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2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,1,英语口语: 决战未来的关键,Oral English:Key to Our Future 唐伟胜 博士 教授 南方医科大学外国语学院,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,2,Why Oral English?,Three stages of English teaching and learning in China 1980-1990: reading (getting to know the western world) 1990-2000: writing (beginning to contact the western world) 2000- : speaking (direct contact with the western world) Why are we learning English? High school: taking tests (college entrance examination) University: as a tool for communication Why is oral English important? Job? Money? Or even love! A Letter from my student,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,3,A Letter from My Student,Dear Professor Tang, Long time no see! I really miss you and the university life! Im writing today in order to tell you something really happy to me. A couple of months ago, I got to know a pretty girl. I like her very much, but I have got at least three enemies. You know Im not rich or smart or handsome or anything of that kind, so I was not sure if I could win her heart. But one day it happened that she, my enemies and I went out together for a meeting. At the meeting she gave a talk and there were a few long-nose Americans interested in her talk, so they went up and asked her some questions. She was very embarrassed because her oral English is not good enough. My enemies were not able to help her, because they could not speak good English, either! I understood this was my great opportunity and I seized it. I worked as interpreter for the pretty girl, who, of course, is now my girl-friend. Professor Tang, when I was at college, you used to tell us how important oral English is, but back then I was quite doubtful about it. But now I know you are absolutely right. Sincerely Yours, He Xiaoming (now working with Canon),2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,4,Whats Oral English?,Situational English Simple words / sentences / (broken, no grammar?) Oral English vs.Written English Oral English for various purposes (classroom, seminar, informal discussion, chatting, etc),2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,5,What Makes Good Oral English?,Pronunciation Fluency Correctness (grammatically correct) Appropriateness (pragmatically correct,based upon the context and habitual use of language),2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,6,Context in Oral English,Context Speaker-listener,Media,purpose,subject,participants,A drowned man may shout: Would you kindly help me out of the water? I was wondering if you can help me. Will you please help me ? Help!,The husband is going out to work. He might say to his wife: Farewell, my dear. Wish to see you soon, dear. Hate to leave you, but I have to right now. See you, honey,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,7,Three Stages of Oral English,Pronunciation Situational English General Topical English-developmental stage Advanced oral English-advanced stage,-preliminary Stage,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,8,Preliminary Stage of OE,Fairly nice pronunciation -free of dialectal flavor; (back-bank; light-night; vet-wet, etc) -intonation What to say in a given situation functional English -asking the way -saying good-bye -apologizing -expressing thanks -introduction -invitation -expressing agreement or disagreement, etc.,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,9,One Example of Situational English,Expressing agreement -I agree (with you) -I can not agree with you more. -The feeling is mutual. -My feeling exactly. -I feel the same way. -I guess(think, suppose) so. -I guess it is. -I know. -I see your point. -I was thinking the same thing. -Ill say! -Youre right. -You can say that again. -You bet!,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,10,Other Examples of Situational English,Susan: Here we are. This is my favorite place. Mary: How many times have you come here? Susan: I never counted. Linda: Id like to sit near the window. Susan: Please be seated. Its my treat today. Mary: Fast food restaurant are popular now. Linda:They are popular for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. Susan: What would you like to eat? Linda: Ill try a steak sandwich with a hamburger. Mary: Sounds good. I think Ill have the same. Susan: Want something to drink? Linda: Coke, please. Mary: A cup of hot coffee would be fine.,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,11,Other Examples of Situational English,Ways to praise others -You are great. -You are terrific. -I admire you. -You are really cool. -You did a great job. -You really impress me. -You are amazing.,2019/2/24,南方医科大学外国语学院,12,Suggestions at This Stage,Overcome your shyness. Work hard with the unhealthy habit of pronunciation (by listening and reading after tape recordings, teachers, etc) Get a book with about 100 situations. Keep the 100 situations in mind. Imagine you are in these situations and speak the way the book tells you. Again and again till you are so familiar with them that you can link the situations with the words. Find some partners to practice with. Grasp every possible opportunity to practice. Spend 2 hours on 2 situations every day, you need about 60 days (two months) to c
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