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An Analysis of the Latest English Neologisms现代英语新词分析AbstractWith the development of society and the technical advancement, there are a great many neologisms emerging in the English vocabulary. They are not created freely; they follow some rules, the processes of word formation.Without the introduction and conclusion, this article includes three sections, which form the main body of this essay. They define the sources of English neologisms, word-formation processes, and the general trend of English neologisms respectively. The purposes of this article are to study the practical value of English neologisms, stimulate English learners interest, and help them enlarge their vocabulary effectively. Besides, it will help them overcome the obstacle in their English learning and reading caused by the neologisms.Key Words:Neologisms, sources, word-formation processes, trend摘要随着现代社会的飞速发展和科学技术的日新月异,现代英语词汇中涌现出了大量的新词。这些新词并非随意构成,而是遵循了一定的构词规则,即英语词汇构词法。除去引言和结论,文章共分三个部分。它们构成了文章的主体,主体部分分别就英语新词的来源,构词方法,和英语词汇的发展趋势作了详细的研究和论述。文章旨在探索新词的实用价值,激发英语学习者学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们有效地扩大词汇。克服在英语学习和英语阅读中的因新词的出现导致的学习障碍。关键词: 新词,来源,构词法,趋势IntroductionAs a famous American translation theorist Eugene A. Nada (1982) said, “One of the most important characters in English is which could be easily changed.” Exactly, with the development of society and technology advancement, English neologisms are created one after another. According to the counting of the Barnhart Dictionary Companion Magazine, 1500-1600 new words are entering their computer database each year. Modern English has a vocabulary of 500,000 words, and 2/3 of them are created during the latest 300 years(Wang Rongpei,1997)When we read the English newspapers (such as Netizen) and magazines (such asYetties) or listen to the English broadcast (Watergate), how frequently we encounter neologisms and we have to acknowledge the fact that we can not always depend on the dictionaries, so it is very important for English learners to study neologisms. According to the Oxford Dictionary of New Words (Elizabeth Knowles with Julia Elliott, 1998), neologisms refer to the new words and expressions used in the given period. In the English linguistic system, the changing of phonetics and grammar is relatively slow; both of them possess the stability to a certain degree. But the vocabulary is the most sensitive and loose part in the system, the two features offer the great possibility for creating new words. However, English neologisms are not produced freely; most of them are subject to some rules as well as the word-formation processes.In order to have a better understanding of English neologisms, in this article three aspects will be chosen to discuss and analyze the new words. They are: the sources of English neologisms; word-formation processes; and the general trend of English neologisms. The Sources of English NeologismsIn the linguistic system, vocabularies have a close relationship with the ages. So they can reflect the human history and all kinds of social changes very well. Meanwhile, the emergence of neologisms is inevitably effected by the social conditions, customs and habits, values, thinking ways and so many other social factors. To have a good knowledge of the semantic grounds, it is necessary for us to explore the social backgrounds which influence the creation of English neologisms.A. Political AspectSince the Second World War, the world situation was changed rapidly, which had a profound influence on the development of English neologisms. From the Korean War(朝鲜战争)( during the Cold War(冷战) period) to the Kosovo War(科索沃战争) ; after the Third World(第三世界), there is the Fourth World(第四世界) (refers to the poorest country) ; the statemen of each country deal with the foreign affairs frequently,it is the shuttle diplomacy(穿梭外交) ; the conference attended by the leaders of seven western countries was called G-7 Summit(G-7峰会) ; trade disputes always arise among the Japan, America, and Eupro countries in recent years, the so-called Trade War(贸易战). These neologisms reflect the change of world situation at the right time and record the social changes correctly.In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected to be President depending on the slogan “its the economy, stupid ”,but how about the economy condition after four years ? According to the report of Organization for Economy Cooperation and Development, America is the most unequal distribution of income among the advanced industrialized countries. Americans now always talk about income gap(收入差别的鸿沟), the growing gap between the rich and everyone else(富人与其他人之间的越来越大的鸿沟) , income inequality(收入不平等), economic inequality(经济不平等), wealth disparity(贫富差距).Politics influences the language and its vocabulary, and the newly-coined vocabulary reflects the political changes.B. Economic AspectWith the rapid development of world economy and the coming of ecnomic globlization. There are so many neologisms created to keep ab
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