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新 GRE 填空经典 800 题卷首语自新 GRE 改革以来,市面上官方承 认的真题少之又少,除了 OG 和 PP2 中的 165 道题目之外,我们备考新 GRE 填空唯一可靠的来源就只有老 GRE 的填空题目,可是老 GRE 填空真 的适合新 GRE 的备考么?或者怎样练习老 GRE 题目才能更有效地为新 GRE 做准备?我们的答案是:老 GRE 填空是仅次于机经真题的备考新 GRE 最好的 考试资料;科学有效地改编老 GRE 题目可以做到对新 GRE 题目的仿真。 为了证明这一点,笔者从不同的角度对老 GRE 题目和新 GRE 题目进行比较。第一,OG 官方真题和老 GRE 题目的对比。通过对比我们会发现,在 OG 和 PP 2 中直接照搬老 GRE 题目的情况一共出现了 29 次,其中单 空题直接照搬 18 次,老双空题改新双空题 1 次,老单空题改 Sentence Equivalence(以下简称 SE)10 次。这说明官方的真题中有约 20%均来自 于老 GRE 的题目或对其修改,这证明老 GRE 和新 GRE 的命题思路仍然是一致的,只不过是在出题的形式上发生了变化。第二,在实战考试中,我们发现老 GRE 的填空题目仍然在新 GRE 考试中层出不穷。以 2014 年考试为例,在今年刚刚结束的 9 场考试中,重单选题改六选二发生了 2 词,单选题直接照搬发生了 4 次。笔者 5 月份 在妙峰山的住宿班,一位刚刚在美国参加完考试的同学看到笔者强化班 讲义的一道老 GRE 题目,也深情款款的看着笔者说,这是他 5 天前刚刚 在美国 GRE 考试考场上看到的原题。因此我们预计这种老题改新题仍然将持续。第三,新 GRE 考试在考查词汇的核心解释和题材时仍然和老 GRE 一致。如以前机经中出现 sympathetic 一次表示支持的(favorably inclined) 含义,让很多新 GRE 考试非常陌生,其实如果他能把老 GRE 考试做透, 就会发现 sympathetic 这个词义的考法很早就出现在了中国大陆地区 90 年代的考试中。又如今年 5 月 10 日的一道三空题目以 cowbird 把鸟蛋生 在别人的鸟窝里为背景,原题如下:The cowbird can seem a rather comical creature with a slow, awkward walkIf animal parents were judged by human standards, the cuckoo would be2and often upraised tail. Less is the cowbirds habit of layingtheir eggs in the nests of other birds. The nesters will usually accept the cowbird egg and raise the baby cowbird as their own. Unfortunately, cowbird eggs hatch sooner than the eggs of other species and the young cowbirds , using their size to their advantage ingetting more food from the parents.Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)A. amusingD. fecklessG. grow quicklyB. painfulE. resistantH. leave the nestC. gallingF. unwittingI. share their food其实在老 GRE 题目当中,此种题材也早已考察过,题目如下:one of natures more-creatures, blithely laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, and leaving the incubating and nurturing to them.(A) mettlesome (B) industrious (C) domestic (D) lackluster (E) feckless所以词汇解释和一些考察意向都未曾改变,也体现出了 GRE 考试的连续性和考试成绩长期的稳定性.第四, 新 GRE 的句子结构仍然能找到老 GRE 的影子。 我们来对比以下两道题目,第一道题目是 GRE 机经真题,第二道题目是老 GRE 的真题。Medieval cathedrals still stand as marvels of architecture, but as far as modern science is concerned, medieval physics and chemistry are simply irrelevant, at best a dead end, at worst the very of what science issupposed to be. (2014.2.23 机经题目)A. exemplarB. glorificationC. reflection D. dilution E. antithesisDespite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may besomething of a-between them. (老 GRE 真题)(A) generality(B) fusion(C) congruity14(D) dichotomy(E) reciprocitySECTION 1Verbal Reasoning Text Completion and Sentence EquivalenceTime 10 minutes10 QuestionsFor each question, indicate the best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one entry for each blank from the corresponding column ofchoices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.1. It is to the novelists credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically,without any or playful supernatural tricks.A elucidationB discriminationC artlessnessD authenticityE whimsy2. Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable the possibility that increasing levelsof atmospheric CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.A interest inB uncertainty aboutC enthusiasm forD worry aboutE experimentation on3. Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly removed from theof society, the conventionality of academe.A ethosB idealismC romanceD paradoxesE commonplaces4. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens Oliver Twist for making the characters in thethieves kitchen so .A threateningB rivetingC connivingD fearsomeE irritating5. Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventors are paid for creative work, so it would be if expanded protection under these lawsdiscouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.A desirableB coincidentalC ironicD naturalE sensible6. The form and physiology of leaves vary according to thein which theydevelop: for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture.A relationshipB speciesC sequenceD patternsE environment7. Because no comprehensive exist regarding personal reading practices, we donot know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.A recordsB inst
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