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Unit 8 Business letter,OBJECTIVES,In this unit, you are going to learn how to write: Letter of Establishing Business Relationship Letter of Enquiry Letter of Reply Letter of Offer Letter of Counter-offer Letter of Order Letter of Acknowledgement Letter of Complaint,Contents,Part III Learning to WriteBusiness Letters,Part II Learning to ReadBusiness Letters,Part I Lead-in,Part I Lead- in,1. Read the following letter and make a choice for each of the following questions.,Shanghai Leathers Export Corporation No. 240 Xujia Road Shanghai, 530011 China September 20, 2009 Green Trading Company No. 423 Low Street New York, NY1231 U. S. A. Dear Sir or Madam, We have learned from the internet that your company is in the market for the handbags in a variety of leathers. We would like to establish business relations with you.,We are a state-owned company, mainly dealing in the export of leathers. We enclose a copy of our export list of all kinds of leathers available for your reference. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations. We look forward to receiving your reply. Yours faithfully, David Lee David Lee Sales Manager Encl.: Product Catalogue,1. Read the following letter and make a choice for each of the following questions.,This is a (an) _ letter _ e-mail _note (2) The tone is _formal _informal (3) The reader is _ a friend _a co-worker _a stranger,1. Read the following letter and make a choice for each of the following questions.,(4) Who wrote this message? (The name of the writer) _ (5) The address of the writer: _ (6) Who received this message? (The name of the receiver) _ (7) The address of the receiver: _ (8) What is enclosed with this message? _,David Lee,No. 240 Xujia Road, Shanghai, China.,Unknown,No. 423 Low Street, New York, U. S.,A list of their products.,653 Victory Road High Garden, SW1 236 Customer Service Telephone Company 8423 Green Terrace Road WA2 654 I recently ordered a new telephone (item No. 65) from your website on January 11. I received the order on January 26. Unfortunately, when I tested it, it didnt work. I could not hear a word when I answered the phone call through it.,It seemed that this telephone was broken due to the careless delivery. To resolve this problem, I would like you to send me a new one. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at 888-8888. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I would appreciate your early settlement. Peter Thomas Peter Thomas,2. Here is an incomplete letter. Please find out which part is missing.,称呼,结束敬语,日期,3. The following letters contain some inapporiate elements. Please find them out.,Hi Tom, This is to introduce Mrs. Jane Brown, our new marketing manager who will be in London from April 5 to April 25 on business. We shall appreciate any help you can give to Mrs. Brown and will always be happy to reciprocate. Yours sincerely, Linda White Linda White March 1, 2009,England London, EC2332 556 East Road Wilson C., Ltd. Apr. 20, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2009 International Trade Fair which will be held from May 10 to May 14 at the above address. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. Yours, Walt William Walt William,Part II Learning to ReadBusiness Letters,商务信函(Business letters)是公司或企业保持通信联系 业务往来的重要手段之一。它存在于贸易往来的各个环节。 与社交信函相比,商业信函还包括以下几个部分:, Reference 编号 为便于存档与查阅,可以将信件加以编号,使其与之前的信件联系起来,同时确保回信及时并送达正确的收信人。 例:Your ref: No. 123/Our ref: No. DT45 (贵司参照编号:123/本司参照编号DT 45)。 Attention Line 致收信人 如希望收信部门将信迅速交给经办人办理,可以在信内地址下面加Attention 或Attention of。 例:Attention: Mr. Black/Attention of Purchasing Manager(请交布莱克先生办理/请交采购经理办理)。, Subject Line 主题 主题写在称呼下面,一般是靠左边顶格,有时也可居于信纸中间。 主题要简单扼要;通常是名词或名词短语。 “Subject”字样后用冒号,关键词首字母大写,可在下方划线,以起到醒目的作用。 例:Subject: Adjustment for Package/Adjustment for Package(主题:包装调整)(注:“Subject”字样可以省略)。 Enclosure 附件 信封内除信函外还可能有其他附件(如照片、广告册子等),这时可以在签名下方一至两行处标注“Enclosure”,或其缩写形式(如:Enc., Encl.),后面加冒号,然后注明附件名称。 例:Enclosure: Brochure/Enc.: Brochure (附件:手册),Part II Learning to ReadBusiness Letters, Copy Notation 抄送 如果信函要抄送至其他有关单位,同时使收信人也知道已抄送其他单位,可在信件最后的左下角注明“Cc to 人名或Cc 人名”。 例:CC to Mr. Anderson/CC Mr. Anderson(抄送至安德森先生) Postscript 附言 附言的目的在于告诉收件人忘记提及的事,或者特别要强调的事。 附言通常放在最后一行,或在附件下。缩写形式为P. S.。 使用附言会给人一种思考不周,缺乏组织力的感觉,因此要慎用。,Part II Learning to ReadBusiness Letters,商务信函均为正式书信,要求措词准确,多采用正式语体;格式严谨, 通常使用齐头式,即所有各行均靠左边顶格书写,无首行缩进。如:,We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In reply to your request, we are sending you a copy of our illustrated catalogue and a quotation sheet for your reference. We await your early favorable reply. Yours faithfully, Larry Brown Larry Brown Manager Enclosures:1. Catalogue 2. Quotation Sheet CC to Shanghai Branch Office,National Silk Imp & Exp Corp. No. 8 Jinshui Roa
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