classification of chunk approach1.Polywords2.Collocations3.Institutionalized expressions4.Sentence frames and headsIII. Research designA. Research questionsB. Research subjectsC. Group comparisonD. Research tools and data collectionIV.Experiment processA.Raising students consciousness of Chunk ApproachB.Creating more opportunities of outputV.Data analysisA.Significant differences existing between the experimental group and the nonexperimental group i
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