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Lexical Features and Translation of English Business Correspondence AbstractEnglish business correspondence plays an important role in foreign trade. In English business correspondence, the lexicon is a key aspect which can influence the effect of communication: This thesis is a study on lexical features and Translation of English business correspondence .Key words: English business correspondence; Lexical features; Translation摘要商务英语信函在对外贸易中起着很重要的作用。而在商务信函中,词汇又是影响交际效果的一个主要方面。本文是对商务英语信函的词汇特点及翻译展开的研究。关键词:商务英语信函; 词汇特征; 翻译IntroductionBusiness English is a very wide concept. On the one hand, it includes many fields, from the economic policies and legal regulations of governments to the correspondence, contract, agreement, documents and advertising of a certain transaction; everything concerning economic and trade is included (Wang Enmian 1993). On the other hand, because of the large variety of business English, the styles are therefore rich, including legal styles, theoretical styles, journalistic styles, correspondence styles and advertising styles, etc. and correspondingly they have different language features (Zhang Delu, 1998:125). The formality of lexicon is an important feature of Busiriess English other than advertising English. Firstly, there are more formal and spoken words, which appears clumsy. Secondly, there are usually archaic words in legal texts to increase its solemnity and formality. Thirdly, due to large coverage of Business English, such as industry, trade and laws, the technical terms are also rich and complicated. Some of the terms have fixed meanings and some vary with the occasions. Fourthly, there are many borrowed words from other languages which can strengthen the formality, for example, re (Latin), force majeure (French). 1.Lexical features of English business correspondenceThe most striking Lexical feature of business correspondence lies in its jargons, which refer to those words that can only be understood by the insiders involved in the field. Take the word “balance”,a polysemy,for example,it usually means 平衡 in Chinese, while it refers to,more often than not,余额in business letters. That can be proved by the following sentence: The balance of $300 will be paid in one week. The meaning of“balance”obviously differs from that in the sentence: Riders need a good sense of balance.Moreover,most of the specific terms are fixed in form, exact in meaning, and accurate in translation,which can be proved by these phrases:letter of credit(信用证),force majeure(不可抗力),All Risks(一切险),etc.Besides,some ordinary terms become specialized in business correspondence. For instance,“accept” denotes “willingly receive”(接受);however, it switches to the meaning of “sign a bill of exchange to say that somebody promises to pay”(承兑),just like in the sentence “We request you to accept the draft drawn on you.”.The example will further demonstrate how this term turned into a specialized one: We have drawn on you at sight a draft for the invoice value to be collected through the Bank of China.Here,“collect”is not equal to 收集,but to 托收 instead. Another Lexical feature of business correspondence are possessed with consists in its conciseness. Specifically speaking,there exist numerous abbreviations in business writing to keep the letter brief. Four kinds of abbreviations can be found in business correspondence, namely initialing, clipped word, blend, and acronym. Abounding in those words, business correspondence needs expertise. Some abbreviations as well as its corresponding translations are listed as follows: WTO for World Trade Organization (世界贸易组织);B/L for Bill of Lading (提单);D/P for Document against Payment (付款交单) etc. 2.Technicals of translation2.1Convey the information of business correspondence accurately Accurately convey information of jargons in the business correspondence, in particular to the general terms described .For example, “shipping advice” is “运输建议”rather than “已装船通知”。2.2Identifying the Normal Meaning and Technical Meaning No matter we do C-E or E-C translation, we cant just find the word from a dictionary. We should identify its technical meaning based on business English features. In business English, many words have their special meanings. For example,1) Our company is ready to foot the bill.这笔费用我们公司愿意负担。 2) They missed the last bus, and had to fool it. 他们未赶上最后一班公共汽车,不得不走着去了。 As a noun, foot means “lowest part of the leg, below the ankle”. As a verb, it means “walk”. But in business English, it means “pay somebody for something”.2.3Omission of Unnecessary Words In English language, the articles, pronouns and verbs sometimes only have the grammatical function. So, translators can omit those words if necessary. For example,1) Its a pleasure for us to offer you the goods as follows.非常荣幸向贵方报盘如下(omit “for us”)2) The purpose of insurance is to provide protection against financial loss at a reason
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