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大学英语II讲义2011 2012 学年第 2 学期课程名称:大 学 英 语 开课院部:外 国 语 学 院 主讲教师: 授课班级: 授课学时:68学 时 凯里学院教务处制 学期教学计划一教学指导思想根据党的教育方针政策,结合学校的文件精神,着眼于学生的全面发展,培养学生听说读写四个方面的能力,尤其注重口头和书面实用表达能力的训练和培养,使学生成为具有一定素养的符合社会发展的实用性人才.二学生情况分析 本学期教者承担一年级教学班3个,学生多达256人.他们分别来自体育学院和艺术学院,英语基础相对比较薄弱,学习英语兴趣不浓,动机也不是十分强烈.另外,在同一个班级,学生之间的差异十分明显.有的学生来自湖南山东等高考成绩优秀的省份,基础扎实, 听说读写四个方面的能力明显高出本省的学生; 有的学生英语方面的知识和技能与初中学生无异.从总体来讲,大部分学生基本上能跟上教学进度,能按时按质完成老师布置的作业,能积极回答老师提出的问题.三教材分析体验英语充分研究了国内外各个教育层次的英语教材的编写原则与特点,既吸纳了国内教材注重思想性人文性科学性以及注重打好语言基础等优点,又注入国外社区教育大众教育终身教育的实用,应用型教学的特点.体验英语综合教程第二册共有8个单元,每个单元由下列项目组成:1. Passages; 2.Lead-in; 3. Communicative Tasks; 4.Read and Explore; 5.Language Focus; 6.Read and Simulate; 7.Self-assessment Tests; 8.Practical Writing; 9.Culture Salon.体验英语综合教程第二册每个单元由听说(Listen and Talk ),阅读(Read and Explore)写作(Write and Produce)和文化沙龙(Culture Salon)4个部分组成.听说部分以简短的引导语引出单元的主题.引导语后面一系列精美图片展示了与主题有关的方方面面,为学生提供联系自我,“开怀畅谈”的素材.阅读的系列训练除阅读理解外,针对文章内容或联系学生自身体验,还设计了语篇的口头训练. 写作部分又分为一般写作和实用写作两部分.文化沙龙选配了与本单远主题相关的语言精炼图文并茂的文章,侧重文化背景与文化差异.四教学内容及课时安排Units Listen and Talk Read and exploreGeneral WritingPractical Writing Culture SalonLessonsUnit 6Sports andHealthTalking About sportsA: Never Give upB:Finding a BalanceParticipleHealth BackgroundFormThe EmblemsOf theOlympic12Unit 7Family TiesTalking aboutOnes familyA: ThingsLearn from DadB:Love worlds MiracleAdverbialClausesPersonalLettersThe StoryOf Fathers Day12Mid-test 4lessonsUnit 8Computersand SecurityTalking aboutComputerVirusesA:You are the Weakest LinkB:So Sorry toBug YouOmission andEmphasisInternetNoticeMilestonesIn ComputerHistory12The Traing of CET-4Listening and speakingListening and speakingwrtingTranslaingVoculabry 16Final Review4五教学措施1教师精心备课, 充分理解教材的重点,难点,准备翔实的有关资料, 上课时能有的放矢.2教者利用多媒体教学, 增强课堂上的知识密度.3课后及时与学生交谈, 根据反馈的信息调整教学方式.4认真督促学生完成课堂和家庭作业.5充分调动学生的积极性,建立良好师生关系,从而营造良好的教学氛围.Unit 6 Sports and HealthLesson 1I. Duration: 50minII.Description: Listen and TalkIII.Objective: Students will learn a. listen to the passage; b.talking about sports.IV.Approaches: Listening, Discussing, Performing and EvaluatingV.Procedures:.Listen to the Lead-in passage and fill in the blanks.1. The teacher plays the audio clip and students listen to it.2. The teacher plays the audio a second time and students listen and complete the blank-filling.3. The teacher plays the clip a thirds time and students listen and check the answers. (Students may refer to the electronic teaching plan or Experiencing English online for the answers).Talk about the pictures1. The teacher asks the questions: What do you know any activities of sports?2. The teacher guides students in a brain-storming activity.3. The teacher prepares the related information beforehand and makes a summary at the end of the discussion.Listen to Dialogue Sample 11. The teacher plays the audio clip and students listen to the dialogue sample.2. The teacher asks students to pick out the useful expressions in the sample used to talk about a picture the teacher gives examples as a guide for students to follow, such as:.What sports do you like to play?.Have you been on any sports teams?.Do you know how to play tennis?.3. The teacher asks students to work in groups and make a list, as long as possible, of the useful expressions from outside the book.4.The teacher collects the useful expressions from groups and comments on them.Listen to Dialogue Sample 21. The teacher plays the audio clip and students listen to the dialogue sample2. The teacher asks students to pick out the useful expressions in the sample used to talk about a sport.Well, I like weight lifting and I go to the fitness center a lot.What else do you do?.Thats good for you. May I join you in running tomorrow?3. The teacher asks students to work in groups and make a list, as long as possible, of the useful expressions from outside the book.4.The teacher collects the useful expressions from groups and comments on them.Do communicative Tasks1. The teacher leaves 5 minutes for students to prepare for the communicative tasks.2.The teacher may assign specific tasks to specific pair.3.The teacher encourages the pairs to perform the tasks and gives comments on their performance. Lesson 2I. Duration: 50minII.Description: Passage AIII.Objective: Students will learn: a.learn the words and expressions to describe Never Give Up; b.undestand the passage and retell the story.IV.Approaches: Reading, Discussing, Performin
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