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Unit 1 Leaning to Learn【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Book 15 Unit 1 (I) 学会用英语简单描述个人学习英语的困难、方法二 教学重点和难点: 1. 情态动词may, might的用法 2. 连词if, unless, once 的用法 3. 词汇和词组三. 具体内容:(一)情态动词may, might的用法 May 可以表示没有把握的推测,意思是“可能”,但只能用于肯定句,might 表示推测时,不表示时态,只是可能性比may小。 May 还可以表允许或请求的意思,用might则语气更加委婉,客气。May 主要用于第一人称,而且要比用can正式的多。May I ask you a question?来源:学优中考网xyzkwMight I use your eraser for a while?Yes, please.Yes, you may.No, you mustnt.No, you had better not.No, you cant.(二)连词if, unless, once 的用法 e.g. If that is true, what should we do? Give me a call once you arrive at the airport. Once I finish my homework, I will call you. I wont remember new vocabulary unless I hear them.从属连词:只能用来引导从句,不能引导词或词组。这些从属连词包括:that, when, till, after, before, since, if, because, though, although, sothat, so that, as soon as, once等。从属连词一般可以引导名词性从句和状语从句。1. 引导名词性从句的从属连词:(1)thatHe said (that) he would come.That she is still alive is true.(2)if 是否I wonder if he is at home.(3)whether是否I asked him whether he would come.2. 引导状语从句的从属连词:(1)连接时间状语从句的从属连词:I have lived in this city since I was born. He came to China after the war was over. The war had been over before he came to China.(2)连接地点状语从句的从属连词: Where there is smoke, there is fire.(3)连接让步状语从句的从属连词: Although/Though Japan is small, the population is big. Even if it was snowing heavily, we went on running.(4)连接原因状语从句的从属连词:I do it because I like it.Since you know all about it, tell me please.As you are in poor health, you should not sit up late.(5)连接目的状语从句的从属连词:He works hard that/so that/ in order that he may pass the exam.(6)连接条件状语从句的从属连词:If it rains tomorrow, we wont go on a picnic.He will come unless it rains.Once he comes back, I will let him call you.(7)连接结果状语从句的从属连词:He is so kind that everyone likes him.(三)词组和词汇 1. have a hard time doing sth.= have difficulty in doing sth. I have a hard time learning English. 2. make sb. adj. It makes me crazy. 3. remember I cant remember the name of the film. I dont remember singing the contract. 4. forget I am sorry. Ive forgotten your name. 5. try to do 来源:学优中考网xyzkw I tried to open the window but couldnt. 6. a number of A great number of people go traveling on holidays. 7. go over Lets go over our plan once more. 8. concentrate on sth. He should concentrate on his studies. 9. communicate with sb. My mother has never communicated with me. 10. rather than When Im going out in the evening, I use my bike rather than the car.(四)text The ways to improve your memory: 1. Review the information regularly. 2. Use a colored pen to highlight the important parts on your book. 3. Go over the information in the evening and in the morning. Different learning styles: Many people ask me “Whats the best way to learn?” To tell the truth, there isnt one correct answer. Different people have different learning styles, that is, they prefer different ways to learn. Here is a list of different learning styles:Learning by rules: these people need to have rules and explanations to understand new material. Once they find or are given a rule and use it, theyll learn better.Learning by doing: these people will learn better if they have the chance to use their hands or body. They dont like reading explanations. They like doing things more than just reading the information.Learning by seeing: these people can understand better once they see a picture, a table, or a real object. Pictures or photos help them remember new material. When they try to remember the information, they will remember the picture or photo first.Learning by hearing: these people like to listen to sounds and voices rather than just see or read something. It is difficult for them to memorize the knowledge unless they listen to someone talk about it.Learning alone: these people prefer learning alone. They wont feel comfortable unless they study in a quiet room. If they can relate the knowledge to themselves, they will learn faster.Learning with others: these people like to communicate with others. They like to work in groups. Once they have a chance to discuss the subject with other people, they can understand it better. Most people dont use one learning style. They use different ways to learn. The only difference is that one person may prefer one style to another.课堂练习:一、补全句子。1. 你学完材料后可能想要去复习它。You want to the material after you learn it.2. 有很多方法帮你提高记忆力。 There are ways to your memory.3. 确定你理解了材料而不要去死记硬背。 you know about the material and dont recite it 4. 一旦他们找到了或者给出了规则,他们就会学得更好。来源:学优中考网xyzkw来源:xyzkw.Com they find or are given a rule and use it, learn better.5. 除非他们听别人谈论这些知识,不然他们就很难记住这些知识。It is difficult for them to memorize
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