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Unit 10,Industrial and Arts Design,Titles,Passage 1 The Greenest Office Building in the World Is About To Open in Seattle Passage 2 Spreading the Message of Design for Change Passage 3 When the Olympics Awarded Medals to Artists,Passage 1,The Greenest Office Building in the World Is About To Open in Seattle Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading,Before Reading (The Introduction of Background Information),Seattle Solar Power FSC Scientific American,Before Reading,Seattle 西雅图创建于1869年,西雅图都市区人口 340万,坐落在美国西北部太平洋沿岸,位于华盛顿 州普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间的国王郡,是国王郡 的郡府所在地。西雅图北距美加边境仅174公里,温 哥华240公里。西雅图是美国太平洋西北区最大的城 市,也是美国太平洋西北部商业,文化和高科技的 中心,是贯穿太平洋及欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛的主 要旅游及贸易港口城市。西雅图常年被青山绿水环 绕,南面不远处就是美国著名的瑞尼尔山。西雅图 的官方别名为“翡翠之城”。,Before Reading,Solar power 太阳能,一般是指太阳光的辐射能量,在现代一般用作发电。自地球形成生物就主要以太阳提供的热和光生存,而自古人类也懂得以阳光晒干物件,并作为保存食物的方法,如制盐和晒咸鱼等。但在化石燃料减少下,才有意把太阳能进一步发展。太阳能的利用有被动式利用(光热转换)和光电转换两种方式。太阳能发电一种新兴的可再生能源。广义上的太阳能是地球上许多能量的来源,如风能、化学能、水的势能等等。,Before Reading,FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) 森林管理委员会,是一个非政府、非营利组织,致力于促 进全球社会责任的森林管理。它成立于1993年,其发起者为 国际上一些希望阻止森林遭到不断破坏的非政府机构、环保 人士、木材贸易组织及具有社会责任感的消费者等。FSC通 过制订森林良好经营的标准和木材加工的产销监管链标准, 来追踪木制品从森林到消费者的整个过程,从而可以控制木 材的合法及可持续来源。,Before Reading,Scientific American 科学美国人(英文原名:Scientific American,缩写: Sci Am)是美国的一本科普杂志,始于1845年8月28日,起先 是每周出版,后改为每月出版;它为美国历史最长的、一直 连续出版的杂志,也是著名的科学(Science)的姊妹 刊。到目前,有145位诺贝尔奖得主撰稿。09年的本刊撰写者 中有四位获诺贝尔奖。其在2005年12月时每个月约有555,000 份国内(美国)发行量,以及90,000份国际发行量。,Global Reading,Structure of the passage Text Analysis,Global Reading,Part Division of the Text,Global Reading,Text Analysis The news belongs to soft news (软新闻). The title is directly telling the readers the theme of the news. In the lead or introduction part, the author briefly introduces Bullitt Center from its structure and building materials, thus gives the readers a very clear idea about the news. The sentence in this part is very short and simple. It can catch the readers interests immediately. In the body part, the author explains the reasons why the building is green. It mainly talks about the onsite energy use. In order to add the truth of the news, the author quotes an experts words. Such as Bullitt Foundation President Denis Hayes. In the conclusion part, the government in Seattle encourages people to use natural resource. The whole structure of the passage is the Inverted Pyramid Form (倒金字塔型). That means the author mentioned the most important information in the lead part, and following is the detailed information about the building,Soft news:如按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为“硬新闻(hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两大类,硬新闻也就是“纯新闻消息报道”,指题材严肃,具有一定时效性的客观事实报道;软新闻是指情感味浓,写作方法诙谐,轻松幽默的社会新闻,不注重时效性。,Detailed Reading,Content Questions Vocabulary,Content Questions,1. Why is the building the greenest? In para.2. Because its combining a lot of different existing technologies and methods to create a structure thats a showpiece for green design-and a model for others to follow. 2. What is the goal of the building? In para.4. The goal of the Bullitt Center is to change the way buildings are designed, built and operated to improve long-term environmental performance and promote broader implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy and other green building technologies in the Northwest.,Content Questions,3. According to the text, Bullitt Center is trying to do everything simultaneously . What does “Everything” refers to? In para. 6. “Everything“ includes 100% onsite energy use from solar panels, all water provided by harvested rainwater, natural lighting, indoor composting toilets, a system of geothermal wells for heating, and a wood framed structure 4. What is the usual weather in Seattle? In para. 7. Cloudy and rainy 5. A couple of years ago, did the use of rainwater harvest legal in Western U.S? In para.11. No.,Vocabulary,1. composting: km,post n.堆制肥料; v.混合肥料,堆肥 The professor is doing analysis of dominant micro flora during livestock manure aerobic compositing 这位教授正在做家禽粪便好氧堆肥中主要微生物类群分析。,2. utilize: jutl,az vt.利用,使用 Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings 音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。,3. showpiece: o,pis n.展品;样品 The factory was to be a showpiece of Western investment in the East. 这家工厂将会成为西方在东方投资的样 板。,4. panel: pnl n.镶板;嵌板;控制板; The equipment was extremely sophisticated and was monitored from a central control-panel. 这台设备极为复杂,由中央控制面板进行监控。,5. dam: dm n.水坝 The expert studied the dam and ordered small change. 专家研究了大坝建议一些小改动。,6. unattractive: ,ntrktv adj.不吸引人的;无吸引力的 On several measures, bank shares still look unattractive. 用某些标准衡量,金融仍然不具备什么吸 引力。,7. installation ,nstlen n.安装;装置 What has changed are the installation options. 那没什么变化,变化的是安装的选项。,8. barrel brl ; n.桶;一桶之量;圆筒。 The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels. 这葡萄酒已经在橡木桶里存放近一年了。,After Reading,Exercises : Multiple Choice Translation,Multiple Choice,Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D 1. Why is the Bullitt center very green? A. Because its color is green B. Because its material is very clean C. B
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