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英语牛津译林八上Unit 3:导学案(4)牛津译林版英语8A Unit 3 A day out 导学案第四课时 Grammar 1.知识目标: a.学习词汇:sunset , possibleb.b.go horse riding , plan to take Linda out , agree to go with them , decide to stay at home c.学习句型: Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip . hope to watch the sunset .2. 技能目标: a. 学会用并列连词and ,but 和or 连接两个分句。b. 正确使用不定式3. 情感目标:培养热爱祖国大好河山的情怀。学习重点:知识目标 + 技能目标 学习难点:动词不定式的用法【预习指导与检测】 一、预习导航 本单元语法部分继续讲述旅游参观以及决定去哪些景点的主题,欢迎同学们表达自己的观点,并对不同景点的特别之处做出评价。友情提醒:本单元语法练习的三个部分是密切相连的,按故事发展顺序分别呈现不同的内容,因而同学们在做语法练习前要将故事作为一个整体来理解,这一点很重要哦!二、预习成果(一)英汉互译 (相信你能行!)1. go horse riding_ 2.at Christmas _3. plan to take Linda out _ 4.agree to go with them _ 5. learn to drive a car _ 6 .准备去购物 _ 7想拍一些它的照片 _ 8. 希望去观赏日落_9. 选择去旅游 _ 10.决定呆在家里 _(二)根据句意、首字母及中文提示完成句子1. Sandy agrees _ (share) her room with Linda.2. Were planning_ (fly) to Yunnan next month.3.Where will you choose _ (sit) on the bus ?4. I hope _ (watch) the World Cup.5. What did she decide_ (do)?6. He is trying_(pull) the carrot up.7. Where are the boys preparing _(play) basketball? 8. Do you want _ (visit) the World Park in Beijing?(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1.你能说出并列连词and, but和 or的区别吗?_【课堂导学与互动】活动一:相互讨论and, but和 or的用法,教师归纳总结。活动二:完成46和47页上面的练习。活动三:你在准备外出旅行时可能会考虑的问题如下:Who do you plan to take out?Where do you want to visit?What do you want to take?How do you decide to go out?What do you hope to do there?活动四:阅读47页B部分的例句,回答问题,共同讨论47页最后部分的规律。What is Kitty preparing to do next Sunday?Who does she plan to take out?Did Linda want to visit the park?Who didnt want to visit the park?What did Millie decide to do?活动五:完成48页的不定式练习.【当堂反馈】(一)用and , but和or填空:1. We went there by bus _ we got there on time.2. Would you like some apples_ oranges?3. I want to go travelling,_I havent got enough money.4. You can find some news_ interesting stories on the Internet.5. Which is better, this one _ that one? 7. I help him _ he helps me.6. He is poor at Maths,_ he scores more than 90 points in Chinese every time.8. You can go to Beijing by air _by train.9. Hurry up, _you will be late for class. 10. Their school is very large, _ours is very small.(二)根据所给汉语完成下列句子:1.这座桥很大并且很漂亮。_ 2她歌唱得好,但是不擅长跳舞。_ 3你可以去公园或者呆在家里。_ 4这个小男孩很小,但却能照顾好自己。_ 5不要吃太多的肉,否则你会胖的。_ 6晚上10点了,你应该去睡觉了。_ 7我想要吃辣味食品。_ 8 谢谢你同意让我今天去旅行。_ 9内蒙古是个好地方,我们可以去那儿骑马。_ 10. 最后,他决定不回家。_ 【课后拓展】(一) 同意句转换 1. Lets have the trip today .Lets_ the trip today.2. If you dont hurry ,youll be late ._ up, _ youll be late .3. She listened to the teacher carefully .She couldnt hear him clearly .She listened to the teacher carefully_ hear him clearly .4. We can go to the bookshop on foot. We can go to the bookshop by bike .We can _to the bookshop_to the bookshop.5. We saw the model Eiffel Tower .We liked it very much.We saw the model Eiffel Tower _ it very much.6. Lucy is showing her mother her photos.Lucy is _ her photos _ her mother.7. The sky was blue. Everything was beautiful.The sky was blue_ everything was beautiful.8. She comes from that town .She knows nothing about the history of her hometown.She comes from that town _nothing about the history of her hometown.【预习反思】
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