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高级口译口试 真题集锦上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试ORAL TESTDirections: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is ”. Topic: The real estate market in ChinaQuestions for Reference:1. What do you know about the real estate market trend in Shanghai as well as in China?2. Why are people becoming more active in buying their own houses in recent years?3. If you have enough money, what kind of house would you like to buy? Why?4. What conclusions could you draw from the booming real estate business?上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试INTERPRETAION TEST (Paper 33)Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signaland stop it at the signalYou may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1:There are 2 types of social communication intelligence. The first one refers to the ability to understand oneself. Children with the intelligence for self-understanding know how to make plans and arrangements, and know how to bring their ability into full play. They can do things on their own in a well-organized way without their parents supervision./The second type is the ability to understand others. Children with this kind of ability are good at spotting the peculiarities of other people and imitating them. For instance, they can easily identify a negative character in a TV play or a film. Therefore, parents should make their children develop their potential intelligence according to their own characteristics.(参考答案)社会交际智能有两种。第一种是了解自身的能力。具有这种智能的孩子知道如何计划与安排,知道如何充分发挥自己的能力。他们不需要父母/大人的督促,自己做事井井有条。/第二种是了解别人的能力。这类孩子善于发现别人的特征,善于模仿。比如, 他们能轻而易举地识别出电影或电视里的反面人物,因此,家长应按自己孩子的特点来发展其潜在智能。Passage 2:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Now that we are all here, shall we begin? As you all know, the purpose of todays meeting it to consider how best to introduce our range of machine tools to the key Asian market. We have been discussing this idea for some time and the very fast growth of Asian markets indicates that we should at least take this to the next stage./There are several items on the agenda. The first is the joint venture with the Starr Company, which is a small but successful company whom we could license to manufacture our products out there. The second item is the possibility of a link with a major regional distributor there; one with existing retailers in all key markets. Thirdly, there is, of course, the question of direct export to individual countries.(参考答案)女士们,先生们,早上好。既然大家都已到齐,让我们开始好吗?在座各位都知道,今天这个会议的目的是讨论如何将我们的机器工具系列产品介绍到主要的亚洲市场上去。就此我们已经讨论了一段时间了,亚洲市场的迅速成长表明我们至少应该将此贯彻到下一阶段/走出下一步。/这次会议的议事日程包括以下几项。第一项是关于与斯达公司成立合资企业,那是一家小型但很成功的公司,我们可以特许他们在当地的主要批发商/分配中心建立联系的可能性,该批发商/分配中心(应)在所有主要市场都有零售商。第三项当然是(我们面临的)直接出口到个别/有关国家的问题。Part BPassage 1求稳定、谋发展、促合作,是当今各国人民的共同愿望。世界多极化和经济全球化的不断深化,科学技术的日新月异,给国际政治、经济、文化关系带来了深刻的影响,并为人类进步提供了新的动力。/新形势、新趋势、新技术,促进了生产力的发展,促进了各国之间的合作与交流。世界联系变得更加紧密。爱好和平与渴望发展的各国人民,正奋力推动世界走向进步与光明。(参考答案)It is the common aspiration of all the people in the world to maintain stability, seek development and promote cooperation. The deepening of multi-polarization and economic globalization and the rapid development of science and technology has exerted a profound impact on international political, economic and cultural relations, and they have provided a new impetus for human progress. /The new developments/situation, trends and technologies have helped expand productive forces, enhanced cooperation and exchanges among countries and forged closer global ties. All people who love peace and long for development are working hard to create /for a more progressive world with a bright future.Passage 2:为纪念敦煌藏经洞发现100年,今年7月至8月在中国历史博物馆隆重举行了“敦煌艺术大展”。据报道,此次展览是历次敦煌艺术展览规模最大、展出文物最多的一次。许多展品都是第一次与观众见面。/这次展览还向世人展示了80余张珍贵图片,生动地向人们述说了敦煌一百年来经历的劫难和屈辱的历史。举办这样的展览的意义在于向全世界展示我国敦煌艺术的精华,让全世界的人民都来了解中华民族的优秀文化。(参考答案)In order to mark the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Library Cave at Dunhuang, a grand Dunhuang art show is scheduled to open/is held from July through August this year at the National Museum of Chinese History. It is reported that, different from previous Dunhuang art shows, this one is the largest in size and boasts of the greatest number of exhibits (on display). Many exhibits are being shown to the public for the first time./The exhibition also show to the public more than 80 (cherished) photos and pictures, vividly telling people the great calamity and humiliation of Dunhuang in the past one hundred years. The significance/importance of such exhibition is to show/lies in showing to the
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