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牛津高中英语,(模块八 高二下学期),Advance with English,Reading 2,Unit,3,Visiting the masters Language Points,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件主要帮助学生消除语言本身方面的障碍,丰富其词汇、短语和句型等方面的知识,并通过各种形式的语言训练培养其语言的实际使用能力。,1. think about doing 2. be amazed to do 3. experiment with different styles of painting 4. acute angle 5. settle in some place 6. be impressed by sth. 7. a lady with a mysterious smile 8. come on the market 9. the primitive form of sth. 10. range from to ,1.考虑做某事 2.惊讶地做 3.尝试不同风格绘画 4.锐角 5.定居在某地 6.对印象深刻 7.一位带着神秘 微笑的夫人 8.面市 9. 的原型 10.从到,phrases,11. be typical of 12. float on the surface of a pond 13. a wide variety of 14. oil paintings 15. receive little reward 16. act as 17. try hard to do sth. 18. commit ones whole being to doing 19. be worth upwards of millions of dollars 20. be off to ,11.是的典型 12.浮在池塘的 水面上 13.各种各样的 14.油画 15.几乎没收到回报 16.充当;担任 17.尽力去做某事 18.全身心地投入 19.价值高达数百万 美金 20.动身去,phrases,Language focus,Part one: Words Underline the following words in the text and try to guess their meanings and then complete the given sentences.,birthplace; output; media; consensus; calculate; float; shadow; reward; represent ; upwards,(1) So dark are the _ that a man standing there could not be seen. (2)The association was formed to _ the interests of women artists. (3) The film star is very concerned about the evaluation by the news _. (4) A plastic bag was _ in the water. (5) His _ is Washington, but he lives in San Francisco.,represent,floating,shadows,birthplace,media,(6) You will need to _ how much time the assignment will take. (7) The world urban population is rocketing _ at a rate of 6.5 per cent per year. (8) Can we reach a _ on this issue? (9) Grain _ reached a new high in the three years. (10) The police are offering a big _ for information about the robbery.,calculate,upwards,consensus,output,reward,+ question word I was amazed by how well he looked.,他看上去气色很好我感到很惊异。,+ that It amazes me that shes got the energy for all those parties.,她有那么多的精力参加那些晚会使我很惊异。,amazed adjective,extremely surprised:,She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.,她惊疑于在事故之后她感到这么平静。,1. amaze verb T,to cause someone to be extremely surprised:,+ to infinitive I was amazed to hear that he had won first prize.,我很惊异地听说他获得了一等奖。,+ (that) Im amazed (that) she didnt complain.,她没有抱怨我很惊异。,amazement noun U,extreme surprise:,To my amazement, he ate the whole lot.,使我惊异的是,他把整个儿的全吃了。,amazing adjective,extremely surprising:,Its amazing that no one else has applied for the job.,没有其他的人申请这份工作真是令人惊异。,amazingly adverb,Amazingly enough (= Very surprisingly), no one else has applied for the job.,没有其他的人申请这份工作真是令人惊异。,2. represent: verb T,to speak, act or be present officially for another person or people:,They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.,他们选择了一个著名的律师代表他们出庭。,(2) to show or describe something or someone:,This new report represents the current situation in our schools.,这份新的报道描述的是我们学校当前的情况。,(3) to be a sign or symbol of something:,In this dictionary the word “noun” is represented by the letter n.,在这本词典里,“noun”是由字母“n”表示的。,representation noun U,representative noun C,他供应得起法定代理的费用吗?,Can he afford legal representation?,someone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people:,The firm has two representatives in every European city.,这家公司在每个欧洲城市有两个代表。,representative adjective,a representative system of government,政府的一个有代表性的制度,3. calculate: verb T,to judge the number or amount of something by using the information that you already have, and adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing numbers:,+ question word At some stage we need to calculate when the project will be finished.,在某个阶段我们需要估计一下这项工程将 在什么时候完成。,calculation,noun C or U,The calculations that you did/made contained a few inaccuracies.,你所做的估算有几点不精确的地方。,calculator noun C,a small electronic device which is used for doing calculations:,a pocket calculator,小型计算器,4. range: noun,1) C a set of similar things:,I offered her a range of options.,我给了她很大的选择范围。,2) C a group of hills or mountains:,We could see a low range of hills in the distance.,我们可以看到远处的矮山。,3) S the amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit:,The price range is from $100 to $500.,价格在100美圆到500美圆之间变化。,4) S or U the distance within which you can see, hear or hit someone:,The ship was in/out of range of our guns.,这艘轮船在我们手枪的射程范围之内/外。,5) C all the musical notes that a singer can sing or a musical instrument is able to produce,Prices range between $50 and $250.,价格在50美圆到250美圆之间变化。,5. float: verb I,to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink:,An empty bottle will float.,一只空瓶子将会漂浮着。,verb I usually + adverb or preposition,(2) I or T; usually + adverb or preposition to (cause to) move easily through, or along the surface of a liquid, or to (cause to) move easily through air:,We spent a lazy afternoon floating down/along the river.,我们沿着河流飘荡懒
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