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高二下学期英语期末复习100题81She left him, _ never _ foot in that house again.Adetermined, to set Bbeing determined, to put Cdetermining, to set Ddetermined, place2The population of this city, forty percent of which _, _ 15% in the last three years.Aare Germans, has risen by Bare Germen, has fallen byCis Germans, have increased to Dis Germans, have been reduced by3It is the protection for the trees _ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.Awhat Bthat C不填 Dwhich4The two sides have finally _, though some small differences still exist.Amade a decision Breached an agreement 5Elephants would _ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.Adie down Bdie out Cdie from Ddie of6He cant find his umbrella. He must have _ it on the bus.Alost Bleft Cforgotten Dput7Once lost, _.Ait is said to get such a chance again Bone can never get such a chance againCsuch a chance will never come again Dto get such a chance will be difficult8The fact puzzled Jack much _ he has been unable to pass the driving test up to now.Awhy Bbecause Chow Dthat9After the Anti-terrorist War, the American soldiers retuned home, _.Asafe but tired Bsafely but tired Csafe and tiring Dsafely and tiring10The highway _ to the city is under repair now.Aleads Bled Cto lead Dleading11Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.Ato invent Binventing Cto have invented Dhaving invented12He turned and went to sleep again, _ that it was still early.Ato think Band thought Cthinking Dthough13She reached the top of the bill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the side of the path.Ato have rested Bresting Cto rest Drest14Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? _ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.AGet BGetting CTo get DTo be15She looks forward every spring to _ the flower garden.Avisiting Bvisit Cpaying a visit Dvisited16About five hundred years ago, a lot of people went to North America _ gold.Ato dig Bdigging Cto dig for Dfor digging17The students, _ at the way the questions were put, didnt know the answers to them.Athey being surprised Bsurprised Ctheir being surprised Dthen surprised18After seeing the movie, _.Athe book was read by him Bthe book made him want to read it Che wanted to read the book Dthe reading of the book interested him19I cant understand _ at the poor child.Ayou to laugh Byou laugh Cwhy laugh Dyour laughing20There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself _.Ahearing Bto hear Cheard Dbeing heard21Mr. Smith announced _ that he would retire next week .Aus by Bto us Cfor us Dby us22A seniors lodge is a special kind of accommodation _ older people live in small apartments with no kitchens. Awhich Bwho Cwhere Dwhen23John told me that _.Ahe returned the book to library tomorrowBhe had returned the book to the library the day beforeCI will returned the book to the library the afternoon before DI returned the book to the library the afternoon before24_ is traditional diets that often have too much fat and too many calories for the 21st-century person.AIt BThere CThis DWhich25_ was almost daybreak when my father came back from work.AThen BThe time CThat DIt26When first introduced _ the market, these products enjoyed great success.Aat Bon Cin Dto27She remembered the times _ she was a little girl and she would go to Grandmas house for summer holiday. Awhen Bduring how Cwhere Dwhich28Tom asked me _.Awhether I knew when he will be back Bif I knew when he would be backCif I knew when he will be back Dthat I knew when he would be back29It was _ late into the night that they stopped their work.Anot until Buntil Ctill Dnot30Do you know the reason _ Tom gave for not attending the lecture?Awhy Bfor what Cthat Dbecause31Some inventions _ the basic forces of nature. For example, the light bulb beat out darkness.Aknew Bfought Covercame Dstruggled32She rarely _ in any of the discussions.Atakes Bparticipates Cattends Dlooks33Research has shown that people long ago _ to live together in a small number of related groups or clans. Atended Bexpected Cattempted Ddesired 34If you have invented something, you can get a(n) _ for it.Aright Bmoney Chonor Dpatent35Water _ at the Three Gorges Reservoir is the worlds largest control project.Aflow Bprevention Cstorage Dsupply36The _ of touch is controlled by the left side of the brain.Asense Bfeeling Caw
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