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English and American Literature and the Selected Readings 1. Choose the best answer .Charles Dickens is a great writer in the A A. Victorian Age B. Renaissance C. Romantic period D. 20th century2. Fill in the blanks. (1) _Beowulf is the representative works in the Anglo-Saxon Literature.(2) Humanism is the central theme of the English Renaissance.3.Say true or false. (1) Beowulf is written by Chaucer. F(2) Early English drama includes Miracle Play, Mystery Play and Morality Play TExamples for Terms and Questions4. Explain the literary terms. (1) Realism (2) Romanticism Chapter One The Making of England Chapter Two Beowulf Early English Literature (4501050) Important PointsAnglo-Saxon Period Early English Literature History Literature Britons & Britain FeaturesRoman Conquest BeowulfEnglish Conquest Other works Old EnglishThe Making of EnglandThe English people are not one origin but a mixed blood.Early InhabitantsBritons Britaina tribe of Celts the land of Britonsprimitive people the tribal societyclustering of hutsThe Roman Conquest 55 B. C.Julius Caesar, the Roman conquerorBritons fought fiercely 43 A. D. a Roman provinceBritain was under control completely by the Roman Empire in 78 A. D.The Roman Conquestbeginning of 5th century: declining of the Roman EmpireIn 410 A. D. 400 years of occupationRomans withdrew.Influence: Britons, trodden (trampled践踏) down as slaves or cultivators of the land Buildings of Roman style for Roman conquerors Highways or Roman roads for military purposes Highways or Roman roads for military purposes Christianity introducedThe English Conquest and Old English During the Roman Conquest, swarms (crowds, a number of ) of pirates (海盗) came from Northern Europe .Angles England people: EnglishSaxons 7 small kingdoms 7th. C United into One Kingdom Land: Angle-landJutes Language: Anglo-SaxonOldEnglishWhat is the Social Condition of the Anglo-Saxons?before the settlement after the settlementthe tribal society organs of statefamilies united by kinship(血族关系) kingship (君王统治)chiefs and warriors the military commanderchiefs bread;the booty (plunder战利品) The Anglo-Saxon period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism.power of life and death;close relationship What is Anglo-Saxon religious belief?1. The Anglo-Saxons were heathen (异教徒) people, believing in old mythology of Northern Europe.2. English language was influenced by the Northern mythology.3. The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the 7th century. The monks in the monasteries(修道院)maintained to tinge (affected slightly) the earliest works when copied them.Anglo-Saxon Literature2 groups:the pagan poetry Beowulf the religious poetry Caedmon Cynewulf8th century, Anglo-Saxon proseAlfred the Great, Venerable Bebe Caedmon: Paraphrase of the Bible, CynewulfCynewulf: The ChristAlfred the Great: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles Venerable Bebe: The Ecclesiastical History of the English PeopleBeowulf贝尔武甫1. Beowulf is a national epic of English people2. It is the representative works of the early English literature with 3000 lines. 3. Its writer is unknown.What is the plot of the story?Characters in the story:Beowulf: a nephew of king of Gents, a people in Denmark.Hrothgar: king of Denmark. Grendel: a monster.She-monster(女妖怪): Grendels mother. Dragon: a fire dragon, a monster.l 1. Beowulf is a folk legend brought to England by the Anglo Saxon from their primitive Northern Europe.l 2. Beowulf was passed down from mouth to mouth.l 3. Beowulf was written down in the 10th century.l 4. Beowulf tells many marvelous stories.front: stormy northern ocean back: impenetrable(不能通过的) forestsmonsters beneath the sea,in the marshes in the dark forests exploits (brave deeds) and voyages against the forces of naturel 5. Beowulf is a grand hero.l 1) brave deeds2) faithful to his peoplel 6. Beowulf reflects the features of the tribal society of ancient times.What are the writing features of Beowulf?1. The most important is in alliterative(头韵的) verse and in artistic form. 2. Another is the frequent use of metaphors and understatements(暗含的意义) for ironical humor.Metaphors: ring-giver: king hearth-companions: attendant warriors whales road: seasea-wood: ship Understatement: not troublesome: very welcomeSummary for the Literary Works:OthersMinstrels(吟游诗人) 1. Widsith 2. Deors Lament(哀歌) love
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