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目 录Unit 1 School and Friends1一重点词组:1二重点句型:1三重要语言点:1Unit 1自测题3Unit 2 Colors and Clothes7一重点词组7二重点句型7三重点句子及语法解析7四语法重点8Unit 2 自测题10Unit 3 Body and feelings13一重点词组:13二重点句型:13三重要语言点:13Unit 3自测题16Unit 4 Food and Restaurants18一重点词组18二重点句子18三重要语法18Unit 4自测题21Unit 5 Family and home24一重点词组:24二重点句子24三重要语法:24Unit 5自测题28Unit 6 Lets go32一重点词组:32二重点句型32三重要语言点:32Unit 6 自测题35Unit 7 Days and months39一重点词组39二重点短语39三重点句型39四重点语法39Unit 7自测题42Unit 8 Countries around the world46一重点词组46二重点句子46三重点语法46Unit 8 自测题50七年级英语第一学期期中考试试卷(冀)54七年级英语第一学期期末考试试卷(冀)59 书山有路勤为径Unit 1 School and Friends一 重点词组:be/come from over therehave funplay sportshave lessonsshow around二 重点句型:I live in Whats your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is How are you? Im fine,thanks. Nice to meet you. Whats this/that? This/That is Thanks. Youre welcome. Good-bye/Bye. Where is ? There it is./Here it is. How many do you have? May I have ,please? May I borrow ,please? Here you are. He/She is my friend. See you later.三 重要语言点:1. Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?其中Whats是What is的缩写形式。这是个特殊疑问句,对这个问题的答语是:My name is.(某人姓名);也可用I am.(某人姓名)来表示。本句句末可以加上一个pleas(请),这使说话者的口气显得更为婉转和礼貌。2How are you?你好吗?这句话是关心对方身体状况的问候语,通常用与已认识的人之间。其答语是:Fine, thank you.很好,谢谢。句中Im fine可省略为Fine.另外,Im fine too.表示“我也很好”。其中的too是副词,意思是“也”。3One book, two books英语中可数名词有单、复数之分。表示两个或两个以上的人或物的可数名词后通常加-s构成复数名词。如:bookbooks, boyboys, teacherteachers名词复数有规则变化和不规则变化之分,本单元我们只讨论了最简单、最基本的变化。4. Where is your teacher? 你的老师在哪儿?Where(在哪里)是用来询问地点的特殊疑问词,答语是:He/She is(地点状语),注意不可用Yes或No来回答。如:Wheres she? Shes at school./At school.她在哪儿?她在学校念书/在校念书。5. What is this?这是什么?询问某个东西时,常用this指代“这个东西”,回答时也可用it代替this。this, that和it的用法:1)this是指较近处的物体;that是指较远处的物体。2)it是个代词,代替上文中的this或that或其他单数的物品。如: Whats this?这是什么?Its a bike.这是自行车。(这里“it”代替问句中的“this” ) 6. How many books do you have?How many.通常用于对可数名词的复数形式提问。如:How many teachers do you have?How many cups of tea can you see?回答How many问句时,可直接用数字作答,回答“没有”时,用not any。7. This is Wang Hong.这是王红。英语中介绍某人与对方认识时,常用This is.这一句型。如:This is Jim Green.这位是吉姆格林。已被介绍认识的双方常用Nice to meet you(见到你很高兴)这句应酬语,来相互表示友好。他们双方还可用How do you do(你好)来互致问候。另外,这两句话还可连起来用。如:A: How do you do? Nice to meet you!B:How do you do? Nice to meet you,too!注意:第二人说话人用了一个too(也)字,显得更为自然。8.Here you are.与Here it is.Here it is.有两层意思:(1)可以用来回答where的提问,表示“它在这。”(2)可以表示“给你”,此时Here you are.意思相近,视不同情景可互换。A.购物时,售货员说:“Here you are”, B.寻物时,自己发现了,常用Here it is.别人发现了给你时,常说:“Here you are.” 53 学无止境,永攀高峰Unit 1自测题一 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Im Tom. _ (很高兴) to meet you.2. Hi Jenny! _ _(早上好)!3. _ _ (她的名字) is Lucy.4. Whats _ _(你的名字)? My name is Mike.5. _ (我是) Tony.6. _ (我的) name is Danny.7. _ (他) is a boy.8. Ten _ (男孩) live in China.9. This _ (女孩) is Jenny.10. She has three _ (书) .11. Where is _ _ (你的学校)?12. Where is _ _ (你的教室)?13. Where is _ _ (她的老师)?14. She is in the _ (图书馆).15. _(这里) it is.16. _(哪里) is Wang Hong?17. He is _ _ _(在教室里).18. Please _ _(起立).19. Tom is in the _ _(学校图书馆).20. My school is _(那边).二 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. _ is my sister. _ is a teacher.(she)2. _ is a worker. _name is Jim.(he)3. How many _(pen) do you have?4. What _(be) this?5. Let me _(see).6. Nice _(meet) you.7. That is _(he) friend.8. Ann is _(I) sister.9. _(her) is a girl.10. This is _(he) fish.11. I have three _(eraser).12. Where _(be) your books?13. May I _(borrow)your pen?14. How many _(girl)are there?15. His name _(be) Zhao Ling.三 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Whats y_ name?2. Nice to meet y_.3. I l_ in Beijing.4. H_ name is Jenny.5. M_ name is Gina.6. How m_ pens do you have?7. This is Lucy. S_ is 12.8. Open the d_.9. -H_ many books do you have? -Two.10. I have many f_.11. May I h_ one book,please?12. -W_ this? -Its an apple.13. S_ us you markers.14. She is in the l_.15. -T_! -Youre welcome.四 单项选择。1. _ Jenny.A My name B Iam C Im D I2. Look at the girl.Whats _ name?A his B your C my D her3. -Hi,Linda.Nice to meet you. -_A Hi B Whats your name? C Nice to meet you,too. D Sorry4. I live _ Beijing.A on B in C at
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