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HOW TO BE AN EFFICIENT TEACHER?,Wu Rongming No. 3 Senior High School,中学英语教师的目标定位,中学英语教师的目标定位,II. 新课程课堂教学目标,A1. 教师的专业知识技能包括: 1. 教学理论 2. 教学技巧 3. 交流技能 4. 专业知识 5. 教学推理与决策技能 6. 环境知识,A2. 过程与方法 1. 任务型教学 a.原则:体验、实践、参与、 合作、交流、探究,A2. 过程与方法 1. 任务型教学 b.途径: 将任务设计放在学生的“最近发展区”; 捕捉学生的兴趣、爱好和知识特点, 力求找出两者的最佳结合点。,A2. 过程与方法 1. 任务型教学 C.设计要求: 以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点; 有利于学生学习英语知识、发展语言技能、 提高语言应用能力; 有利于学生习得语言知识,课内外结合; 多设计主动性强、形式多样的任务(如: 指令型任务、猜测型任务、竞赛型任务、 调查型任务、展示型任务、表演型任务等),A2. 过程与方法 1. 任务型教学 C.设计要求: 结合教材的重点与难点,构建阶梯型任务 链,先输入后输出,围绕主题由浅入深、 环环紧扣,保障课堂的整体性和流畅性。 如:猜、说、写、编、演。,A2. 过程与方法 2. 教材内容处理 a.单元导入: 问题导入 讨论图片深入 多媒体画面扩充知识面激发兴趣 表演激发高潮,A2. 过程与方法 2. 教材内容处理 b.课文内容(复述) 学生自主型 采访型 表演型 完形填空型 提问型 关键词启发型 简笔画启发型 表格呈现型,A2. 过程与方法 2. 教材内容处理 c.语法教学(课文语言点、 词汇能力、语法部分) 重要性 有效性 语法教学原则: 实践性 针对性 区别性 渐进性 创新性,A2. 过程与方法 例1 (动名词教学) ridamergarckfepsam a log lame duck(一只木跛 鸭),ridamergarckfepsam resist, imagine, delay, admit, mind, enjoy regret, give up, avoid, risk, consider, keep, finish, escape, practise, suggest, appreciate, miss,A log lame duck(木跛鸭) be accustomed to,look forward to, object to, get down to, lead to, pay attention to, make contributions to, be equal to, devoteto, be used to, When it comes to, the key to,Teach the Appositive Clause by means of the Attributive Clause The man _ I saw just now is a teacher. The book _ I bought just now is very interesting. The place _ we visited last week is the place _ the famous writer spent his childhood. The days _ I spent on your farm were the days _ I felt the happiest. The fact _ you told me just now is the fact _ he was ill yesterday. The question _ he went there yesterday is the question _ I want to ask you.,例2:同位语从句教学,1、语境使词义单一化 英语词汇往往是多义的,但是在一定的语篇中只使用一个义项。 例如“ lie”是一个有多个义项的词,但是在“The boy lied that a hen was laying eggs.”这样的语篇中只适用一个义项“撒谎”。在“A hen was lying under the tree”中只适用“躺”这一个义项。 如“The boy lied that a hen lying under the tree was laying eggs.” 一个句子解释清楚一个词的多个义项。,(例3)语境法,2、语境使词义具体化 词义有概括性,如“class、family 、army”,词义可以指整体又可以指整类事物中的某些个或某一个个体,什么时候指整类,什么时候指个别成员由语境决定。例如:He has a big family,and his family are keen on sports.前一个 “family”指 “一个家庭”, 后一个 “family” 指”所有家庭成员”。,(例3)语境法,3、语境表现出词义搭配的选择性 如下例:He took my bag in error, while I took yours by mistake.他不巧错拿了我的包,而我错拿了你的包。 Im very pleased with my own cooking .It has a pleasant smell and Im sure it will please my husband.我对自己做的菜感到满意,菜闻起来不错,肯定能令丈夫高兴的。,(例3)语境法,4、 语境辨别近义词、反义词 (1)e.g The reason for his departure was that he wanted to look into the cause of the accident. (2)The doctor treated her headache with a new medicine, but didnt cure her. (3)I used to be dependent on my parents. Now Im independent of them,(例3)语境法,5、语境辨别词的主被动 (1)Im sure that your dream will come true. Im sure that your dream will be realized. (2)The new textbook will come out next month. The new textbook will be published next month. (3)Do you know where the meeting will take place? Do you know where the meeting will be held? (4)Housing price wont rise this year. Housing price wont be raised this year。,(例3)语境法,6、语境辨别动词的及物与不及物 (1)Please turn it up so that the people sitting at the back can hear it. I dont think she will turn up. (2)He took off his hat the moment he stepped in. The plane took off 10 minutes ago. (3)The seawater cant break down the plastics. My bus broke down on my way home yesterday evening.,(例3)语境法,7、在语境中感悟名词结构与动词进行时的转换 (1)The ring road is under construction at the moment. The ring road is being constructed. (2)Im afraid that the VCR is under repair. Im afraid that the VCR is being repaired. (3)The situation in Iraq is not under control at all. The situation in Iraq is not being controlled at all.,(例3)语境法,8、在语境中感觉词性 (1) One by one we got up from our seats (n. ) and left the room quietly. He entered the room and seated (v. ) himself at the desk. (2) The boy didnt know how to answer the question .(n. ) The master told his pupils that he would question (v. ) them on verbs.,(例3)语境法,9、在语境中操练词形变化,(例3)语境法,1. Teachers words usually benefit students a lot. Our teachers words were of much _ . This morning he said keeping a balance between work and rest would be _to our study.,benefit,beneficial,2.Before handing out the papers, the teacher warned, Cheating in exams means betraying your morality! Tom realized that cheating was _ , so he felt guilty about his bad behavior. 3.Finally, he succeeded after so many years hard work. He was _ in being admitted into the famous university, and all his friends congratulated him on his _.,immoral,successful,success,9、在语境中操练词形变化,4.He is waiting for the result of the exam anxiously. He is_ about the result of the exam. He is waiting outside his teachers office with _. 5. It is announced that H1N1 virus has continued to spread. She is listening to the radio. An i
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