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英汉汉英口译基础教程,Unit 5 Prosperous Hong Kong,A. Individual Work: Presentation,Topic: How does the handover of Hong Kong influence your life? Brainstorming clues: sovereignty, territorial integrity, proud, “one China, two systems”, “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong”, prosperity, stability,B. Group work: Reading and Discussion,1. What do you know about Hong Kongs history? 2. What has Chinas central government done for the healthy development of Hong Kong since the handover of sovereignty?,C. Group work: Four-cornered Dialogue Interpretation,Difficult Sentences 当时我还犹豫是否应该接受,因为我从来没有想过我会从政。 At that moment, I hesitated at accepting this appointment, because Id never pictured myself in politics. 但是我丈夫说两年的任期是一个很好的学习机会,他还开玩笑说两年之后我决不会再次当选 But my husband convinced me that the two-year tenure might be a precious opportunity of study and joked that I would definitely not be elected again two years later.,D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation,Text one Note-taking The Club spent $150 million to build new facilities and training venues for the Olympics, including an 1800 seat arena and new stables for over 200 horses. Dressage and jumping events will be held in the Jockey Clubs Sha Tin race course, close to the border with mainland China.,D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation,Text one Note-taking The main worry of many participants is Hong Kongs sweltering summer heat and extreme humidity, which can reach up to 80 percent in August. Both venues also have large so-called misting tents, where huge fans blow icy sprinkles of water on the horses, allowing them to cool down after a race. for the first time ever, after the return of the sovereignty to China, we are hand in hand with Beijing and Qingdao showcasing the new face of China.,D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation,Text two Note-taking 一些就读于香港中文大学的内地学生认为香港的大学学习环境好,师资力量强,并具有国际大都市的大视野。 内地学生经过学习和训练,具备了一定国际视野,可以为香港的发展服务,也可以为内地的建设发挥更大作用。,D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation,Text two Note-taking 香港理工大学与江苏常州市合作,在长江三角洲设立课程中心;香港城市大学与中科院直属大学结盟,在苏州成立联合高等研究中心等。 这所由香港与内地共同兴办的大学,结合了香港与内地院校的优势,为中国高等教育的发展开辟了新路,将打造中国教育的新天地。,E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation,Text One Difficult Sentences After rigorous physical exams, two cubs were chosen out of 15 candidates from the China Panda Protection and Research Center in Wolong, Sichuan province. 经过严格的体检,两只幼仔从来自四川卧龙大熊猫保护研究中心的十五个候选者中脱颖而出。,E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation,Text Two Difficult Sentences 在这里我愿郑重重申,中央政府将继续坚决贯彻执行一国两制,港人治港高度自治的方针,严格按照香港自治区基本法办事,全力支持香港特别行政区长官和政府依法施政,全力支持香港发展经济,改善民生,推进民主,全力促进内地同香港在经济、教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育等领域的交流合作。 Here, I wish to reiterate that the central government will remain committed to the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy and act in strict accordance with the Basic Law. It will firmly support the chief executive and the Hong Kong SAR government in exercising government power as mandated by law. It will fully support Hong Kong in promoting economic development, improving well-being of the people and developing democracy. It will vigorously promote exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong in economic, education, science and technology, cultural, public health, sports and other fields.,F. Pair Work: Feedback and Discussion,Share with your partner interpretation skills, difficulties, and successes you have experienced.,Thats the end!,
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