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课程名称:冀教版初中英语-5 摘 要授课题目(章、节)Unit 4 Stay HealthyLesson 25 Whats Wrong with Danny?Lesson 26 Where Is Danny?Lesson 27 Good Food, Good HealthLesson 28 Move Your Whole BodyLesson 29 Dont Smoke, Please!Lesson 30 Janes Lucky LifeLesson 31 Danny Tells AllLesson 32 Unit Review【目的要求】Functions: Seeing a doctor Grammar: Compound SentencesWords & Structures【重 点】词语用法【难 点】词语比较 【课程小结】 能准确分析并列句 能准确运用同义词掌握半系动词用法 了解虚拟语气的用法【课程内容】Lesson 25 Whats Wrong with Danny?知识扩展就医用语:I dont feel well.My (stomach) hurts.Ive got a pain here.How are you feeling?Dont worry, you will be all right.词汇详解1.well : (1) adj. 身体健康的(只有形容身体情况的时候作形容词) (2) adv. 好的;令人满意的 eg. Are you feeling well? The party went well.2. sick : 生病的 (1)sick 可做表语和定语,意思是 “生病的”; 还可用来表示 “反胃的”eg. When she became sick/ill, I called in a doctor for her. Youre a sick man, I must look after you. car/shipsick 晕车/船的(2)ill 一般用作表语,表示 “生病的”(可与sick替换); 做定语意思是 “坏的,恶劣的”eg. He has an ill temper. 他脾气坏. 3. pain : (1)(身体上的)疼痛;(精神上的)痛苦 eg. His behavior caused his parents a great deal of pain. (2)辛苦 eg. take pains 尽力,努力pain 和 ache 用法区别(1)pain 指疼痛可以是长期的,短期的,严重的,轻微的,整体的,局部的.(2) ache指身体局部持续的隐痛,常和表身体部位的词构成复合词.eg. He had a pain in his head. He had a headache. 4. abdomen : 腹部Forehead 脑门Eyebrow眼眉Nostril鼻孔Lip嘴唇Teeth牙齿Chest胸Tiptoe脚尖Heel脚后跟Finger手指Forearm前臂Cheek脸颊Ear耳朵5. wake up : 把叫醒 eg. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door bell. eg. Please wake me up at 8 oclock.注: 当宾语是名词时,可放在动词wake和副词up之间或放在up之后; 当宾语是代词时,只可放在动词wake和副词up之间6. get dressed : 穿衣(表动作) 注:用作不及物动词,后不加宾语 eg. Get dressed quickly, or you will be late.7. My stomach has never hurt this much before. this much/that much 用作副词,意思是“这么/那么多”Lesson 26 Where Is Danny?知识扩展About first aidFirst aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid; you dont have to be a doctor.sprained (扭伤) ankle1.Immobilize(固定) the foot and ankle to protect them from further injury. 2.Raise the ankle above the level of your heart to reduce any swelling (肿胀).3.Compress (压缩) the ankle with bandage until the swelling has stopped.4.Apply ice to decrease swelling and pain, and then see your doctor.bleeding1.lay the affected(受伤的)person down, with the head slightly lower, than elevate(举起)the persons legs. If possible elevate the wound above the level of the heart to reduce the blood flow2.Press directly to the wound using a sterile(消过毒的)cloth. Wrap(包扎) the wound tightly with gauze(纱布)3.If the bleeding continues, add more cloth. Do not remove the first cloth 4.When the bleeding stopped, immobilize(固定) the injured part of the body. Chocking(窒息)1.Lay the person on his or her back2.Kneeling astride (跨着) the person, place your hands at the base of the rib (肋骨) 3.The heel (跟部) of one hand should be down, the fingers of the upper hand between those of the lower, grasping the palm(手心)4.Deliver five quick upward thrusts (力推) to the abdomen (腹部)词汇详解1.词语搭配Have a coughRun a feverCatch a coldTake medicine2. miss 错过;丢失;想念 eg. My key was missing (adj.). 我的钥匙丢了.同义句My key was lost.Her house is at the end of the road. You cannot _c_ it.a.lose b. forgetc. miss d. find形容词lost, missing和gone三者都可表失去,但各有侧重点:(1)lost是广义的“丢失”,包含不能找回的意思;(2)missing强调某物或某人暂时找不着了(含最终可能找到之意);人丢了只能用 missing (eg. missing boy失踪的男孩);(3)gone的含义最广,包括(东西)没了;(时间)过去了;(人)死了等,而且语气肯定3. lung : 肺 eg. Smoking can cause lung cancer. 4. sneeze : 打喷嚏 eg. The dust(灰尘) made me sneeze. Cough 咳嗽Yawn 打哈欠Hiccup 打嗝5. feel like : 想做 eg. I feel like going for a walk. 半系动词:后加形容词作表语;构成疑问式或否定 式要借助do,为不及物动词.如:seem, look, smell, sound, feel, taste, get, become, turn 1.I like this silk dress, and it _b_ so soft and comfortable.a. smells b. feels c. tastes d. sounds lesson 27 Good food, Good healthFood Groupsfoods from grainfruit and vegetableProtein(蛋白质) foodsCalcium(钙)foods来源:学优中考网xyzkwExample BreadNoodleRiceCereal(粮食)来源:学优中考网PotatoLettuce(莴苣)TomatoCarrotCabbageOnion MeatChickenFishNutEggBeanTofu MilkCheeseButterYogurt Benefits Give you vitamin, mineral and fibreHelp you grow and stay healthyHelp you grow and stay strongMake your bones and teeth strongWhat is a balanced diet?词汇详解1. contain : 包含,容纳 eg. The speech contained some interesting ideas.2. diet : 日常饮食 eg. A balanced diet and regular exercise are both important for health.on a diet (为减肥)节食3. be made of与be made from (1)be made of 通常指制造后能看 得出原材料 (2)be made from 通常指制造后看 不出原材料 eg. The chair is ma
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