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Unit 2 Colour Unit2 1整洁_ 成绩_预习题:单词汉译英:粉红色 彩虹 代表 心情欲睡的 影响 创造 放松的头脑 智慧 和谐 受压抑的身体的 纯洁 力量 困难悲伤 意识到 模型 似乎发现 答应 大学 温暖紧紧的 保护 平衡 空余的面条 和平的 嫉妒 认为巩固练习:选择填空:( )1.Mr Green felt lonely because of his friends came to see him . A. none B. nobody C. no one D. everybody( )2. -Why not read the morning paper today ? -Because there is in it . A. important something B. nothing important C. anything important D. important things( )3. -Wearing a green coat look good you . -Thanks . A. on B. in C. with D. at( )4. -Can I get a glass of milk ? .A. Thats very nice of youB. With pleasureC. It taste great D. Thanks for the milk( )5.Feeling stressed means . A. feeling sad B. feeling happy C. feeling blue D. feeling tired and unable to relax( )6. I want to buy a comic book but there is left in the bookstore. A. no B. none C. nothing D. no one( )7. Not all the students would rather computer games than . A. play, study B. playing , studying C. to play, to study D. playing , study施河中学九年级英语作业纸 Unit2 2整洁_ 成绩_课前预习题:词组汉译英:宁愿-也不- 影响情绪感到放松 穿在-身上很好看代表悲伤 在蓝色房间睡觉创造和谐的情感 带来成功生活在寒冷气候下的人们使-想起 使-振作起来做事有困难 作出决定采取行动巩固练习:1.Her ( decide )to give up English made us very surorised.2. The teacher told us time ( wait ) for no man .3. Never go out in the ( hot ) of the day without hat .4. Although he is thin, he is a man of great ( strong )5.We could see the ( happy ) on his face after he heard the bad news.6 I coloured the cards blue ( bring ) you success.7. You an describe the moods of people by ( look ) at the colours they choose to wear .8. A true friend can help you get out of ( sad ) when youre unhappy .9. I saw her grandfather ( jog ) in the playground just now .10. If you dont have enough ( sleep ), you will feel ( sleep ) 句子汉译英:1. 红色代表力量,它也是热量和强烈情感的颜色。2. 我宁愿把它放在我的主页上也不愿给每个人看。3. 据说暖色能给你满足和幸福的感觉。4. 红色和白色是个很好的搭配,因为强烈的红色中和了宁静的白色。5. 我想买一些彩纸来装饰我们的房间,但是商店里一张也没有。6. 穿蓝色的衣服对你的身心有利。施河中学九年级英语作业纸 Unit2 3整洁_ 成绩_预习练习:根据课文填空:Did you know that colours can affect our moods . Did you know what the different colours ? For example, can help you feel relaxed. However, it can also mean . I prefer warm colours such as orange . Orange can ring you and if you are feeling sad . Do you like green ? Green can give you when you are having difficulty making a decision.填空:Find out the colour represents what mood . blue ( ) white ( ) orange ( ) yellow ( )green ( ) red ( )巩固练习:同意句转换:1. He is so old that he can go out alone.He is .2. He had to look after his mother at home .He had to .3. The panda is so fat that it can go through the hole .The hole such a fat panda to go through.4. I dont think that Wuxi is so beautiful as Suzhou.I think Suzhou is .5. We found that she was an imaginative girl . We found her .5. I was so weak that I couldnt walk any more .I was .6. Amy said “ I have to work very hard “ Amy said .6. They usually went hiking on Sundays .They go hiking on Sundays.7. Many people dont have enough money to go to hospital .Many people are to go to hospital.8. His parents prevented him from playing computer .His parented him playing computer.施河中学九年级英语作业纸 Unit2 4整洁_ 成绩_预习练习:写出下列词的同意词:Happiness strongSad afraidEnergetic affect Calm knowMoods characteristicsSadness needHope influence句子汉译英:1. 我宁可看书也不愿玩电脑游戏。2. 她穿着紫色的外套看上去很漂亮。3. 你的车子坏了吗?4. 我刚才看到雨中的彩虹了。5. 上课不要朝窗外看。巩固练习:选择填空:( )1. UncleDong is from time to time because he misses his old friend. A. lonely
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