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Unit 4 Counteroffer Letters,COUNTEROFFER LETTERS,Contents,4-1 Objectives 4-2 Leading in 4-3 Practical reading 4-4 Layout, Basic Structure, Main Points of Counteroffer Letter 4-5 Sample Letters of Counteroffer 4-6 Key Words of Counteroffer Letter 4-7 Basic Sentences of Counteroffer Letter 4-8 Situational Dialogues 4-9 Practical Exercises,Objectives,After studying the lesson, you should be able to 1. Know the effect of counteroffer. 2. Understand the basic structure of counteroffer letter. 3. Practice writing counteroffer letters by using words and expressions in the list. 4. Ask the students to master the key words and basic sentences freely. 5. Gain the ability to make concessions and be polite and reasonable when making counteroffers. 6. Master the writing methods of counteroffer letters through doing more exercises. 7. Be familiar with the counteroffer strategies frequently used.,Leading in,When an offer has been made, what will the offeree do? Will he accept the offer immediately and unconditionally? If he doesnt agree with any terms or conditions in the offer, what will he do? Yes, you got it. The offeree will make a counteroffer to respond. Do you know how a counteroffer is made? What will be in a counteroffer letter? Whats the difference between an offer letter and a counteroffer letter? The following contents will make you familiar with these items.,Practical Reading,1. A counteroffer is a partial or full rejection of the original offer of the seller. 2. When receiving the sellers offer, the buyer will not accept it immediately and unconditionally unless the offer is quite reasonable and satisfactory. 3. More often, the buyer will analyze the offer and the current market situation carefully and then suggest some changes in the terms and conditions in the offer. Then he will state his own terms and conditions to the seller. Such alterations, no matter how slight they may appear to be, signify that business has to be negotiated on the renewed basis. To persuade the seller successfully, the buyer should give proper reasons to support his suggestions.,We call this reply to the offeror from the offeree with revised, restrictive or additional terms and conditions “counteroffer”. Once the counteroffer is made, the original offer will be invalid, and the business will be negotiated on the basis of the counteroffer. The original offeror or the seller now becomes the offeree and he has the full right of acceptance or refusal. 4. The seller has the right of acceptance or refusal. When receiving the buyers counteroffer and finding some terms and conditions unsatisfactory and even unacceptable, the seller will state his own opinions in a letter, which is called “counter-counteroffer”.,In international trade practice, the finalization of a business has to go through a series of counteroffers and counter-counteroffers. This process can go on for many rounds until business is concluded or called off. 5. A counteroffer usually covers the following contents, expression of thanks to the offer and expression of regret and statement of reasons for inability to accept the offer; suggestions of the acceptable terms and conditions to maintain business transaction and hopes for acceptance of the changes and a quick reply. The buyer may also suggest that there be other opportunities to do business together if they can not come to business this time.,New words and expressions,1partial p:l adj. 部分的, 不完全的 2. rejection ridekn n. 拒绝,退回 3. satisfaction stsfkn n. 满意,满足 4. analyze nlaiz v. 分析 5. revised rivaizd adj. 修改后的 (revise的过去分词) 6. restrictive rstrktv adj. 限制的,约束的 7. additional dnl adj. 增加的,额外的 8. invalid invlid adj. (法律上或官方)不承认的,无效的 9. acceptance kseptns n. 接受,认可 10. refusal rifju:zl n. 拒绝 11. finalization fanlai zen n. 结束,定下来,12. cover kv v. 涉及,包含 13. inability inbiliti n. 无能,无力,不能 14. acceptable kseptbl adj. 可接受的 15. maintain meintein v. 保持,维持 16. counteroffer 还盘,还价 17. current market situation 当前市场形势 18. state ones opinion 陈述,阐明观点(意见) 19. counter-counteroffer 反还盘 20. call off 取消,停止 21. come to business 做成生意,Layout, Basic Structure, Main Points of Counteroffer Letter,Layout of Counteroffer Letter The Basic Structure of Counteroffer Letter The Main Points of Counteroffer Letter,Layout of Counteroffer Letter,1. 来函日期,主题 2. 称呼 3. 正文 1) 对客户的报盘表示感谢。 2) 对报盘中己方不能接受的条款礼貌地表示遗憾,并阐明原因以供对方考虑。 3) 陈述己方对原报盘中条款的修改建议。 4) 希望对方能够接受己方还盘并尽早答复。4. 结束礼词 5. 签名 职务,October 25, 2008 Re: Counteroffer for price of bicycles Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your letter about the offer for the captioned bicycles. Although we appreciate the quality of your bicycles,their price is too high to be acceptable. Referring to the Sales Confirmation No.89SP-754, you will find that we ordered 1 000 bicycles with same brand as per the terms and conditions stipulated in that Sales Confirmation, but the price was 10% lower than your present price. Since we placed t
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